Associação Brasileira de Liveiros Antiquarios (ABLA)
- Address
Rua Visconde de Caravelas, 17
Brazil - President
- Patrick Levy
- President Address
- Patrick Levy
Susan Bach Ltd
Rua Visconde de Caravelas, 17, Botafogo
22271-021 Rio De Janeiro
+55 (21) 25 39 35 90
The ABLA was established in 1945 by Walter Geyerhahn, his brother Stefan Geyerhahn and Erich Eichner. They were all Austrians, naturalized Brazilians and proprietors of the influential "Livraria Editora KOSMOS", located in Rio de Janeiro since 1935. Among the dozens of important 19th century works re-edited by Livraria Kosmos and many of 20th century works edited, was the highly acclaimed "Bibliografia Brasiliana", which was written by Rubem Borba de Moraes and published in association with "Editora Colibris", Amsterdam.
The Brazilian Association joined the League in 1954. All ABLA booksellers strictly adhere to the ILAB Code of Ethics. Their motto is: Competence, Reliability, and Tradition. The founder of the ABLA, Walter Geyerhahn, was president until his death in 1990. Patrick Levy, a partner of the today 80-years-old "Livraria Susan Bach", succeeded him until 1994, when Ana Maria Bocayuva de Miranda Jord of "Sebo Fino Livraria Antiquaria" assumed the presidency. Ana Maria Jord retired and Patrick Levy re-assumed in 2018. "Susan Bach Ltda" was founded in 1941 by Dra Susanne Bach, PhD Philology from Munich University. She had worked before the war for the well known "Librairie Eugie Droz" in Paris, before she immigrated to Brazil in 1941.
Patrick Levy
Patrick Levy, President
JosLuiz Garaldi, Vice President
Margarete Cardoso
Rogerio Pires
Annual Meeting