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Don't hope to get rid of books ...

Umberto Eco and Jean-Claude Carrière are two well-known authors and bibliophiles. Their new book is a tribute to the Gutenberg galaxy: N'espérez pas vous débarrasser des livres, in English "Don't hope to get rid of books" ...
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A tribute to the Gutenberg galaxy, by Umberto Eco and Jean-Claude Carrière

Umberto Eco and Jean-Claude Carrière are two well-known authors and bibliophiles. Now they have published a book: N'espérez pas vous débarrasser des livres, or “Don't hope to get rid of books”. The ever amusing and scholarly book is the result of conversations led by Jean-Philippe de Tonnac with Eco and Carrière. Faced with the challenge represented by the digitalization of whole libraries and the adoption of new tools of electronic reading, this book evokes the fortunes and misfortunes of books since the days of Aristotle, thus putting a new perspective on the often announced death of the printed book. This tribute to the Gutenberg galaxy delights all lovers and readers of printed books, and it reassures everyone who fancies his Kindle: The printed book will never die.

Umberto Eco, Jean-Claude Carrière, Jean-Philippe de Tonnac. N'espérez pas vous débarrasser des livres. Grasset & Fasquelle 2009. 330 pp.