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Bologna Reviews: Football Match

Articles dsc03952

Football Match

7 - 2


Bologna, September 23rd, 2010: The ILAB Rest of the World team shot 2 goals against Italy in a dramatic match at Bologna Football Stadium, hugely and loudly supported by the ILAB cheerleaders. Goalkeeper Salvatore "Dieter" Quasimodo frightened the Italian team with his powerful appearance. Finally, Canadian football artist Cameron Treleaven took his place to prevent the worst. Bernard "the brain" Shapero controlled the defense together with Robert Frew. Both are likely to sign a contract at FC Chelsea. ILAB President Arnoud Gerits, the Flying Dutchman, did his best as one of six attackers led by Austrian “Rambo” Michael Sulzmann who (sometimes) put the Italian goalkeeper under pressure. Heroes of the hour were Rodolphe Chamonaldinho and Matthias "Messi" Donhofer. A fair play. The wheelchair was not used. And the Italians? The team led by the fabulous Grande Torino was well-trained, and scored many, many goals ...

Paolo Tonini has published a marvellous picture story about the big event. “Looking at the photos”, he writes, “we will remember nice moments of friendship and joy. Our association joins people of different countries and different customs and gives the prospect of a future society harmonious and united. Bologna has shown that in a wonderful library as much as on the grass of a football pitch, we can say: Amor librorum nos unit."

Click below to download Paolo Tonini’s book as a pdf file

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1. RUI MINO: Giacomo Vigevani (Milan)

33. DENTIS: Dario Dentis (Turin)


2. GILIBERT: Massimo Gilibert (Turin)

3. ROTUNDO: Filippo Rotundo (Milan)

5. G. BOGLIOLO: Gino Bogliolo (Acqui Terme)

15. SINI: Marco Sini (Bologna)

32. FUTUR FC: Filippo Cavalieri (Bologna)

64. CRUCKEN: Marcus Perini (Verona)

88. ATLANTIDEUS: Fulvio Audibussio (Turin)

s.n. Sosio Froncillo (Modena)

s.n. Francesco Marino (Bologna)


8. GRANDE TORINO: Umberto Pregliasco (Turin)

10. GONNELLI: Marco Gonnelli (Florence)

11. F. GOVI: Fabrizio Govi (Modena)

14. BONONIA DOCET: Loris Rabiti (Bologna)

21. POZZI: Giacomo Pozzi (Milan)


7. BRUNO: Bruno Tonini (Brescia)

9. PRIVIT: Antonello Privitera (Verona)

17. P. TONINI: Paolo Tonini (Brescia)

41. COLONNESE: Vladimiro Colonnese (Naples)


Piero Piani (Bologna)



9. SALVATORE QUASIMODO: Dieter Tausch (Innsbruck, Austria)

54. TRELEAVEN: Cameron Treleaven (Calgary, Canada)


2. PROFESSOR MOSER: Andreas Moser (Vienna, Austria)

3. J. COMELLAS: Julien Comellas (Barcelona, Spain)

5. S. AVERTY: Stéphane Averty (Vence, France)

10. PREVOST: Pierre Prevost (Paris, France)

13. P.C. SALMON: Philip C. Salmon (Boston, USA)

18. M. NOSBÜSCH : Manfred Nosbüsch, (Euskirchen-Kuchenheim, Germany)

22. CHAMONALDIÑO: Rodolphe Chamonal (Paris, France)


4. LYNGE & SON: Amnon Lev, (København, Denmark)

6. IL MAGNIFICO: Norbert Donhofer (Vienna, Austria)

7. STEINBACH: Michael Steinbach (Munich, Germany)

8. LINDNER: Hans Lindner (Mainburg Germany)

14. BURDON: Jonathan Burdon (Melbourne, Australia)

15. D. LILBURNE: David Lilburne (Cold Spring, USA)

21. P.J. FEAIN: Paul J. Feain (Sydney, Australia)

23. ROBERT FREW: Robert Frew (London, UK)

s.n. Olivier Pingel (Paris, France)


11. A. GERITS: (Diemen, Netherlands)

16. RAMBO: Michael Sulzmann (Vienna, Austria)

19. R. FLECK: Rob Fleck (New Castle, USA)

20. D. GREGORY: Dan Gregory (Gloucester City, USA)

47. B. SHAPERO: Bernard Shapero (London, UK)

s.n. Adam Bosze (Budapest, Hungary)

s.n. MESSI: Matthias Donhofer


Millie Fleck, Hermione Harrington, Adrian Harrington, Neveen Marchiset,

Heidi Congalton, Charlotte du Rietz, and many others ...