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De Caro and the Girolamini Thefts - Germany returns books seized at Munich auction house in May 2012

Recent news concerning the Girolamini thefts and the ongoing investigations: In an official press release the Bavarian authorities announce that they will return some 500 books which were confiscated at the Munich auction house Zisska & Schauer (now Zisska & Lacher) in May 2012 in connection with the thefts from the Girolamini Library in Naples.
Articles 1543 image1 girolamini stamp

The books dating from 16th and 17th centuries and worth over 2 million euros will be handed over to Italian judicial authorities in Munich on 13th February 2015.

>>> Official statement by the German authorities

>>> List of books seized at the Munich auction house

>>> More on the Girolamini thefts

Recent press articles


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English / American press

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>>> Associated Press

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>>> The Local

Germany returns historic books stolen from Italian libraries

>>> APN

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Germany / Austria

Italienische Bibliotheken erhalten wertvolle Bücher zurück

>>> Pressemitteilung der Staatsanwaltschaft München I vom 11.02.2015

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>>> VÖBBlog

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