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'Tome raider' jailed again for stealing antique books

"A Cambridge graduate who stole more than £1m worth of rare books during his career as a professional book thief was today found guilty of stealing £40,000's worth of books from a celebrated library."

By Alexandra Topping

“Serial book thief William Jacques stole books worth £40,000 from a London library, a court hears. A Cambridge graduate who stole more than £1m worth of rare books during his career as a professional book thief was today found guilty of stealing £40,000's worth of books from a celebrated library. William Jacques, nicknamed "Tome Raider" after stealing hundreds of rare books in the late 1990s, drew up a "thief's shopping list", targeting the most expensive books that he could access. He used a false name to sign in to the Royal Horticultural Society's Lindley library in London before hiding valuable books under his tweed jacket, Southwark Crown Court was told.”

Tome raider' jailed again for stealing antique books - Alexandra Topping in The Guardian, Tuesday June 22, 2010

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