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Magyar Antikváriusok Egyesülete Bosze Adam Zenei Antikvarium / Adam Bosze Music Antiquarian


The Hungarian Antiquarian Booksellers' Association is proud to give the opportunity to TWO YOUNG ANTIQUARIANS to participate in the 42nd ILAB Congress in Budapest between 21 and 23 September, 2016. Please send us the application of any young antiquarian of your choice by 31 May, 2016 consisting of the short CV of the applicant and a brief recommendation by the president of the national association stating why the particular candidate would benefit from participating in the congress, how he would enrich his/her home association and contribute to the event. Having received all applications, the Hungarian association together with the leaderships of ILAB will select the two fortunate candidates whose congress fee and hotel expenses will be covered by the Hungarian association, leaving only the travel costs to be paid from own sources.
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The Hungarian Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association is proud to give the opportunity to TWO YOUNG ANTIQUARIANS to participate in the

42nd ILAB Congress in Budapest between 21 and 23 September, 2016

Please send us the application of any young antiquarian of your choice BY 31 MAY, 2016 consisting of the short CV of the applicant and a brief recommendation by the president of the national association stating why the particular candidate would benefit from participating in the congress, how he would enrich his/her home association and contribute to the event. Having received all applications, the Hungarian association together with the leaderships of ILAB will select the two fortunate candidates whose congress fee and hotel expenses will be covered by the Hungarian association, leaving only the travel costs to be paid from own sources.

We are very much looking forward to receiving your list of candidates!

Ádám Bősze
President of the Hungarian Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association


L’Association Hongroise de la Librairie Ancienne est fière de pouvoir offrir à DEUX JEUNES LIBRAIRES la possibilité de participer gratuitement au

42e Congrès de la LILA qui aura lieu à Budapest du 21 au 23 septembre 2016.

Nous vous prions de nous envoyer les dossiers de candidature de jeunes libraires de votre choix jusqu’au 31 mai 2016. Les dossiers de candidature doivent être accompagnés d’une lettre d’appui rédigée par le président de votre association nationale, précisant comment le candidat pourra profiter de sa participation éventuelle au congrès, comment cela pourra enrichir votre association et comment le candidat pourra contribuer à l’événement. Une fois que les candidatures nous seront transmises, l’Association Hongroise de la Librairie Ancienne et la direction de la LILA choisiront ensemble les candidats chanceux qui pourront participer gratuitement au Congrès, et dont le logement sera payé par l’Association Hongroise de la Librairie Ancienne. Ces candidats ne devront prendre en charge que les frais de leur voyage.

Nous attendons vos candidatures!

Veuillez recevoir mes salutations distinguées:

Bősze Ádám
Président de l’Association Hongroise de la Librairie Ancienne

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