Rare Books in the Press: This Is Why Your Used Bookstore Clerk Hates You
"Although bookstore workers love their customers, or are at least morally obligated to, sometimes the love is so great it turns murderous. Ever tried to finish all-you-can-eat coconut shrimp? That's the love we're dealing with here. Although your narrator worked at a used bookstore just outside of the city more than a decade ago, he shut his eyes tight, remembered three years of Fat Slice Pizza, and relived some moments of quiet desperation."
"You Stole All Our Bukowski"
"You're Spending Too Much Time in the Erotica Section"
"You Check Everything You Own"
"You Ask for a Discount - Every Time"
"You're Asleep"
"You Smell, Sir ..."
Michael Leaverton knows it all. He has worked in antiquarian bookshop, and he remembers well all the moments when rare book dealers and collectors love each other - or not.
>>> This Is Why Your Used Bookstore Clerk Hates You, By Michael Leaverton in SF Weekly