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Magyar Antikváriusok Egyesülete Bosze Adam Zenei Antikvarium / Adam Bosze Music Antiquarian

Books from the Shelf - Rare Book Talks in Budapest

Adam Bosze, President of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of Hungary (MAE), is a specialist in books and manuscripts on music from 15th to 20th century. His shop is located in Budapest, but he also exhibits at the major international antiquarian book fairs. Besides being an antiquarian bookseller, he is also a TV and radio journalist, who talks and writes about books and music in television, on the radio and in his blogs in the Internet. From the beginning of October onwards, every first and last Wednesdays of each month Adam Bosze will be talking about the books on music he finds interesting. The books he will talk about are from the shelves of his antiquarian book shop in Budapest. They may be boring or absolutely fascinating, depending on the audience's taste, but they will all be worth discussing.
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Adam Bosze, President of the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of Hungary (MAE), is a specialist in books and manuscripts on music from 15th to 20th century. His shop is located in Budapest, but he also exhibits at the major international antiquarian book fairs. Besides being an antiquarian bookseller, he is also a TV and radio journalist, who talks and writes about books and music in television, on the radio and in his blogs in the Internet.

From the beginning of October onwards, every first and last Wednesdays of each month Adam Bosze will be talking about the books on music he finds interesting. The books he will talk about are from the shelves of his antiquarian book shop in Budapest. They may be boring or absolutely fascinating, depending on the audience’s taste, but they will all be worth discussing.

Guests will be most welcome. Please, sign up and send an email to


October 3, 2012

Ottilie Ebner, Girlfriend of Brahms?

Book from the shelf:

Balassa, Ottilie von: Die Brahmsfreundin Ottilie Ebner und ihr Kreis – Wien, 1933

October 31, 2012

Brother Mozart. Freemasons and Illuminati

Book from the shelf:

Koch, Richard: Br. Mozart. Freimaurer und Illuminaten – Bad Reichenhall, 1911

November 31, 2012

Beethoven, My Love

Book from the shelf:

Nohl, Ludwig: Eine stille Liebe zu Beethoven. Nach dem Tagebuche einer jungen Dame – Leipzig, 1875

November 28, 2012

Composers Libraries (Haydn, Mozart, Liszt)

Books from the shelf:

Robbins-Landon, H. C.: Haydn: Chronicle and Works. Haydn: The Late Years 1801–1809

Konrad, Ulrich; Staehelin, Martin: Allzeit ein Buch. Die Bibliothek Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts – Wolfenbüttel, 1991

Eckhardt Mária; Liepsch, Evelyn: Franz Liszts Weimarer Bibliothek – Laaber, 1999

December 5, 2012

Fighting over Haydn

Books from the shelf:

Carpani, Giuseppe: Haydn. Sein Leben – St. Pölten, 2011

Stendhal: Levelek Haydnról – Budapest, 1973

B?sze Ádám Music Antiquarian Bookshop

Királyi Pál utca 18. Doorbell: 12

1053 Budapest

Time: 6 pm

Admission: free. If you feel like bringing some food or drink along, you are welcome to, but there is no such obligation.

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