Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America (ABAA)
- Adresse
155 Water Street, Suite 6-7
Brooklyn, NY 11201
États-Unis - hq@abaa.org
- Site web
- http://www.abaa.org
- Président / Présidente
- Alexander Akin
- Téléphone
- +1 212 944 8291
- akin.alex@gmail.com
- Addresse
- 2141 Mission St., Ste. 300
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States
The ABAA was created on May 29, 1949. The mission of the ABAA is to promote ethical standards and professionalism in the book trade, to encourage the collecting and preservation of antiquarian books and related materials, to support educational programs and research into the study of antiquarian books, and to facilitate collegial relations between booksellers, librarians, scholars, and collectors.
The ABAA has the strictest and most sweeping Ethics Code in the book trade, and all ABAA members are bound by it. The Ethics Code requires that all material offered for sale be authentic, be accurately described, and that a full cash refund, or other mutually agreeable settlement, be available to any purchaser for any item that is not authentic or not accurately described.
Membership is open to antiquarian booksellers of good character, reputation and credit rating who have been in business for four continuous years and require sponsorship of four current members of ABAA and three secondary sponsors.
Each year the ABAA sponsors book fairs in New York, Boston, and California (San Francisco and Los Angeles).
Board of Governors
Brad Johnson, President
Sheryl Jaeger, Vice-President
Elizabeth Svendsen, Secretary & ABAA Security Chair
Peter Blackman, Treasurer
Scott DeWolfe
James Goldwasser
Michael Hackenberg
Ed Hoffman
James Jaffe
Joyce Kosofsky
Ken Mallory
Heather O'Donnell
Claudia Strauss-Schulson
Vic Zoschak, Immediate Past President and Benevolent and Woodburn Fund Trustee
ABAA Office:
Susan Benne, Executive Director
Janine Moodhe, Associate Director