Zurich 1978
Dear Colleague - wherever this may reach you,
The purpose of this Newsletter is to keep you up-to-date in what is happening in the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers. I do not pretend that Minutes make exciting reading but our Annual Meetings are the life-blood of the League so please have a look at them.
First, a glance back to Zurich. Thanks to the Swiss Association, the Congress & the International Antiquarian Book Fair were admirable. The work-side of the Congress was accomplished satisfactorily. The social programme was a delight.
Included in the proceedings was a meeting to consider the troubles which beset booksellers when exporting, importing & particularly when taking material from one country to another. It was well-attended and an unprecedented international discussion in the annals of the League. The participation was lively & informative. There were those who smarted under a Customs "rip-off" & those with pious hopes of a free circulation of knowledge.
It would seem however, particularly in Europe, that the main difficulties do not arise from Customs Duties but from Value Added Tax. In this respect, the League has collected a dossier of information on the Regulations in all the member countries which will be made available.
The 8th International Antiquarian Book Fair followed the Congress. It was prestigious, impressive, & an outstanding event.
Now, a look ahead. On October 1st & 2nd, 1979, the Presidents will meet in Copenhagen. The 11th Scandinavian Book Fair will take place at the same time. This could be a date for your diary. In September, 1980, the American Antiquarian Booksellers Association is inviting members of the League to a Congress and to a Book Fair in New York. These are golden opportunities. Why not consider joining-in on either or both?
After serving the Danish Association for 12 years as President, Mr. Hans Bagger has been succeeded by Mr. Max Girsel. I extend congratulations & thanks to Mr. Bagger & a warm welcome to his successor.
Finally, please remember that the League exists to serve its members. If you think I can help - drop me a line.
Committee meeting, Sunday, September 17th, 1978
Present: the complete Committee:
Stanley Crowe, President
Bob de Graaf, Vice-President
Hans Bagger, Treasurer
Dr. Maria Conradt, General Secretary
Mitsuo Nitta, Pierre Petitot, William Salloch, Committee Members.
Interpreter: Mrs. Gloor
The President opened the Meeting at 9 a.m.
The Minutes of the Committee-Meeting at London, March 1978, were approved unanimously and signed by the President.
In preparation for the Presidents' Meeting and the General Assembly, the Committee considered the Agenda. With regard to the proposal of the Belgian Association (5 b), the Committee agreed to propose a new edition of the International Directory in 1980 (see the Minutes of the General Assembly).
The President closed the Meeting at 11.50 a.m.
President's meeting, Sunday, September 17th, 1978
Present: the complete Committe.
Messrs. M. Hertzberger, F. De Nobele, E. Gr0nholt Pedersen, FL. Tulkens, Presidents of Honour. The Presidents or their Representatives of the following National Associations: Austria, W. Taeuber: Belgium, R. Wastiau; Canada, E. H. Heinemann (for President D. Mason); Denmark, H. Bagger, also present as Committee Member; France, L. Loeb-Larocque; Germany, G. Reiss; Great Britain, R. Kilgariff; Italy, P. Chellini (for President Dr. R. Rizzi); Japan, K. Koketsu (for President U. Sakai); Netherlands, A. L. van Gendt; Norway, B. Ringstrem; Sweden, Mrs. K. Wachtmeister; Switzerland, A. Laube; USA, L. Witten.
Apologies were received from Mr. Dudley Massey.
Proxies: The proxy for Finland was held by Mr. H. Bagger.
Brazil was not represented.
Interpreter: Mrs. Gloor.
The President opened the Meeting at 14.30 p.m.
Items 1 - 3 of the Agenda were left to the General Assembly.
4. Treasurer's Report: The Treasurer presented Accounts for the period January 1, 1978 to August 31, 1978. All subscriptions had been paid. The International Dictionary continued to sell satisfactorily and orders had been received for the newly available copies of the Dictionary of the Antiquarian Book Trade. Discussing disbursements, the Treasurer pointed out that the copies of the Dictionary were an investment and ensured that copies will be available for a considerable period. The Swedish Association reported that they had placed an advertisement for the International Directory jointly with the League at half the cost, and had received a considerable number of orders. The cost of printing the Newsletter had increased considerably. The charges debited to the "Bibliographical Prize" represented the expenses of the meeting at Stuttgart this year.
The Treasurer stated that the amount received by the League in subscriptions does not cover the running costs and asked the Presidents to agree to a 10% increase. All but two National Associations expressed their willingness to pay an additional 10%. The funds held by the League are need for special exigencies.
With the fall in value of the U .S.-dollar it was proposed that the League should render accounts and receive payments in a firmer currency such as Swiss Francs or Dutch Guilders. This was left at the discretion of the Committee.
Mr. A. van Gendt, President of the Dutch Association, seconded by Mr. R. Kilgariff, President of the A. B. A. of Great Britain, proposed that in future a Balance Sheet should be provided with the Accounts, and that a Budget should be introduced for the following year. The Treasurer agreed that in future this should be done.
Other items on the Agenda were mainly left to the General Assembly.
Future Presidents' Meeting during Congresses:
A suggestion made by Mr. Menno Hertzberger in a letter to the Committee that during Congresses Presidents Meetings should be discontinued was discussed. The intention was to make General Assemblies more attractive. It was agreed that in future one Presidents' Meeting would be held in place of two, unless there was a special need for more. It was envisaged that this may require changes in the time-table.
The President closed the Meeting at 4.30 p.m.
General Assembly, Monday, September 18th, 1978
The President opened the Meeting at 8.45 a.m. and welcomed the Members present.
The Assembly observed a minute's silence in memory of those who had passed away.
1. Nomination of Scrutineers: Mr. R. K. Kirkman and Mr. R. R. Miller were appointed.
2. Minutes of the Congress at Diisseldorf, 1977: The Minutes of the Congress at Diisseldorf, September 1977, published in Newsletter 30, were approved unanimously and signed by the President.
3. Report of the President on the League's activities since September 1977: The President welcomed several newly appointed Presidents of National Associations: Mr. Roger Wastiau, Belgium; Mr. Louis Loeb-Larocque, France; Mr. Godebert R~iss, Germany; Mr. Raymond Kilgariff, Great Britain; Mrs. Karna Wachtrneister, Sweden, and Mr. Lawrence Witten, United States of America.
In his report, the President stated that, in general terms, he thought it could be said, that the affairs of the League progressed normally and satisfactorily.
The complete Committee met In London on March 6th, and he recorded with appreciation and thanks that Mr. Mitsuo Nitta travelled specially from Japan to be present. Copies of the Dictionary of the Antiquarian Book Trade are now available again. He asked members in their own interest, to make the International Directory as widely known as possible and to encourage its sale.
The President commented on the improved appearance and content of the Newsletter and expressed special thanks to Mr. Bob de Graaf, the editor. He stressed the importance of the Newsletter as it is the League's sole direct contact with members spread across the World. Contributions to its pages are welcomed.
The President referred to the importance of Book Fairs both International and National, and reported as proposed in Diisseldorf, the League was in the process of compiling "Guide Lines for the Conduct of International Antiquarian Book Fairs". Also, because of its importance to Antiquarian Booksellers, information was being collected regarding Customs Regulations of Books, Manuscripts and old Prints which it is intended to circulate.
Looking ahead to next year and two vacancies which will occur on the Committee, the President emphasized the importance to the well-being of the League that suitable candidates should be forthcoming. In particular, a new editor for the Newsletter is sought. It is open to any National Association not already represented among the Committee Members to make nominations.
When closing his report, the President drew attention to the fact that it is now 30 years since the League was first founded, and that by its activities, Antiquarian Bookselling has been influenced all over the World.
4. Treasurer'sReport: This is covered by the Minutes ofthe Presidents' Meeting.
5. International Directory: A proposed supplement to the current Directory as considered during the Congress at Diisseldorfhas proved impracticable. The proposal of the Belgian Association to publish annual supplements could only be realised if the whole work was done on a professional basis. The editor, Mr. Hans Bagger, proposed that a new edition should be published in 1980, one year earlier than usual. It was noted that each Association can publish lists of new members, changes of address, ete. in a paid advertisement in the Newsletter, which would be effective.
6. Newsletter: The editor of the Newsletter, Mr. B. de Graaf, reported that while the Committee would prefer to issue two Newsletters annually, it had not been possible to publish one until the summer this year. He would be very glad to receive contributions to print and additional advertising to balance the increased printing and distribution costs.
7. Dictionary for the Antiquarian Book Trade: Copies may be obtained from the Secretary of the League.
8. Customs and Usages: Mr. B. de Graaf reported that the reprint as agreed, with a short introduction by the President, is in the press and will be distributed to the National Associations shortly. These articles, basic and important for trade practice, should be in the hands of every bookseller who is a member of a National Association.
9. Security and Confulential List: Mr. P. Petitot reported that for the first time since he had charge of these matters, he had received information from two National Associations, those of France and Great Britain.
10. Bibliographical Prize: Dr. F. Kocher-Benzing, Secretary for the Prize, stated that 32 entries had been received, coming from 9 countries. The Jury had met in Stuttgart in July and had made a preliminary selection of 10 entries. The Jury will meet again in the spring in 1979.
11. 8th International Book Fair, Zurich, 1978: Mr. A. Laube, President of the Swiss Association, reported that the arrangements for the Fair had been achieved with the assistance of a professional firm, but that all decisions had been taken by the Swiss Association.
13. Elections: Mr. Hans Bagger, Treasurer, and Mr. William Salloch, Committee Member, were both re-elected unanimously.
14. Future Meetings:
1979. At the invitation of the Danish Association, the Presidents will meet in Copenhagen in the earlier part of September, the date to be announced.
1980. Congress in New York, Sept. 21-24; International Antiquarian Book Fair, Sept. 25-28; at the Hotel Americana.
1981. The Japanese Association has expressed its intention to extend an invitation for a Presidents' Meeting in Kyoto, in 1981.
1982. Mr. L. Loeb-Larocque, President of the French Association announced that his association is hoping to extend an invitation for a Congress in Paris in 1982.
When closing the proceedings, the President stressed the importance of the annual business meetings without which the League could not exist, and which needed full support. He thanked everyone for their attendance. He also thanked Mrs. Gloor, the interpreter, for her excellent and tireless help.
The President closed the Meeting at noon.
Final Committee Meeting, Wednesday, September 20th, 9 a.m.
Present: the complete Committee; later Mr. Menno Hertzberger. The Committee held a routine meeting to take note of proposals and comments made during the Congress.
Finance. The League's finances were discussed and it was agreed that the amount of subscriptions should at least cover expenses.
The re-imbursement available to Committee Members for travel expenses would remain at $ 200, although, in reality, with a depreciated U.S. dollar they would receive less. It may be necessary to increase the price of advertisements in the Newsletter.
Dictionary of the Antiquarian Book Trade: Mr. Menno Hertzberger joined the Meeting at his request to discuss aspect of this. These aspects, for the moment being cleared by the printed minutes of the Düsseldorf Congress, seem tore main part of coming sessions.
Next Meeting: The Committee decided to meet in London March 5th, 1979.
The President closed the Meeting at 11.45 a.m.