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Former Official of the Ministry of Science Stole Thousands of Books from German Libraries

Over many years a former official of the Ministry of Science stole nearly 15.000 rare and valuable books from German libraries worth millions of euros. The thief was caught a year and a half ago in the Fürstlich Waldecksche Court Library, where he had been a frequent guest. Nobody there had ever thought that he had been the thief of 180 books worth 150.000 euros until he was arrested by the police. The book theft in the Court Library was one of many deeds, of which the former state official is now accused.

Over many years a former official of the Ministry of Science stole nearly 15.000 rare and valuable books from German libraries worth millions of euros. The thief was caught a year and a half ago in the Fürstlich Waldecksche Court Library, where he had been a frequent guest. Nobody there had ever thought that he had been the thief of 180 books worth 150.000 euros until he was arrested by the police. The book theft in the Court Library was one of many deeds, of which the former state official is now accused.

„In seinem Wohnhaus in Darmstadt stapelten sich tausende von wertvollen historischen Bänden, hauptsächlich Ausgaben aus dem 18. Jahrhundert. Bevor der damals 45-jährige Beamte aus dem hessischen Wissenschaftsministerium Ende Februar 2012 auf frischer Tat ertappt wurde, hatte er aus Bibliotheken im ganzen Bundesgebiet und dem europäischen Ausland einen riesigen Schatz zusammengetragen. Die Polizei ging von einem Wert in Millionenhöhe aus ... In der fürstlichen Hofbibliothek in Bad Arolsen ging der Dieb ein und aus und genoss großes Vertrauen - bis er dort gestellt wurde, als er gerade mit mehreren Dutzend Bänden das Gebäude verließ.“

Click here to read the whole article (in German)

>>> Ex-Beamter als Bücherdieb angeklagt (HR Online)