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Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America

A Bibliophile's Paradise

"Dreaming of a store devoted to books about books? Wake up to reality; Oak Knoll Books makes this fantasy come true."
Articles 267 image1 oakknoll house

By Pradeep Sebastian in The Hindu

“It's the bookshop that every bibliophile secretly fantasises about, and occasionally encounters in a Jorge Luis Borges story. An entire bookstore full of just books about books. Reader, I'm here to tell you that this is no ficcione: such a dream bookshop exists. You will find it in the historic colonial town of Old New Castle in a three-storeyed Opera House built in 1879 where two floors house, in an almost labyrinthine fashion, shelf upon shelf upon shelf of books on books. Oak Knoll Books has the largest inventory in the world of books on books. Its publishing imprint, Oak Knoll Press, tops even this Borgesian fantasy by being a fine press devoted exclusively to publishing books about books.”

A Bibliophile's Paradise - Pradeep Sebastian in The Hindu

>>> Bob Fleck, "who let his hobby get the best of him" – An interview with Nigel Beale

>>> 15th ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography – Special Mention of Oak Knoll Press


>>> Meet the ILAB Booksellers