Wanted! ILAB Internship!
A global "ILAB School" without borders: The International League of Antiquarian Booksellers offers internships to students and beginners in the rare book trade who wish to widen their knowledge through practical learning and to plug into the worldwide network of antiquarian bookselling. All ILAB booksellers are very welcome to join the ILAB Internship Program and to provide young students an opportunity to gain invaluable hands-on experience in the international rare book business at any time and in any place in the world. Applicants are carefully chosen after they have contacted ILAB President Norbert Donhofer, who has initiated the Internship Program in 2009 together with Eric Waschke (Canada) and Professor Dr. Olga Tarakanowa (Moscow State University of the Printing Arts).
Former interns spent six to eight weeks in Austria, Netherlands, Germany and Hungary (Alena Lavrenova and Anastasya Zhikhareva), Australia (Pavel Chepyzhov and Maria Rodionova), the United Kingdom (Valentina Rudnitskaya), the United States (Julia Kulyamzina), and in Spain (Ksenia Batueva). Right now ILAB is looking for the following internship:
Dr. Maria Ida Moretti
Address: Nieuwe Rijn 30 A, 2312 JD Leiden, Netherlands
Nationality: Italian
Born: 21st December 1982
>>> email
2010 - 2011: Post-graduate diploma at the School of Archaeology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”; thesis: Integrated study of Geophysical and Archaeological data: The site of Ebla
July 2010 - December 2010: Training course at the Special Superintendency for the Archaeological Heritage of Rome for the SITAR Project
2008 - 2009: Second level University Master in “Geotechnologies for Archaeology” (GTARC) at the Geotechnology Centre of the University of Siena, in San Giovanni Valdarno, Italy; thesis: Integrated Geophysical researches for Archaeological prospecting
2007 - 2008: Master's Degree in Studies of Archaeology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza"; thesis: Anthropoid sarcophagi of Sidon and other patterns in Phoenician and Punic Mediterrean Sea
2003 - 2004: Bachelor's degree in Studies of Archaeology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza"; thesis: Phoenicia during the Persian Age
March 2001: Course of English language and grammar at the Centre of English Studies in Dublin, Ireland
2000 - 2001: Secondary school diploma in Classical Studies at the State Classical Secondary School “Socrate”, Rome, Italy
September 2012 - December 2013: Libreria Silvio D’Amico (Via S. D'amico 1, Roma, Italy), book cataloguer, customer assistant, book order management
March 2010 - June 2013: tourist guide, organizer and supervisor (Cultural Association “Amici di Roma”)
April 2010 - August 2011: Archaeologist; supervision and activities of the archeological excavation, production of the graphic documentation and paper (photos, monthly reports and quarterly US cards, USM cards of burial, the matrix, stratigraphic sections); study of materials (“Opus Progetti S.r.l”, Via Cesena, 22, Rome, Italy)
March 2007 - August 2011: Organiser of historical, artistic, archaeological school camps and labs, educational tours in Rome and in Italy (“L'Isola che c'è” Via Efeso 2/a, Rome, Italy), tourist guide for the project “Through the streets of Ancient Rome at night”, under the patronage of the Municipality of Rome
2004 – 2006: Librarian at the Library of Prehistoric Archaeology
Professional Qualification
Language skills: Italian (native), English, French
Computer / Internet: Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/7. Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office XP/2003/2007/2010 Pro and Open Office. Good knowledge of programs for implementing and creating a geographic database and vectorial maps (ArcGis 9.2/9.3), graphic programs (Autocad; Rhinoceros 3D), programs to convert numerical data into maps (Geoplot 3.1, Surfer 8), programs to analyse satellite images (Erdas Immagine 9.1)
Working skills: Excellent abilities to work in stressful situations, especially related to the relationship with the public, excellent skills to organize work according to deadlines
Personal statement
“I’m an extrovert and friendly person, interested in acquiring new knowledge and new skills. I'm sensitive and keen of any kind of fine art. I have a personality led by a strong sense of curiosity and I'm passionate about travel, photography and architecture.
>>> For further information please contact Norbert Donhofer