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Matching the Right Wine to the Right Rare Book

"Of the debacle at the ILAB Congress in Madrid, where I denounced all Riojas as swill not suitable to even gargle with and to be accompanied only with cheap reprints of Lorca on a bad day, and of the subsequent riot outside the U.S. embassy and then nationwide strike, I shall say no more." A BOOKTRYST wine tasting in several lessons ...
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A BOOKTRYST wine tasting by Stephen J. Gertz

”I'd like to thank the Director, Father Michael Suarez S.J., for inviting me to present this, the final class of the year at UV's Rare Book School, and for giving me a last only chance. The man's a saint, is what he is. A saint.

Of the debacle at the ILAB Congress in Madrid, where I denounced all Riojas as swill not suitable to even gargle with and to be accompanied only with cheap reprints of Lorca on a bad day, and of the subsequent riot outside the U.S. embassy and then nationwide strike, I shall say no more.

I promised to be on my best behavior but right now I imagine Father Suarez is in a rectory praying that I don't make a complete wreckery of things.

I've brought a selection of some of the finest wines that starving librarians, rare book dealers, and collectors can buy. Which means that the only Lafite you'll be tasting will be the ones at the end of my ankles.


Rioja? Gewürztraminer? Romanée-Conte? Manischewitz ? Châteauneuf-du-Pape? A BOOKTRYST wine tasting in several lessons. Read, drink, enjoy!

>>> Matching the Right Wine to the Right Rare Book, by Stephen J. Gertz (Booktryst, January 7, 2011)