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Wanted! Internships for Three Students from Russia and Scotland

A global "ILAB School" without borders: The International League of Antiquarian Booksellers offers internships to students and beginners in the rare book trade who wish to widen their knowledge through practical learning and to plug into the worldwide network of antiquarian bookselling. ILAB booksellers are very welcome to join the ILAB Internship Program and to provide young students an opportunity to gain invaluable hands-on experience in the international rare book business at any time and in any place in the world. Applicants are carefully chosen after they have contacted ILAB Vice-President Norbert Donhofer, who has initiated the Internship Program in 2009 together with Eric Waschke (Canada) and Professor Dr. Olga Tarakanowa (Moscow State University of the Printing Arts). Former interns spent six to eight weeks in Austria, Netherlands, Germany and Hungary (Alena Lavrenova and Anastasya Zhikhareva), Australia (Pavel Chepyzhov), the United Kingdom (Julia Kulyamzina) and the United States (Julia Kulyamzina). Right now ILAB is looking for the following internships:
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A global "ILAB School" without borders: The International League of Antiquarian Booksellers offers internships to students and beginners in the rare book trade who wish to widen their knowledge through practical learning and to plug into the worldwide network of antiquarian bookselling.

ILAB booksellers are very welcome to join the ILAB Internship Program and to provide young students an opportunity to gain invaluable hands-on experience in the international rare book business at any time and in any place in the world.

Applicants are carefully chosen after they have contacted ILAB Vice-President Norbert Donhofer, who has initiated the Internship Program in 2009 together with Eric Waschke (Canada) and Professor Dr. Olga Tarakanowa (Moscow State University of the Printing Arts).

Former interns spent six to eight weeks in Austria, Netherlands, Germany and Hungary (Alena Lavrenova and Anastasya Zhikhareva), Australia (Pavel Chepyzhov), the United Kingdom (Valentina Rudnitskaya) and the United States (Julia Kulyamzina). Right now ILAB is looking for the following internships:

Ksenia Batueva

Born: 20th April 1990

Address: 1-151 Yakushkina driveway, Moscow, Russia, 127273

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2007 - present time: Moscow State University of Printing Arts (Russia), Faculty of Publishing and Journalism, Department of Book History and Antiquarian Book Trade

Diploma paper: “Organization of the Antiquarian Book Trade in Spain”

1997-2007: middle general school in Moscow region


April 2011 – June 2012: “Veche” Publishing House, sales manager

September 2010 – February 2011: “Lavochka detskikh knig”, Children's Bookshop, purchase manager

December 2007 – August 2010: “Moskva” Book House, shop assistant

Professional Qualification

Work skills: business communication on email and telephone, work on exhibitions, skills on special software programs, handling of accounting documents (bills, invoices, reconciliation acts)

Personal qualities: responsible, inquisitive, ready to learn, executive, honest

Language skills: English – intermediate; Spanish – beginner

Other skills: computer, driving license

Career Goals

I’d love to have a work which will bring me satisfaction and money at once. I’m looking for a job that would be more creative and less “office-ish” then my previous positions. I would be happy to get the great opportunity of international practice with honorable professionals and to continue my career in the book business, especially in the antiquarian book trade.

Maria Rodionova

Born: 26th August 1991

Address: 6-190 Kozeduba St, Balashiha, Moscow region, Russia, 143909

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2009 - present time: Moscow State University of Printing Arts (Russia)

2012 - present time: “Antiquarian book trade” program


December 2012 - Present time: Antiquarian Salon “House of Antique Books in Nikitsky”, assistand commodity expert (Antique Book Department)

April 2012 - December 2012: Trade House “Moskva”, shop assistant (Antique Book Department)

Professional Qualification

Work skills: book descriptions, work with bibliographies and reference books, preparation of auction catalogues, organization of book auctions

Computer skills: MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint

Personal qualities: enthusiastic, conscientious, responsible, open-minded, honest, sociable, willing to learn

Language skills: English – intermediate

Career Goals

To improve my professional skills, to get acquainted with the peculiarities of working with foreign antique books, to share experiences and to apply new knowledge in practice.

Morgan Elizabeth Aronson

Address: GY/57 Gannochy House, St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9BQ (home: 20740 Warfield Ct., Gaithersburg, MD 20882

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2012 - 2013: University of St. Andrews (M.Litt The Book. History and Techniques of Analysis, Modules included Material Bibliography (Cataloguing), Paleography, and the Hand Press Book from Renaissance to Romanticism)

2008 – 2011: McGill University (BA Honours: Political Science, Russian Studies GPA: 3.64)

Sommer of 2010: European University at St. Petersburg (Russian politics, culture, history and language GPA: 4.0)


June 2013 – July 2013: Smithsonian Institute-National American History Museum (Internship with the Dibner Library and Conservation Lab: prepared rare book displays for elite museum visitors, processed new donated inventory, performed paper and binding repair, wrote condition reports and photographed incoming rare books)

January 2013 – May 2013: University of St. Andrews Special Collections (Internship with Special Collections: researched market values for photo-books in St. Andrews’ Special Collections)

December 2011 – August 2012: The American Association for Justice (CLE and STAC Coordinator: managed the accreditation of education programs in all 50 states, coordinated the nationwide Student Trial Advocacy Competition (STAC), dealt directly with member concerns and questions)

June 2008 – November 2008: Obama for America/Campaign for Change (Obama Fellow, Volunteers Coordinator: organized memberships drives and helped to create a grassroots network of supporters, managed the Ohio State Obama campaign office, oversaw a staff of 12 and over a hundred volunteers daily)

Professional Qualification

Competencies: Cataloguing using Millenium, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, InDesign, Photoshop, Excel, Social Media

Language skills: native English, fluent French, beginner Spanish, beginner Russian

Interests: book binding, photography, traveling, antiquing, reading, baking

>>> For further information please contact Norbert Donhofer

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