Abaúj Antique Bookshop
- Contact
János Pogány
- Address
Táncsics Mihály u. 11.
Kistokaj, 3553
Hungary - Opening Hours
- By appointment only
- Phone
- +36204289105
- Mobile
- +36204289105
- Website
- https://www.abebooks.com/Abauj-Antique-Bookshop

The Abaúj Antique Bookshop which was founded in 1996 is one of the most significant representatives of the Hungarian second-hand book trade. The second-hand bookshop I lead organizes numerous book auctions year by year in Budapest. I make a catalogue out of the most unique themes every summer. My favourites are autographed books and manuscripts. Autographed books and manuscripts of internationally-recognised writers, poets, historical figures and celebrities can be found in my collection. You cannot even imagine how many rare books and manuscripts can be found in Central Europe! I have created the abaujantique.com website in order to make the world aware of us and get to know us. I would like to learn about your interests and to enlarge your own collection with rarities. Kind Regards from a booklover, János Pogány
- Art
- Autographs
- Illustrated books
- Literature
- Music
- Avant Garde

Abaúj Antique Bookshop’s Catalogues
Sales Information
Trading in old and rare books, resale of new Hungarian books. Name and address of business: Abauj Antique Bookshop János Pogány ev. Kistokaj, H-3553 Táncsics Mihály u. 11. Hungary VAT no.: HU66023191 web: www.abaujantique.com e-mail: abaujantik@gmail.comVAT Number: HU66023191