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Recent news concerning the Girolamini thefts in Naples (Italy) and the ongoing investigations: As a further reaction to ILAB's official note of protest published in August 2014 ILAB President Norbert Donhofer and ALAI President Fabrizio Govi received an official letter from the Italian authorities. Read more ...
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A letter from ILAB President Norbert Donhofer:

Dear Fellow-Presidents,

Shortly after my visit at Naples where I had met with Italian authorities, I received a letter from Dott.ssa Rossana Rummo from the 'Ministero dei beni e delle attivitá culturale e del turismo'. The title of this letter was:

"Risposta a nota di protesta dell'International League of Antiquarian Booksellers".

Our Italian colleagues have translated not only her letter to me but also Fabrizio Govi's and my answer to her, as well as Dott.ssa Rummo's response to our letter.

We are forwarding all the three letters to you. Feel free to forward those to your members and/or publish them on your website.

Kind regards,

Norbert Donhofer, President of ILAB

>>> Click above to open the pdf file and to read the full correspondence

Further information

>>> De Caro and the Girolamini Thefts – Official Note of Protest of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB)

>>> De Caro and the Girolamini Thefts – A Letter to the Presidents of ILAB's Member Associations

>>> De Caro and the Girolamini Thefts - List of the books withdrawn from auction No 59 at Zisska & Schauer in May 2012

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