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Vienna 2007 (Committee)


Verband der Antiquare Österreichs,

Grünangergasse 4, Vienna - Austria

Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd March 2007

1) President’s Welcome

The Meeting is called to order by President Michael Steinbach at 2.00 pm :

“Dear Committee Members, Dear President of Honour,

Let me welcome you to our biannual committee meeting in Vienna, still my hometown, although I have been living the last 35 years in Munich, Germany. I am glad that most of you could make it to this beautiful city and I hope you will enjoy your stay here. My special thanks go to our host the Austrian Association and its President Norbert Donhofer, who made this meeting possible.

This will be my first committee meeting as President of the League, so please be patient if things don’t go as smoothly as they should. I am convinced that together we will have a successful meeting.

So let’s start working !”

2) Presence and Apologies

Present :

President : Michael Steinbach

Vice President : Adrian Harrington

Treasurer : Poul Poulsen

Committee Members : Tom Congalton, Paul Feain, Jean-Pierre Fouques, Tsukasa Maeda Executive Secretary : Nevine Marchiset

President of Honor : Alain Nicolas (Thursday only)

Translator for Mr. Maeda: Mariko Yoshida-Karlhuber

Apologies :

Apologies have been received from:

General Secretary, Arnoud Gerits, has been taken ill with a very bad case of flu and has had to cancel his trip.

Immediate Past President, Bob Fleck, was unable to leave his home at present due to family reasons.

Apologies have also been received from Presidents of Honour Kay Craddock and Anton Gerits.

3) Approval of Delaware Committee Minutes

Tom Congalton, seconded by Paul Feain, move to approve the minutes of the ILAB Committee meeting of 6th & 7th September 2006 held in Newcastle, Delaware, USA. The motion is approved unanimously.

4) President’s report

Michael Steinbach reads his report:

“As the circumstances did not allow me to be present at the last meeting in New Castle in the fall 2006 and at the official take over of the Presidency in Wilmington, where Vice President Adrian Harrington represented me in a fabulous way, this is the first time where the whole new committee meets together and I am very thankful that all of you could make it possible to come to Vienna.

Because of my absence at the meetings in Delaware and to keep me up to date, we arranged a reduced committee meeting in Paris on 6th October 2006, where Vice President Adrian Harrington, Treasurer Poul Poulsen, General Secretary Arnoud Gerits, Jean Pierre Fouques and our executive Secretary Nevine Marchiset, who generously hosted the meeting, were present. Thanks to them I was able to inform myself of what had happened. The minutes of this meeting you will find in your portfolio.

A major concern was the second edition of the ILAB Publications UK directory. As a result of intensive communication between Nevine Marchiset and the people from Publications UK, and the final visit from Nevine to London to revise the contents of the new directory, it looks like the outcome this time will be a lot better than the first time and will be something we can live with. Furthermore due to wise negotiations of Nevine, Publications UK will print a pocket size directory for our affiliates also for free.

The Prize for Bibliography was another target we had to face, since Raymond Kilgariff was stepping down as Chair of the Prize Committee. After a couple of emails I convinced Mr. Mitsuo Nitta from Yushodo Company to take over as Chair. We, and me personally, can be very happy that he is willing to do this job, he is the right person for this challenge. With Arnoud Gerits he has a competent secretary at hand and together they will form an excellent team. With Monsieur Jean-Marc Chatelain we have already one member for the jury, we still have to find two scholars to complete it. About the fund raising for the Prize there are negotiations with the Breslauer Foundation and also a letter to our affiliates asking for contributions will be sent.

Our internet appearance still has to be improved. Jean-Pierre Fouques has made some good suggestions at our Paris meeting, but they have not been put into practice so far.

A lot of successful efforts have been made to make ILAB more visible to the public and also to our affiliates. Posters and bookmarkers have been printed and distributed at ILAB book fairs, a computer was installed at the San Francisco book fair where customers and affiliates could search the ILAB database. This was well accepted by the public and we should consider to have this on other fairs too.

One of my goals for the time of my Presidency was to strengthen the ties between our affiliates. A good way to achieve this has been the creation of the “Mini-Newsletter” which, thanks to Tom and his team has turned out to be a great success and was very well accepted by most of our affiliates. I hope we can continue in this way and publish ca. 3 issues per year. A questionnaire has been compiled and was sent together with the newsletter. It hopefully will give us some useful information for negotiations with official bodies.

The Palma Congress and Barcelona book fair are in preparation. A timetable and contents of both events is in your portfolio. I am in contact with the Spanish President Mr. Ripoll and he promised that a first general invitation to be sent to the affiliates will be ready soon. New guidelines for congresses and book fairs have been worked out, you can find the suggestions also in your portfolio.

An official letter was written to CINOA to work together more closely and there was a positive response from CINOA, inviting a representative from ILAB to their annual meeting this year. We should invite also somebody from CINOA to our meeting in September in Paris.

A letter to the AIB was written to coordinate better the dates of their and our events, so that it is possible in the future that people are able to participate in both events. This will happen the first time in 2008 when the congress of the AIB will take place the week after our congress in Spain.

ABEbooks started a campaign to invite National Presidents to a meeting first in Vancouver, then in Sans Francisco after the Book Fair. They wanted to use ILAB to improve their image as serious internet booksellers. After various phone calls and emails it turned out that they were not willing to give any advantage to ILAB dealers in return. So the offer was turned down. Finally only one President participated, not as official representative of his association, and some 30 individual book dealers. This intent shows once more that we have to work hard to convince our affiliates to participate in the ILAB database. A special offer from Rockingstone was announced in the Newsletter but has not yet been sent out to our affiliates.

As you can see, many things have been achieved in the past half year, but a lot more is in front of us. Let’s keep working together for the benefit of our affiliates and for the good of the League.”

5) General Secretary’s report

Arnoud Gerits being absent, his activities are summarised by Michael Steinbach: he has sent a letter of intent to CINOA which has once again invited ILAB to send a representative to their Annual Meeting later this year, in June 2007 in Italy. The Committee recommended Arnoud as the perfect choice for representing ILAB with CINOA. He has also been very active with Rockingstone and Jelle Samshuijzen with the result that past articles, minutes of the past General Meeting and the newsletter have been uploaded to the Members Only section of the website.

6) Security Chairman’s report:

Paul Feain reads his report:


The thieves never stop and nor do the confidence men and women.

The last six months has seen the usual number of theft notifications. Emails are sent out and books are added to the ILAB stolen book database. Of course it is very unusual to receive any notices of stolen books being recovered. Although one must take heart from the very occasional recovery which does take place.

There has been an increase in the amount of activity from tricksters and fraudsters in Indonesia lately. Security notices sent out to ILAB members have prevented the potential loss to a few members. Two members notified me of orders that they had received and did not process because of the warning emails. So this gave me encouragement.

SLAM has requested that all notices are sent out in French as well as English. I should be able to do this easily as I have a native French speaking staff member. If there is any problem I will liase with Nevine for assistance. Perhaps we should look at providing this service in Geman as well. I feel sure that we could find someone to perform this translation service.

Books continue to be added to the stolen book database slowly. I would like to see the ILAB committee advise the Presidents every six months of the existence of the stolen book data base and to encourage them to get their members to talk to librarians and suggest that they use the database when books have been stolen from them.

There are now 1241 books entered in the database. 130 have been added in the last six months

A discussion follows on the need to translate security messages into French, as it is the other official language of the League. The decision is taken to have such translations made, excepting the book descriptions. Furthermore, if and when necessary, a summary will be made into French and/or any other language.

7) Treasurer’s report

Poul Poulsen hands out an overview of accounts from July 1st 2006 to February 15th 2007 and reads his report:

The Overview you have in front of you is covering the first 7½ month of the League’s financial year, which is going from July 1st 2006 to June 30st 2007.

The figures in the first 2 columns is our budget, which was adopted by our members in Wilmington 2006 in US$ and EUR. and the two last columns are the figures of what we have received and spent up to February the 15th 2007.

If we start by looking at our income, then the subscriptions have up to February 15th brought in 18.300 $, paid by ABAA, Australia, and Norway and we have just, that is after February the 15th received the subscription from Denmark and France and ABA is, according to an E-mail I have received, on the way.

The amount under Book Fairs levy is as you can see covering Stuttgart 2006, Melbourne 2006, Stockholm 2006 and the ABAA fairs in New York in April and September 2006 and Boston 2006. From ABA I will shortly, they told me so by an e-mail, receive the Book Fair levy from Edinburgh, Olympia and Chelsea.

Norway has bought some ILAB-pins.

Newsletter Advertisement – up to now no income – but do we have any ads. in the new Newsletter ?

On the disbursement side We have spent nearly 17.000 $ on the, that include our participation at 2 book fairs - Stolen Books datebase the budgeted 1.000 $

We have up to now spent nearly 19.000 $ on administration, that includes the yearly and meeting allowance to the Committee members, The printing of the new ILAB-LILA stationary, tax in Switzerland, fee to the Swiss Layer and Swiss Accountant, the dinner in Wilmington, and the gifts to ABA and Raymond Killgariff .Our allow me to say over-efficient executive secretary cost us a little over 19.000 $. On reimbursement of the committee’s travel expenses we have up to now used 7.500 $, on the ilab/lila book-marker 2000 $, postage, telephone and fax expenses amount to nearly 450 $ and the bank charges amount to 417 $.


The Bibliographical Prize foundation has received a donation on 1.000 $ from Canada and the 3rd of 8th yearly donations from ABA is under way to the bank, and the amount for the Bibliographical books we have sold to ABA, so now the Bibliographical Foundation has 4.169 $ cash in the Bank + the Shares and Bonds

With these remarks I have finished my report.

Nevine Marchiset asks whether the dues still owed by Sandy Smith for the 2005 and 2006 New York Book Fairs have been forwarded to the ILAB Treasurer. Poul Poulsen replies that he has received funds from the ABAA which are probably the previously unpaid dues. He has in fact no way of finding out. Michael Steinbach suggests that henceforth a paper with the details should be filled in by the association paying its fair dues before sending the funds to the Treasurer. Poul Poulsen replies that such a form does exist but that very few associations bother to fill it.

8) Presidents’ Meeting in Paris

Jean Pierre Fouques explains that the invitations with the programme and practical information are currently being sent out by the SLAM. An intention of participation will be requested by the end of March. Nothing special to report yet. Michael Steinbach will send an invitation to CINOA to attend this meeting.

Status of Asian non ILAB dealers:

Michael Steinbach mentions that while in San Francisco for the book fair, Mr. Nitta spoke to him about important dealers in countries without national associations, like Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, India... who cannot become ILAB affiliates and who might not want - for national pride reasons - to belong to one of the existing national associations. Perhaps they could be invited to attend our General Meetings as observers? Mr. Maeda who is asked for his opinion, explains that China is a very proud country who needs to have its own national association but the country being so huge, it is very hard to organise. Taiwan dealers would have similar feelings although it might be easier for them to join the ABAJ than it would be for Chinese dealers.

Two antiquarian book fairs a year are held in Thailand. Some checking can be made with Mr. Lowendahl, ILAB dealer (member of the ABA) in Thailand.

It seems that two possibilities exist: either an Asian Association is created, which such dealers could join, or else check whether it is possible to create a status of ILAB “friend” or “observer”, who would neither pay subscriptions nor vote, but who could exhibit at an ILAB book fair. (Note: point 15 of the ILAB by-laws already stipulate that “Antiquarian booksellers operating in a country where a national association does not exist, and also national associations whose country is not represented in the League, may be invited to attend the Ordinary General Meetings in the capacity of observers. They have no voting privileges.”)

This option is to be studied before the General Meeting in Paris, and put on the Agenda for discussion. Michael Steinbach adds that a list of important Asian dealers should be made, that a letter should be drafted to them to invite them to attend the 2008 congress in Majorca/Barcelona.

Mr. Maeda adds that the ABAJ has links with Taiwan dealers and if we send them a letter, then perhaps they could form an association. But that if such an association becomes an ILAB member, then China might never want to join if and when it creates its own association. Perhaps giving such dealers a “friend” status would be better. Paul Feain asks whether if an Asian Association is formed with members from Taiwan it would stop Chinese dealers from joining such an association. Mr. Maeda doesn’t know and explains that Chinese dealers don’t contact the ABAJ because they want to be “the chiefs” and not subject to the Japanese. Adrian Harrington adds that until such time that a decision is reached, such dealers should be told that they can ask to join any national association in order to participate in existing ILAB book fairs.

Michael Steinbach concludes by saying that a letter of intent should be sent to dealers in some countries asking them to join a national association or form one. Such names will be obtained from Paul Feain, Adrian Harrington, Tsukasa Maeda and Mitsuo Nitta.

Agenda for Paris Meeting

He also asks Nevine Marchiset to send out the Agenda on time at the appropriate date in June and reminders to the national associations requesting agenda items sometime in May.

Note: The General Meeting is on Friday 28th September 2007. The notice convening it must be sent out no later than 14th August. Agenda items must be sent to the Committee no later than 30th July. However

9) Prize for Bibliography

Michael Steinbach reminds the committee that Mitsuo Nitta has agreed to Chair the Prize committee, and that further to a long talk with him in San Francisco Mr. Nitta wants to bring in new ideas, in particular opening more widely the funding possibilities, by going for example to firms such as Toyota, Honda, etc. for sponsorship. Mr. Nitta has very good contacts and might achieve a lot.

Nevine Marchiset mentions that CINOA also funds an annual prize of 10,000€ for academic publications.

Adrian Harrington says that further to a lunch he had with Bernard Shapero’s partner, who explained to him that ILAB would be of triple A value to a sponsor such as American Express, it might be a good idea to also approach them.

Paul Feain asks whether we shouldn’t first define what we want before doing away with Breslauer.

We definitely want sponsors.

Our name is definitely not for sale, and should remain “the ILAB Prize for Bibliography”.

Should we say: “ILAB Prize for Bibliography sponsored by XXX...” or just affix their logos at the bottom? Most of the committee members’ preference is for logos at the bottom.

Paul Feain suggests that perhaps we could print a catalogue with all the entries, in which all the sponsors could advertise for free? And that ILAB should give them more than just a logo space.

Michael Steinbach reminds him that we are giving them the right to use the ILAB logo!

He adds that, concerning Breslauer, a meeting should be arranged between Felix [please supply proper name], Arnoud Gerits and Michael Steinbach, possibly during the Paris Book Fair. Perhaps Bob should arrange it? Adrian Harrington adds that we need to know more about the Breslauer Foundation, their aims, their by-laws, their activities.

It is further decided that the committee should be allowed to take decisions concerning sponsors if no strings are attached, but in the case where strings should be attached to an eventual donation, then the Presidents should be asked to vote on it at the General Meeting.

Alain Nicolas reminds us that the Presidents should be presented with a definite and concrete project.

Michael Steinbach adds that if we are willing to open, Mitsuo Nitta will draft a letter to prospective sponsors. A discussion about their response will be put on the Paris Agenda.

If we get enough money, the Prize can become bi-annual, we can do more PR, etc... The committee unanimously decides that it is willing to open up the prospecting for sponsorship. Alain Nicolas says that ever since the Sydney Presidents’ Meeting, such opening had been discussed and agreed upon by the presidents.

Concerning the Prize Jury, we still need to find two more scholars. Nevine is to call Umberto Pregliasco to ask him about his progress with Umberto Eco. Perhaps she can send Mr. Eco another letter? She will also forward to the committee the email received from John Critchley concerning British scholars.

10) Directory

Nevine Marchiset reports on the recent work done for the new edition of the Directory. It should be ready within the next two weeks.

Stewart Lee will be asked whether 4,000 copies can be printed for ILAB instead of 3,000.

1,500 will be sent to Tom Congalton for the USA. We have to find storage place for the others. Check with Arnoud? Some copies will be sent to the National Associations but most will be handed out at book fairs for PR.

The pocket size directory, which should be available in two months, will be mailed to the national associations who will be invoiced for the mailing charges.

A fifteen minutes break is observed at 4.00 pm.

13) Website and database

Information about non ILAB events:

Tom Congalton asks whether such news, if posted on the website, would be available to all or only to the affiliates. Adrian Harrington explains that for years, he has been trying to convince us that the ILAB website should become a one stop shopping site for the book collector. In order to achieve that, all relevant book related information should be posted on the website, as it will help the site to grow. Tom Congalton agrees that the more content, the better, as it also helps Google searches. Michael Steinbach says that people are afraid we might be advertising the competition. Adrian Harrington explains that Google rewards altruism: for example a book collector visiting Vienna will want to know about book fairs in Vienna; if he types in “book fair vienna” on Google, then Google will send him to the ILAB site if such information is available. Jean Pierre Fouques agrees that it would be a good thing to list all bookfairs on our website, whether they are ILAB or not, but is against listing auction sales. The committee decides that for the moment, auction sales will be left out, but that all book fairs, book conferences shall be listed, but that a disclaimer will be added for non ILAB book fairs. Practical details will be discussed later with Jelle from Rockingstone. This will be added on the Paris agenda.

Website links (Sheppards Confidential)

Adrian Harrington explains that Sheppards Confidential might be happy to exchange links with us. The question arises of a website editor, as no one is presently in charge of the website contents which should regularly be updated and renewed. Michael Steinbach is of the opinion that it cannot be delegated to one of us as it’s a huge work and that we are all already quite busy. Tom Congalton asks whether we can afford to pay for one. Poul Poulsen replies yes, provided the subscriptions are raised to 50$! Nevine Marchiset asks whether all the information would need to be translated into French, to which a unanimous No is given. The Committee is going to look for a bookdealer willing, for a small fee, to become the website editor.


The committee has been having communication problems with Jelle from Rockingstone. Tom Congalton suggests that he should call two people on our committee twice a month. Adrian adds that the ABA internet committee wrote twice to him, without receiving a response. Jean Pierre Fouques also wrote to him, without any response. He suggests that the committee should organise two meetings a year with him with two people from the committee (Arnoud and Jean Pierre) as small meetings are more productive. Adrian says Jelle has to know that Jean Pierre is the internet man on the committee and that communication has to improve. Jean Pierre recommends that instructions are given to him through the committee meetings twice a year with two technical restricted meetings as well. Perhaps a technical meeting with Jelle and Arnoud and Jean Pierre the day before the committee meeting might be an idea? We have to ask Jelle how he wishes the communication to be made with him.

A discussion about improvements of the website follows.

25) Other business

- Raymond Kilgariff’s wife has recently died and the committee has paid for a memorial tree for Raymond to plant. Adrian Harrington reads out a letter of thanks received from him.

The meeting is adjourned at 5.45 pm.

It resumes on the following day, at 9.15 am

ILAB red

- The Pantone colour sampler is shown in order to choose the ILAB red, as it seems that the colour noted in the information Kit is not the ILAB red (it is too brownish). All the reds of the sampler are attentively looked at, and compared to the ILAB pin.

The colour unanimously chosen is PANTONE 200C. Nevine will make the change in the Kit.

13) Website and Database meeting with Jelle Samshuijzen

A screen has been set up and Jelle Samshuijzen joins the meeting with his computer. The internet connection is operational.

Newsletter of national associations

Jelle is asked if it is any problem to put the Newsletters of the national associations on the members only section of the website. He replies that there should be absolutely no problem, whatever the format (Word, PDF, etc.). Tom asks whether the newsletters could be accessible to the public, to which Adrian adds that perhaps the articles which can be shown to the public should be marked. Tom replies that the whole of the ABAA letter can be public. Jean Pierre Fouques replies that it is not so for the SLAM’s. However, he can look into extracting the parts which can be shown to the general public. Adrian will do the same for the ABA newsletter.

Calendar of book fairs on website

Adrian explains yesterday’s discussion to Jelle about the calendar of book fairs. The ILAB fairs would be listed on a first page, and a link would lead to non ILAB book fairs, in a chronological order, month by month. A country sorting within the chronological order should be made available. He adds that the committee is working on getting a website editor, Tom asks Jelle whether it would be possible for him to access the contents directly to change them without having to go through Rockingstone each time a change is necessary, to which Jelle replies affirmatively.

Home page for associations with no website

Some associations have no website. Jelle is asked whether it would be possible to create a basic home page for them which would link back to the ILAB website. He agrees that it is possible to offer a simple home page to associations without a website (Brazil for example). He will look into the cost, offer the countries to pay for it. It will, however, be done nevertheless, as we should get multiple linking going on.

Active logos

Concerning the national associations page on the website, Adrian asks Jelle whether the logos could become active links. This will be done. Some of the logos displayed on this page do not have a very good resolution, Jelle will see to it.

Improvements to the home page

Concerning the website improvements, Jean Pierre Fouques analyses the ILAB home page. He feels that something is lacking. He would like to see a slogan, a statement, so that any visitor knows at first glance what he has linked to. A discussion follows about what slogan should be posted. It is decided to add, just below the ILAB - LILA heading: “Buy books in confidence from the world leading booksellers”. Furthermore, a link at the bottom of the page, next to “how to become an ILAB bookseller” will be added and read: “Do you have books to sell?”

Nevine Marchiset will write a paragraph explaining how visitors can sell books to an ILAB bookseller.

Jean Pierre Fouques explains that he would also like to have lots of photos on the home page. He realizes that there is no place. However, perhaps on the right hand side, in place of the Highlights, maybe a gallery of small photos with a link to “more photos”? This link should go to a page full of photographs where a simple click on the photo would lead to the book description. It would be much more attractive, appealing and visual. It should be called “Gallery” instead of “Highlights”.

Adrian asks how much it costs to set pictures on the ILAB website. Jelle replies that there is a set up fee as well as a storage fee.

Adrian adds that he would like the red search block on the home page to be moved between the two written paragraphs, as it would probably encourage people to read them.

Ease of use of the website

Jean Pierre Fouques adds that the website is not always easy to use for a bookseller. He finds it difficult to load pictures. He ends up by putting them on a CD and mailing them to Rockingstone. It is easier on other websites. It would encourage dealers if it were easier. Jelle will look at procedures and see if they can be facilitated. Adrian adds that a great deal of ABA members don’t know that they can upload pictures on the ILAB website. Jelle explains that the photos need not be on Rockingstone’s server, as a link can be set up. This will have to be properly explained in the offer which will soon be sent out.

Website facilities

Jelle explains that about 100 dealers use his search engine on their own website. Adrian adds that most dealers are not even aware that Rockingstone offers this service. He asks Jelle if he would be willing to waive the set up fee and offer the first three months for free. Jelle agrees, but adds that we have reached the border line of what he is willing to offer, as the number of participants is decreasing (520 instead of 545 a few months ago). Adrian explains that we want to push this new offer very hard in order to raise our visibility. Jelle adds that a catalogue can also be created from the website onto a dealers’ own website. Adrian reminds us that using ILAB’s search engine on a dealers’ home page also entitles to use the shopping basket and the secure order form and payment.


Jelle then goes on to explain that the Google criteria change all the time in order to avoid being tricked by people. However, adding many articles to the website increases the odds of being found by Google, as words which can be indexed are often contained in such articles. Therefore, the more content, the better. Tom suggests that we should gather articles for free which could be added. Jelle explains that we can make a choice of keywords for sub-directories (this is very technical and the public does not notice it).

Nevine will send Jelle all the existing PDF’s for adding posters to the downloads section of the website, taken from Between the Covers’ website.

Indexation of books

This leads to a discussion about the indexation of the website. Jelle explains that Rockingstone has been doing a lot of work, in particular to get the books indexed. Most books can be found on Google. The statistics are very eloquent: In January 2006 the Google robot got 179,781 information from the ILAB website. In January 2007 the number had risen to 590,000. This shows that in one year Google has retrieved a lot more information from the ILAB website. The number of searches from countries has also risen in one year, example:

- China: up to Jan. 06, 11 visits - Up to Jan 07, 7,976 visits.

- Taiwan: up to Jan 06, 74 visits - Up to Jan 07, 780 visits.

Other languages on the website

Mr. Maeda says that he will try to provide a translation so that a Japanese version of the website be available.

Michael adds that he will try to convince Manuel Ripoll of the necessity to have a Spanish version.

Offer to Affiliates (item 14 of Agenda)

All that Rockingstone has to offer will have to be properly explained in the letter which will soon be sent out to the affiliates. Michael therefore suggests that the existing letter should be changed to include it all. Jelle will have a look at the letter and re-draft such points. It will also be necessary to explain that what appears to be free on ABE isn’t actually so because of their exhorbitant commission charges. ILABs charge for the search engine is not only very cheap but allows a dealer to have his own (ILABs) secure payment system without having to pay commissions had he been using Abe’s search engine.

As soon as all the details have been looked into, which should be quite soon, the offer will go out hard copy to the affiliates. Possibly the Netherlands is still the cheapest country to mail from. Arnoud will be asked to look into this. Two weeks after the hard copy offer, it will be sent out again through the email.

Source code keywords and links to our website

The kewords of the source code of the ILAB website seem to be all in Enlgish. Jelle explains that source code words are now less important for Google searches than they used to be, and that Google remembers only the first six or seven of them. We should therefore limit ourselves to such a number. However, an invisible page should be created with as many keywords as possible. A discussion follows on the merit of various key words for the source code, while searching Google with the various words. To conclude this, the following words are chosen:

“Rare - Old - Books - Antique - Booksellers - Bookshops - Bookdealers”

Jelle will check the words on the French and German pages. He will send to Jean Pierre and Michael the existing words, and they will send him back the words they want:

Jean Pierre will send the French words.

Michael will send the German words.

Jelle will also find the words for the Chinese version and the forthcoming Japanese version.

Jelle explains that the best way to have a higher ranking with Google is to have as many links as possible to our website.

A fifteen minutes break is made at 11.45 am.

The discussion resumes.


The computer is linked to Here are the results found:

Ilab-lila v/s abaa

345,000 2,510,000

ilab v/s abaa

3,620,000 2,510,000

ilab v/s abe

2,620,000 27,600,000

ilab v/s abebooks

2,620,000 12,100,100

Froogle and Utube

Jelle then explains how Froogle works, as some of the orders on the ILAB website originate from Froogle. A database is uploaded into Froogle which allows it to be searched. Howver, the UK or the US Froogle only allow English words, and book descriptions often contain non English words. However, Froogle is currently being set in other countries.

Jelle also explains that it would be possible to link book videos to Utube. Paul Feain shows on his camera how a video showing the details of a book can be useful as a sales tool.

Google Adwords Campaign

A discussion follows about the Google adwords campaign. It is decided to start it right away. What amount should be spent, and on which languages and in which countries? Jelle is already spending 350 euros a month on English keywords. The Committee decides to spend money on such a campaign, until after the September General Meeting, where the fruits of such a campaign will be analysed. The following sums will be spent each month:

350 euros for English words (to be added to Rockingstone’s 350€) with the results showing in all countries.

150 euros for French words with the results showing in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada.

150 euros for German words with the results showing in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

50 euros for Japanese keywords

50 euros for Spanish keywords

50 euros for Italian keywords (Nevine to ask Umberto for 3 combinations of words)

Reaching a total of 750€ a month for ILAB and 350€ a month for Rockingstone (1100€ in all).

Each month, the statistic figures should be sent to Nevine who will share them with the Committee to study. These figures will show which words are efficient and which are not.

Rockingstone’s internet congress (item 15 of Agenda)

Jelle mentions that he would like to invite the Presidents, the internet committees and ILAB affiliates to the Netherlands for an “internet congress”. He thinks that a lot of complaints are due to a lack of understanding of internet matters. People change in committees, and constantly try to re-invent the wheel. It would be very good to show them Rockingstone, what can be done, how it is done, etc...

After a further discussion, the dates of 1st and 2nd October are set, just after the Presidents’ Meeting in Paris. Jelle will prepare the invitations and send them out.


The issue of communication is then broached. Jelle is very astonished and states that he has never received the emails that Adrian and Jean Pierre mention. The emails will be resent and will request a response. If no response is received, the ABA internet committee or Jean Pierre will then telephone Jelle. Perhaps Jelle has an email problem? He will look into it. Adrian suggests that Jelle personally write to Michael Graves Johnston, head of the ABA internet committee.

Michael Steinbach thanks Jelle Samshuijzen and concludes that this meeting has been very constructive and that we seem to be heading towards success. PR

Adrian recounts his experience in San Francisco. The posters were put up everywhere. The bookmarks were on the table and had also been handed out to book dealers. The computers had been set to search the exhibiting dealers stock. However, there was one minor problem concerning the computer searches: when the book searched was not available, a sentence should be added to allow a search in the whole ILAB database. And if this search is not successful, suggest that the visitor should register and be warned when his search is fed into the database. A website should never be leaved with a negative experience.

Two computers will also be set at the Paris book fair as well as the Olympia book fair.

Nevine will print 150 A3 posters with French as the main language for the Paris book fair. She will send Rockingstone the list of exhibitors and will see to the renting of computers for the Paris book fair.

She adds that all 100,000 bookmarkers have been sent out to the national associations.

11) Newsletter

Tom Congalton reads his report:

“Before I was appointed editor at the Wilmington meeting, I had never produced any sort of Newsletter. In producing my first issue I was guilty of a number of errors. First of all, I forgot to credit Nevine Marchiset with the translation into French, and for her numerous corrections of both fact and usage. Secondly, I forgot to credit Adrian Harrington for the photos used in the Newsletter, and finally, I forgot to credit my own employee Dan Gregory for the layout of the Newsletter, and for its physical distribution. I did however remember to credit myself as Editor.

I also understand that the SLAM President Frédéric Castaing was of the opinion that the photos in the Newsletter were too oriented towards Anglo-Saxon members, and in this he is absolutely correct. While I didn’t credit Adrian Harrington for providing the photos, I am perfectly willing to blame him for providing them. Adrian did provide me with one photo of Committee member Jean-Pierre Fouques, but as I was also in the photo, I decline to publish it.

This issue of the Newsletter cost $1108 to print, and $1270 to distribute, for a total of $2378. As it was more economical to distribute the Newsletters along with the ILAB posters (which were also printed at my location) and thus that cost is included in the distribution. As that was a one-time cost, I suspect the cost of distribution will be lower in the future. Assuming that I sell no advertising, I should be able to produce three issues of the Newsletter per year on my $7500 budget.

The Newsletters were sent to most national associations for distribution to their members. However, a few of the smaller national associations, as well as the Italian association did not respond, despite being contacted by us at least twice; and in the future I will try to devise a more thorough plan for the timely distribution of the Newsletter. Providing a central location for the distribution of the Newsletter to the national associations in Europe would be more efficient, and probably more economical, and I will continue to explore a mechanism to do that.

The Newsletter was made available to the national associations in both French and English as a pdf file, as requested by the Presidents, so that if they preferred, they could translate it into a language that they felt more appropriate to their individual membership. This pdf file currently resides on my own business website (along with downloads of the ILAB poster), but arrangements will be made with Rockingstone to post it on the members only section of the ILAB website.

For the first Newsletter, I saw the need to produce it quickly, as Michael Steinbach had requested. That issue was eight pages; four pages each in French and English. For the next issue, I will attempt to sell advertising, which will probably result in an increase in the size of the Newsletter to 12 pages. Any increase in the size of the Newsletter will have to be paid for by the advertising, and with any success will probably lower the cost of the Newsletter to ILAB, while also providing some much needed space for additional articles, and more interesting content beyond the more formal reports that appeared in the last issue.

I will ask for advertisers and potential contributions of articles on both the Presidents’ Discussion list, and on the regular ILAB-Announcements list.

I hope to compile and publish the next issue in May, after the Paris and New York Book Fairs. While I can write an article on the New York Fair, I would appreciate, and will request a report from one of the participants in the Paris Fair. Additionally I will compile a third issue after the September Presidents’ Meeting in Paris.

The other Committee members were very helpful in compiling this past issue of the Newsletter and I would encourage them all to continue to advise, contribute, and criticize. Those efforts will, I think, eventually make for a better and eventually, more economical Newsletter.”

Michael Steinbach mentions the contents for the next newsletter:

- reiterate the fact that an ILAB affiliate just needs to show his ILAB ID card to be allowed into book fairs without paying an entrance fee.

- a short preview for the Spanish congress

- the possibility of organizing a fair in Hong Kong

- the offer for joining the ILAB database

- reports from book fairs

- a report on the Prize for bibliography committee, the new Chair and judges.

- list all ILAB parafernalia (stickers, pins...)

- suggest to promote ILAB at non ILAB bookfairs (Adrian will distribute posters and bookmarks at PBFA fairs - Tom will do the same in Florida at the St Petersburg book fair)

- the announcement of the spring Japanese book fair organised by ABAJ (see 25 b)

Tom will begin articles on these subjects and report them to the Committee. The next issue should appear towards the end of May. And the one after that after the Presidents’ Meeting in September.

12) Member status on-line

The subject is dropped.

16) Use and protection of ILAB name

Tom explains that in the USA, when someone who is not entitled to use the ABAA name does use it, all it needs is a lawyer’s letter to settle the matter.

However, we should look into the cost of patenting our name and logo. The head office for the patents in Europe is in Munich. Once the patenting has been made, a letter to any illicit user of the ILAB name or logo should suffice.

A short lunch break is observed from 2.00 pm to 2.20 pm.

17) ILAB parafernalia

Poul has pins and stickers. The stickers are free and the pins are 10 euros each.

Tom still has 650 posters in A2 size, 800 Newsletters and 200 Questionnaires.

18) Duties of National Presidents

An oversight of Robert Frew’s is the reason why Keith Fletcher was not warned of his election as a member of honor. ILAB members, i.e. the national associations represented by their presidents, should report back the contents of the general meetings. ILAB cannot otherwise interfere with the life of the national association, as each one is free in its internal affairs. The subject is dropped.

19) Plaque for outgoing presidents

Bob is preparing a plaque for Kay, it will be given to her at the Paris meeting.

A plaque will be prepared for each outgoing ILAB president and handed out to him/her at the end of the meeting where his mandate ends. Bob is in charge as the manufacturer is his neighbour in New Castle.

20) Committee Mailing List - Presidents’ discuss list

It is decided to restrict the Committee mailing list to the Committee members and the immediate past president. The presidents of honour and members of honour are to be left out.

Concerning the etiquette of responding to emails, committee members should remember to reply privately when their answer is not relevant to the whole committee.

Tim Samshuijzen will be asked to add Tom Congalton and Mr. Maeda to the Presidents’ discuss list. (and Arnoud? check with him)

21) Update of Information Kit

The contents of each kit section are reviewed. Some sections are too long and unnecessary.

In accordance with the committee’s decision, Nevine will adapt the kit to the present needs and forward the amended sections to the committee for approval.

22) ZVAB & ABE policies, and UE competition laws

Noone has any idea on the subject which had been brought to the Committee’s attention by Arnoud. Perhaps this should be left on the table in Arnoud’s absence?

23) ABAA tax levy dues

The matter has already been broached during the Treasurer’s report.

24) ILAB stand at bookfairs

The matter has been looked into for Paris and Olympia.

25) Any other business


Paul Feain explains that IFLA holds an annual congress attended by 5,500 librarians. They have an exhibition hall. Should ILAB rent a stand?

The committee asks him to investigate the cost of a stand. And if they produce a handbook for the congress, perhaps ILAB could take an advertisement? Paul will also look into this cost.

b) Japanese book fair

Mr. Maeda reads a statement from the ABAJ:

“Tokyo International Antiquarian Book Fair

March 12 - 14, 2008 (Wednesday - Friday)

At Tokyo International Forum

We are pleased to announce you about opening of Tokyo International Antiquarian Book Fair on 2008 as above mentioned schedule. For participants and visitors we have been looking for nicer location for a long time where is convenient for clients and handling and logistic easier for participants, and finally decided to open the fair early spring of 2008. And wish this trial will be the first one of ABAJ fairs continued regularly in future.

Official registration information etc. will be announced June this year and hope your registrations. If you have any questions etc. please let us know to our mail:”

c) Congress and Bookfair guidelines

Nevine hands out and reads the amendments she has made to the existing guidelines. They are discussed and corrected by the Committee. These amended guidelines will be posted on the website and sent to the Presidents’ discuss list.

d) President of Honor Kay Craddock’s proposal for ILAB president duties

Michael Steinbach is very grateful to KC and will send the committee his ideas to amend the draft.

e) Budget

Poul Poulsen reminds us that we are reaching the end of the financial year and that if we wish to add expenditures to next year’s budget we should ask him soon to do so.

There being no further subject of discussion, President Michael Steinbach thanks the committee members and the translator, adds that we have had a very good and fruitful meeting and looks forward to the next meeting in Paris. He adjourns the meeting at 3.40 pm.

These minutes have been drafted by Nevine Marchiset.

Paris, 4th March 2007.