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De Caro and the Girolamini Thefts - Germany returns books seized at Munich auction house in May 2012

Recent news concerning the Girolamini thefts and the ongoing investigations: In an official press release the Bavarian authorities announce that they will return some 500 books which were confiscated at the Munich auction house Zisska & Schauer (now Zisska & Lacher) in May 2012 in connection with the thefts from the Girolamini Library in Naples. The books dating from 16th and 17th centuries and worth over 2 million euros will be handed over to Italian judicial authorities in Munich on 13th February 2015.
Articles 1543 image1 girolamini stamp

Recent news concerning the Girolamini thefts and the ongoing investigations: In an official press release the Bavarian authorities announce that they will return some 500 books which were confiscated at the Munich auction house Zisska & Schauer (now Zisska & Lacher) in May 2012 in connection with the thefts from the Girolamini Library in Naples. The books dating from 16th and 17th centuries and worth over 2 million euros will be handed over to Italian judicial authorities in Munich on 13th February 2015.

>>> Official statement by the German authorities

>>> List of books seized at the Munich auction house

>>> More on the Girolamini thefts

Recent press articles


Girolamini, la Germania restituirà i libri storici rubati

>>> Napoli

Girolamini, dalla Germania tornano alcuni dei libri rubati

>>> Napoli Today

Girolamini, tornano 500 libri rubati

>>> Gazetta di mezzogiorno

Tornano in Italia 500 libri antichi rubati dalle biblioteche

>>> Libreriamo

Girolamini, restituiti i libri rubati di Copernico e Galileo

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Copernico e Galileo tornano ai Girolamini di Napoli!

>>> Vesuvio live

Girolamini, la Germania restituirà i libri storici rubati

>>> ilDesk

Girolamini, tornano 500 libri rubati

>>> Teleromagna

Tornano i libri antichi trafugati in Italia e ai Girolamini di Napoli. Anche Galileo e Copernico fra gli autori

>>> Espresso

English / American press

Germany to return historic books stolen from Italian libraries

>>> The Hindu

Germany returns historic books stolen from Italian libraries

>>> Associated Press

Germany returns historic books stolen from Italian libraries

>>> Idaho Statesman

Munich to return €2.5M book trove to Naples

>>> The Local

Germany returns historic books stolen from Italian libraries

>>> APN

Germany returns historic books stolen from Italian libraries

>>> Punjab update

Germany / Austria

Italienische Bibliotheken erhalten wertvolle Bücher zurück

>>> Pressemitteilung der Staatsanwaltschaft München I vom 11.02.2015

Italienische Bibliotheken erhalten wertvolle Bücher zurück

>>> VÖBBlog

Italiener erhalten wertvolle Bücher zurück

>>> Börsenblatt online

Bayern gibt Bücher an Italien zurück

>>> art. Das Kunstmagazin

Die Büchermafia und ihr bayerischer Arm

>>> Süddeutsche Zeitung

Bayern gibt geraubte Bücher von Galilei zurück

>>> Die Welt

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>>> Focus online

Bayern gibt gestohlene historische Bücher an Italien zurück

>>> Bild

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>>> Berliner Morgenpost

Bedeutende Werke von Galileo und Kopernikus kehren nach Italien zurück

>>> Der Standard

Bayern gibt gestohlene Bücher zurück

>>> Deutsche Welle

Bayern gibt 500 alte Bücher an Italien zurück

>>> RP online

Bayern gibt gestohlene historische Bücher an Italien zurück

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>>> n-tv

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>>> Merkur online

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>>> Mittelbayerische Zeitung

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