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The International League of Antiquarian Booksellers - A Global Network for the Rare Book Trade

ILAB logoThe global network of rare booksellers in 37 countries

In the aftermath of World War II, representatives from five European countries met in Amsterdam to discuss a new international booksellers’ organization. Its goal was to foster friendship and understanding and to encourage international peace through open markets. By September 1948, ten countries had joined and ILAB/LILA was formally incorporated in Copenhagen. Today’s League retains its original official languages, English and French, and now consists of twenty-two national associations representing some thirty-seven countries and around 1800 individual bookselling firms.


International League of Antiquarian Booksellers ILAB/LILA
The ILAB Secretariat can be contacted via email.

Booksellers’ Expertise – Buy with Confidence

The main objectives of the League are to uphold and advance technical and ethical standards, to encourage international trade, and to contribute to a broader appreciation of the history and art of the book.

Affiliated booksellers worldwide adhere to ILAB’s strict Code of Usages and Customs requiring books and related material to be accurately and professionally described and to guarantee the authenticity and genuineness of all material for sale.