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Submitted Books 2018

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Submitted Books for 2018

Throughout the past weeks and months writers, publishers, librarians, journalists, scholars, antiquarian booksellers, book collectors and all who are interested in bibliography and the history of the book were invited to submit books to the 17th ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography.

Submissions for the 2018 Prize have now closed.

Please find below a listing of all submitted titles. An endlessly fascinating collection of books so valuable to our trade; dealers and librarians but also collectors and enthusiasts of the printed book and its history.

Articles blayney

Blayney, Peter W. M.

The Stationers’ Company and the Printers of London, 1501-1557, Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Size: 235x160, 2 volumes, hardcover with dust jacket, XXV, 1-599 + XII, 601-1238 pages, with some illustrations. Language: English.

The work explains how the Stationers Company acquired both a charter and a nationwide monopoly of printing. In the most detailed and comprehensive investigation of the London book trade in any period, Peter Blayney systematically documents the story from 1501, when printing first established permanent roots inside the City boundaries, until the Stationers' Company was incorporated by royal charter in 1557. Blayney’s persistent focus on individuals - most notably the families, rivals, and successors of Richard Pynson, John Rastell, and Robert Redman - keeps this study firmly grounded in the vivid lives and careers of early Tudor Londoners.

>>> Cambridge University Press

Bertin, Éric.

Chronologie des livres de Victor Hugo imprimés en France entre 1819 et 1851. Préface de Jean-Marc Hovasse. Librairie Jérôme Doucet, 2013.

Size: 240x160 mm. Soft cover. 250 pp. With color illustrations. Press run of 500 numbered copies. Language: French.

The chronology of Victor Hugo’s books published before his exile has remained problematic, despite the previous work by G. Vicaire, L. Carteret, M. Clouzot, and F. Michaux. As stated in the preface by Jean-Marc Hovasse, Hugo’s books published before 1851 are of the most interest to bibliographers, going from the Romantic works, often illustrated, to the collected political and social speeches of 1850-51. In this new work Éric Bertin demonstrates that the previous attempts to establish a chronology of Hugo’s books printed between 1819 and 1851 are contradictory and unreliable, With the support of supplementary references (like periodicals and contemporary correspondence) and through the investigation of a great number of copies (possibly with annotations), Bertin tries to amend and correct as much as possible the work of his predecessors.

>>> Librairie Jérôme Doucet

Articles bertin web
Articles cichocka1

Cichocka, Danuta (ed.).

Gustave Miklos. Un grand oeuvre caché. Paris, Fata Libelli éditions, 2013

2 vols., 318x245 mm. 224 pp., 534 ill. Illustrated boards. The second volume contains, in a golden slipcase, a facsimile reproduction of the newly discovered Miklos’ notebook in loose sheets, where the artist kept record of all his works. French.

This shocking study shows that the Hungarian sculptor Gustave Miklos (1888-1967) worked in the background from 1922 to 1941 for François-Louis Schmied (1873-1941), one of the most celebrated book illustrators of the first half of the 20th century. In his notebook Miklos, who profited from this comfortable income to pursue his main activity, sculpture, keeps note of all the works he performed for Schmied (illustrations, dedications, original drawings, binding designs, etc,) with precise reference to the date and the payments he received.

>>> Fata Libelli éditions

Erdmann, Axel, Alberto Govi & Fabrizio Govi.

Communication in Sixteenth Century Western Europe: Epistolaries, Letter-writing Manuals and Model Letter Books 1501-1600, with an Introduction by Judith Rice Henderson, Gilhofer und Ranschburg, 2014.

Size: 280 x 220 mm. Full cloth with dust jacket. XXV, 771 pages. With numerous illustrations in the text. Language: English.

The volume is divided into two parts:

- The first part contains descriptions of a collection of 171 works printed between 1501 and 1600 and has three sections: a) Letter collections by single authors and anthologies; b) Letter-writing manuals; c) Model letter collections, fictitious letter collections and some letter collections by 15th century authors (mostly schoolbook editions printed in the 16th century). This section, in which are listed over 30’000 letters, has at the end a full index of authors, editors, senders, recipients, places, and names.

- The second (bibliographical) part contains finding lists of all epistolaries and letter writing manuals published in the 16th century, as well as a comprehensive, up-to-date list of secondary sources also with a detailed index.

>>> Gilhofer und Ranschburg

Articles arscopertina web
Articles feilchenfeldt

Feilchenfeldt, Rahel E. & Jutta Weber (eds.)

Bruno Cassirer Publishers Ltd. Oxford 1940-1990. An Annotated Bibliography with Essays (English and German). Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2016.

232x153 mm. 503 pages. With color ill. Hardcover. English.

The Bruno Cassirer publishing-house has a moving publishing history, due the emigration of the Cassirer family to London in 1938. Despite the adverse conditions resulting from its change of location, the publishing-house is renowned for its high standards of publication. This bibliography deals with the publishing-house from its first publication at its re-establishment to the closing-down of the family business in 1990. Landmarks in the history of the publishers are covered in two languages with several contributions by experts from England and Germany. This volume contains for the first time a fully-illustrated colour bibliography as well as bilingual contributions to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Bruno Cassirer publishers.

>>> V&R unipress

Folgelmark, Staffan.

The Kallierges Pindar. A Study in Renaissance Greek Scholarship and Printing. Köln, Verlag Jürgen Dinter, 2015

2 volumes, 210x280 mm. XVII, 787 pages including 160 pages. Cloth in slipcase. English.

A case study on the epoch-making 1515 Pindar edition by the Roman printer Zacharias Kallierges, which addresses to a multiple readership: analytical bibliographers, classical scholars and students of Renaissance culture. During his research, the author has found a unique copy of the edition, containing a hitherto unknown dedication in Greek prose by Kallierges to the great scholar Marcus Musurus. This exceptional document is discussed at length in the volume.

>>> Jürgen Dinter

Articles folgermark
Articles horsemanship web

Horst, Koert van der.

Great Books on Horsemanship. Bibliotheca Hippologica Johan Dejager. Brill - Hes & De Graaf publishers, 2014.

Size: 320x230 mm. Full cloth with dust jacket. 783 pp. With 1029 color illustrations (some of them are full- and double page). Language: English.

This lavishly illustrated publication, arranged chronologically by century (from the late fifteenth to the early nineteenth century) and geographically by country, describes the 364 works on horsemanship that formed the collection of the Belgian collector Johan Dejager. A particular emphasis is placed on horsemanship, riding masters, veterinary science, and the cavalry.

>>> Brill - Hes & De Graaf publishers

Imhof, Dirk.

Jan Moretus and the Continuation of the Plantin Press. A Bibliography of the Works published and printed by Jan Moretus I in Antwerp (1589-1610). Edited by K. van der Horst. Leiden, Brill-Hes & De Graaf, 2014.

2 Vols., large 4to (cm 32), full cloth with gilt title, LXXXV, 1011 pp. with ill. in b/w.

The Plantin Press was one of the best known printing-publishing enterprises in the sixteenth century. In many ways, this bibliography builds and expands upon Leon Voet’s well-known publication The Plantin Press. This bibliography of Jan Moretus I, Christopher Plantin's successor, documents the activities of the Plantin Press during the years 1589 till 1610. It contains descriptions of his own editions and other works printed by him. The extensive bibliography contains 704 descriptions of the Jan Moretus editions and lists over 500 announcements that he printed for the city of Antwerp.

>>> Brill - Hes & De Graaf publishers

Articles moretus
Articles jakobsen

Jakobsen, G.

Dansk Keramisk Bibliografi, Forlaget Vandkunsten, 2014.

Size: 240x170. Hard cover. 967 pp. Language: Danish and other languages.

The volume contains an overview of literature about Danish ceramics from the 18th century to the present day with emphasis on the period 1880-2013. The bibliography includes references to books, articles in periodicals, annual publications, catalogues, etc.

>>> Forlaget Vandkunsten

Kaucher, Greta.

Les Jombert. Une famille de libraires parisiens dans l’Europe des Lumières (1680-1824). Genève, Droz, 2015.

Mm 222x154. Printed wrappers. 1592 pp. With 53 ill. French. Bibliothèque des Lumières Vol. LXXXIV.

This is the first systematic study devoted to the Jomberts, a dynasty of booksellers, editors and typographers of science and art, active in Paris from 1680 to 1824, of which the most illustrious member was Charles-Antoine Jombert (1712-1784), appointed “libraire du Roi”. At the end is the catalogue of all the publications produced by the Jomberts, in which are listed and described 992 entries.

>>> Droz

Articles kaucher
Articles kokbetter

Kok, Ina.

Woodcuts in Incunabula Printed in the Low Countries, Hes & De Graaf, 2013

Four volumes. Size: 310x230 mm. Hardcover. Vol. I: Text (pp. XXXI, 638); Vol. II: Indexes, Concordances, Lists (pp. 222); Vol. III: Illustrations, woodcuts numbers 1-79 (pp. 530); Vol. IV: Illustrations, woodcuts numbers 80-323 (pp. 535-986). Language: English (Translation by Cis van Heertum).

This publication gives a complete census of the woodcuts in Dutch and Flemish incunabula. It also register the book in which the woodcut (or series of woodcuts) appears for the first time and all repetitions of that woodcut before 1501. Furthermore Kok provides an analysis of the woodcuts used by each printer and develops a very accurate dating system for incunabula. Over 3800 different illustrations have been found in the incunabula printed in the Low Countries.

>>> Hes & De Graaf

Nielsen, C.P. & Iwersen, L.

Københavnske bogbindere i laugstiden samt udenbys medlemmer i provinsen og Norge, Kristensen, M., ed., Dansk Forening fro Bogbind, 2014.

Size: 240x160. Hard cover. 743 pp. Ill. Language: Danish.

The volume contains bio-bibliographical entries of Copenhagen bookbinders from the 16th to the 19th century. Out-of town members of the guild, including Norwegian members, are also included.

Articles nielsen
Articles bailey web

Nipps, Karen.

Lydia Bailey. A Checklist of Her Imprints. Published by The Pennsylvania State University Press for the Bibliographical Society of America in association with the Houghton Library, Harvard University, and the Library Company of Philadelphia, 2013

Size: 240x160 mm. Hardcover with dust jacket. 328 pages. With 1 color and 10 b/w illustrations. Language: English.

Checklist of the editions printed by Lydia R. Bailey, a job and contract printer active in Philadelphia from 1808 to 1861. It also provides detailed information about the life and work of Lydia R. Bailey, as well as the Philadelphia book trade at the peak of its prosperity.

>>> The Pennsylvania State University Press

Pettas, William A.

The Giunti of Florence. A Renaissance Printing and Publishing Family. A History of the Florentine Firm and a Catalogue of the Editions. Oak Knoll Press, 2013.

Size: 285x220 mm. Hardcover. 1096 pages. With b/w illustrations. Language: English.

Part I: A history of the firm; Part II: A descriptive catalogue of the editions of the Giunti firms in Florence 1497-1625.
This very well done publication explores the history and output of the Giunti Press in Florence. It describes in detail 512 editions, from the beginnings of the firm in 1497 to its end in 1625. The fingerprint and the indication of the libraries holding copies of each edition are provided.

>>> Oak Knoll Press

Articles giunti web
Articles sappey buckley

Sappéy, Maureen Stack and C. Barry Buckley.

Kindred Spirits: Thomas Jefferson and Aeschylus. (Chestertown, MD), Chester River Press, 2015.

Size: 228x145 mm. Cloth, dust jacket. (vi), 273, (3) pages. Frontispiece color portrait of Jefferson. Color illustrations throughout text. Language: English.

First edition. The authors track down the acquisition of the seven-volume set of Aeschylus’ Tragedies which was once part of Thomas Jefferson’s retirement library at Monticello, from the instructions given by Jefferson to his binder, through its auction sale at Jefferson's library’s sale, up to the present. In doing so, they trace the connections from Ancient Greece up through the centuries to the fledgling United States.

>>> Chester River Press

Vengerov, Alexey & Sergey, eds.

Mezhdu nami... Entre nous... Bibliokhronika 1718-1985. Vol. 1: Russian-French issue.

Moscow, Russian rarity, 2014.

Size: 295x210 mm. Blind-tooled leather with dust jacket. 447 pp. Color and b/w illustrations. Language: Russian-French bilingual text. Printed in 300 copies.

Alexey & Sergey Vengerov, eds.

Mezhdu nami… Entre nous… Bibliokhronika 1550-1977. Vol. 2: Russian-German issue.

Moscow, Russian Rarities, 2015.

Size: 295x210 mm. Blind-tooled leather with dust jacket. 511 pp. Color and b/w illustrations. Language: English-German bilingual text. Printed in 300 copies.

Alexey & Sergey Vengerov, eds.

Mezhdu nami… Entre nous… Bibliokhronika 1647-1990. Vol. 3: Russian-English issue.

Moscow, Russian Rarities, 2015.

Size: 295x210 mm. Blind-tooled leather with dust jacket. 542 pp. Color and b/w illustrations. Language: English-Russian bilingual text. Printed in 300 copies.

The history of Russia in XVI-XX centuries and relations between Russia and other countries in the historical and cultural aspects are the theme of the three volumes of Bibliochronicle. The entire corpus of materials is based on the complex historical and bibliographic study of rare Russian books, as well as Rossica - foreign books about Russia. Materials featured in Bibliochronicle are based on the description of old and rare books, whose originals are not available to many people interested in old book history. All editions come from one private collection. Therefore this study is not intended to be a complete bibliography on the subject.

Volume 1 comprises 61 essays reflecting different episodes of Russian-French relations, covering the period from 1718 to 1985. The selection includes the Chronicle of French people travelling to Russia (1718); the French edition of the Panegyric to Trajan (1772) by Pliny the Younger, that the future Russian Emperor Paul I took with him in his journey to Europe; Histoire pittoresque dramatique et caricaturale de la Sainte Russie by Gustave Doré (1854), the fables of I.A. Krylov published in Paris (1825); the French edition of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s novel (1969), and so on.

Volume 2 includes bibliography and 61 entries, and explores the relations between Russia and Germany. These relationships are retraced back to 1550, when the Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii by Sigismund Herberstein where published, and till the end of the 20th century.

Volume 3, the Russian-English issue, includes bibliography and 69 essays about books published between 1647 and 1980, focused on the relationship between Russia and the United Kingdom and the United States. The first book is Olearius’s travel to the east. The last Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time.

Each entry contains a physical description as well as a history of the work and the edition. Other contributors to the texts are: Marina Bogdanovich, Andrey Vaganov, Elena Gorskaya, Alexey Nevsky, Vera Nevskaya, and Marina Chapkina.

>>> More information

Articles vengerov final
Articles willingham

Willingham, E. Moore

The mythical Indies and Columbus’s Apocalyptic Letter. Imagining the Americas in the Late Middle Ages. Brighton-Chicago-Toronto, Sussex Academy Press, 2016.

Size: 245x18 mm. Illustrated hardcover. xxii, 394 pp. With 9 colored plates. Language: English.

A complete study of Columbus’s letter, containing a new annotated English translation, its manuscript circulation and printing history, and its meaning and significance from the perspectives of text, discourse, language, and culture.

>>> Sussex Academy Press

Loker, Chris (curator) and Jill Shefrin (editor).

One Hundred Books Famous in Children’s Literature.

New York: The Grolier Club, 2015.

Mm 280x215. Blue cloth with gilt impressions. 318, (1) pp. Ill. Language: English.

This is the catalogue of the exhibition held at the Grolier Club, New York, from December 10, 2014 through February 7, 2015. Issued in 1,000 hardcover copies, it presents, with detailed bibliographical descriptions, 100 famous children’s books, printed in the last 400 years, from 1600 to 2000. The selection was made by the curator, children’s book authority Chris Loker, with advice from an international team of children’s book scholars and experts, and includes: Robinson Crusoe, Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Tom Sawyer, Treasure Island, Peter Rabbit, The Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, Winnie-the-Pooh, Charlotte’s Web, The Cat in the Hat, Where the Wild Things Are, and Harry Potter.

Articles grolier children
Articles fontaine 1

Fontaine, Jean-Paul.

Les Gardiens de Bibliopolis.

Paris, L’Hexaèdre, 2015.

231x171 mm. 637 pp. Ill. Soft cover. Language: French. Issued in 360 copies on ‘papier bouffant’ and 40 copies bound in a ‘Rives vergé’ cover and augmented with a 161th biography and additional illustrations.

The book opens with a preface by Yann Sordet and contains the biography of 160 French bibliophiles, from the 16th to the 20th century, from De Thou to Rahir, with a main focus on the libraries to create which these men spent so much time and effort during their life. It is through the catalogue of their libraries, according to Fontaine, that we really know the personality and the life of these important collectors. The author, a physician, is known as the “Le Bibliophile Rhemus”.

Knapp, Éva.

Martin von Cochem Magyarországon. Első rész [Martin von Cochem in Hungary. First part] – Zebegény, Borda Antikvárium, 2014. 119, [1] p. 280x183 mm – Full cloth with dust jacket.

Martin von Cochem Magyarországon. Második rész [Martin von Cochem in Hungary. Second part] – Zebegény, Borda Antikvárium, 2016. 267, [5] p. 280x183 mm – Full cloth with dust jacket.

Language: Hungarian.

First two volumes about the reception of Martin von Cochem in Hungary with bibliography of the works.

Articles knapp
Articles books that made europe website

Palumbo, Margherita & Sidoli, Eugenio eds.

BOOKS THAT MADE EUROPE. Economic Governance and Democracy from 15th to 20th century.

Brussels, Bibliotheca Wittockiana, 2016.

Folio (330 mm), 354 pp., hardback, black skiver and grey boards, spine and front cover lettered in grey, black and white, with a protective acetate jacket. Over 160 full page colour photographs by Dario Lasagni. Introductions by Professors Marco Bianchini and Massimo Paradiso. Printed in 750 copies. Language: English.

The companion catalogue of the exhibition Books that made Europe: economic governance and democracy from 15th to 20th century is a journey through 140 books on politics, philosophy and economics, spanning a period of approx. six hundred years, from 1468 to 1950.

Exhibition and catalogue anticipate by a few months the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome signed by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and West Germany, which established on March 25, 1957, the European Economic Community.

Books that made Europe investigates into why 500 million citizens, in 28 countries, speaking 24 official languages, and holding a significant share of global wealth, live nowadays in peace in the European Union. The selected 140 books explain the evolution of the idea.

It took centuries and the efforts of many intellectuals to achieve consensus on the most basic concepts forming the foundations of a Federated European Union and our lay western European culture. Thanks to the invention of printing with moveable types and the scientific revolution, whose ideas circulated throughout Europe within a growing ‘republic of scientists’ including ‘social scientists’ over time, prejudice and superstition were defeated by the development of knowledge, which fought against social injustice and enabled the rise of democracy.

Books that made Europe deals with the European secularisation of culture, the development of a ‘social science’, the rise of equal opportunities and the affirmation of a welfare culture; six centuries of printing within which economic freedom, welfare and democracy always proceeded in parallel.

The catalogue comprises 140 detailed book descriptions, with collations and bibliographical references, covering all the themes of the modern economy from the origins of commerce and banking in the Italian city states to today’s economy, passing through the first steps towards capitalism in the Spain of Emperor Charles V, the mercantilist and interventionist policy of absolutist states, the emergence of the new theories of Adam Smith, not forgetting the debate between the disciples of liberalism and supporters of protectionism as a means of stimulating growth in the economies of nations.

Freeman, Arthur.

Bibliotheca Fictiva. A Collection of Books & Manuscripts Relating to Literary Forgery 400 BC-AD 2000.

London, Bernard Quaritch Ltd, 2014.

25 cm. XVI, 423 pp., ill., hardcover with dust jacket. Language: English.

This is a categorical inventory of a collection of books and manuscripts relating to literary forgery, spanning some twenty-four centuries, which seeks also to define and describe the controversial genre it represents. Individual entries offer specific commentary on the forgers and their works, their exposers and their dupes, and a broad prefatory overview surveys the entire field in its topical, historical, and national diversity. The catalogue introduces the reader to fake texts of every imaginable kind – ancient and modern, lurid and lively, stunningly skillful, and sublimely stupid - as well as the scholar detectives who exposed them.

Articles freeman
Articles navari collage

Navari, Leonora.

Cyprus and the Levant: Rare Books from the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation.

Athens, Artemis Scutari, 2016.

3 volumes, hardcover, cloth, in matching case, 34 x 25 cm, 712 pages, profusely illustrated in colors. Language: English.

This collectible catalogue, issued in 300 copies, takes us on a journey through the history and culture of Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean, with detailed descriptions of 782 of the most important rare editions and manuscripts from the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation collection, one of the most significant private repositories of works on Cyprus worldwide. Travel accounts from the 15th to the 20th century, chronicles, geographical essays, isolari, atlases, maps, instructions to the pilgrims, etc., both in print and manuscript, are among the works described in the book. Volume 3 contains bibliography and indexes (including that of provenances).

Joseph, Steven F.

Belgian Photographic Literature of the 19th century/L’édition photographique belge au 19e siècle.

Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2015.

24,5 x 16,5 cm. Hardback, 440 pp., illustrations in b/w. Language: English and French.

This is the first comprehensive overview of historical Belgian photographic literature, which shows the impact that photography had from its origins on book illustration and its development all over the century. This fully bilingual reference work presents a first survey of Belgian photographic literature of the 19th century, including overall 681 entries.

Articles joseph
Articles smolen

Smolen, Joseph.

Der jüngste Tag. Eine neue Bibliographie. 2. erweiterte Auflage.

Vienna, Burgverlag, 2015.

24 x 16,5 cm., hardcover, 184 pp., with numerous colored illustrations. Language: German.

A new detailed and comprehensive bibliography of the editions published by Der jüngste Tag, the publishing house founded in Leipzig in 1913 by Kurt Wolff. Wolff published among others Kafka, Schwob, Trakl, and many Expressionist authors, who were discovered by Wolff himself. This new bibliography lists all individual imprints with their variants and shows the beautifully illustrated covers of Wolff’s publications.

Raab, Michael.

Franz Schubert Werke in Erst- und Frühdrucken (Schubert-Drucke-Verzeichnis). Teilband a und b. Herausgegeben von der Internationalen Schubert-Gesellschaft. Serie VIII: Supplement. Band 9. Quellen III.

Kassel, Basel, London, New York, Prag, Bärenreiter-Verlag, 2015.

2 vols., hardcover, 907 pp., illustrated. Language: German.

Key reference bibliographical work on Franz Schubert’s first and early musical publications, edited by the Schubert Gesellschaft.

Articles raab
Articles mordek

Mordek, Erika.

The Perfume of Books: A Walk through the Rare Books stack.

Canberra, EFM Press, 2017.

Size 30x21 cm. 361 pp. With 1500 color illustrations. Softcover. Language: English.

The history of bookbinding involves much more than materials and skills. It informs us on society’s mindset in any given period. The Perfume of Books takes the reader on a bookbinding journey through the centuries, exploring the evolution and diversity of bookbinding and showing how the techniques changed and also how the interior of the book changed. The book was issued in 40 copies and is also available as print-on-demand.

Cowden, Robert H.

A Collector’s Journey: Notable Music Books Written Prior to 1800.

New Castle, DE, Oak Knoll Press, 2015.

Size: 23x15. Full dark blue publisher’s cloth, dustjacket. XVIII, 142 pp. (including Introduction, Author Index, Chronological List of Titles, Endnotes, and Selected Sources). With illustrative plates in colour. Language: English.

English collector James E. Matthew’s the Literature of Music (1896) was one of the earliest attempts at identifying the most useful, interesting, and influential books on Western music. With the benefit of a historical perspective, Dr. Robert H. Cowden follows in Matthew’s tradition, assembling a list of 122 significant works in music history, aesthetics, performance practice, instrument construction, theory, and pedagogy. In this book, he employs a combination of scholarly awareness and collector’s passion to provide insightful commentary on these original sources of Western music. Each entry also include a physical description and indicates the number of copies held in libraries worldwide.

Articles cowden
Articles dechaud

Dechaud, Jean-Marc.

Bibliographie critique des ouvrages et traductions de Gabriel Chappuys. Preface by Jean Balsamo.

Geneva, Librairie Droz, 2014.

Size 152 x 222 cm. 584 pp. 116 ill. in color and b/w. Paperback. Language: France. Cahiers d’Humanisme et Renaissance.

Gabriel Chappuys was the most prolific French translator of the last quarter of the 16th century and the start of the 17th century. A man of letters living by his pen, he authored some hundred works. His editorial choices, which focused especially on freshly published Spanish and Italian works, are representative of an era of change. His contribution to the literary and intellectual history of his time is important, both because of the quantity of his output and because of its innovative quality and his choice of texts, some of which would inspire major works by Molière, Le Sage, and Shakespeare. He made available to the French public the greatest elements of Italian culture (Ariosto, Boccaccio, Botero, Castiglione, etc.) and Spanish culture (Alemán, Contreras, Louis de Grenade, Thérèse d’Avila, etc.). The study of this forgotten author and his production helps understand the mechanisms of the transmission of knowledge in Europe toward the end of the Renaissance. This book gives a complete bibliographic description of the first editions of Chappuys’s works, a listing of their reprints, pertinent information taken from dedications and privileges, and a synthesis which clarifies the context and the determining elements of his career.

Brenda Dunn-Lardeau (ed.).

Catalogue des imprimés des XVe et XVIe siècles dans les collections de l'Université du Québec à Montréal.

Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2013.

Size 235 x 205 mm., hardcover, 336 pp., over 150 illustrations. Language: French.

This detailed catalogue reveals a hitherto little known, yet precious collection of witnesses of the early history of the book while the colour illustrations bring these artefacts alive.

This volume contains copy-specific descriptions of the 66 printed books from the XVth and XVIth c. held in the Collections of the Université du Québec à Montréal. The majority of these (most of which came from a Jesuit college) are in Latin, many by major European printers, including the Gryphe, Estienne and Plantin dynasties. These writings reflect the values of humanist education, with works by Greek and Latin authors, along with some by Erasmus. The Renaissance’s quest for beauty and harmonious proportions shines forth in the illustrations adorning several contemporary works, including de Bry’s series on America.

Articles dunn lardeau
Articles harte

Harte, Chris.

Baily’s Magazine of Sports and Pastimes: An Index and Bibliography.

Sports History Publishing, 2017.

Size 297mm x 210mm, laminated card cover, 380 pages with ill. Language: English.

Baily’s Magazine of Sports and Pastimes was first published in 1860. It was intended to take the place of The Sporting Magazine (1792-1870) which had run its course. The publisher, Alfred Head Baily, had both financial support and backing from many establishment figures who were connected with hunting and horse racing throughout Britain and Ireland. Although sales were slow to start with it took only a few years for over 10,000 copies to be printed each month. The magazine gained in strength and promoted a number of writers who went on to become internationally recognised. Its heyday was in the Edwardian era with the start of war in 1914 starting the rapid decline in subscribers. It was reported that over 90% of the magazine’s readers were killed in the four year period. It survived the war but not the General Strike of 1926 which lead to its closure after 125 volumes and 796 issues.

Hendrickson, Thomas G.

Ancient Libraries and Renaissance Humanism: The ‘De bibliothecis’ of Justus Lipsius.

Leiden, Brill, 2017.

Size cm. 23,5x15,5. 352 pp. With 16 ill. Language: English. Series: Brill's Studies in Intellectual History. Texts and Sources in Intellectual History, vol. 265/20.

Although many humanists, from Petrarch to Fulvio Orsini, had written briefly about library history, the De bibliothecis of Justus Lipsius was the first self-contained monograph on the topic. The De bibliothecis proved to be a seminal achievement, both in redefining the scope of library history and in articulating a vision of a public, secular, research institution for the humanities. It was repeatedly reprinted and translated, plagiarized and epitomized. Through the end of the nineteenth century, scholars turned to it as the ultimate foundation for any discussion of library history. In Ancient Libraries and Renaissance Humanism, Hendrickson presents a critical edition of Lipsius’s work with introductory studies, a Latin text, English translation, and a substantial historical commentary.

Articles hendrickson
Articles petrella new

Petrella, Giancarlo.

À la chasse au bonheur. I libri ritrovati di Renzo Bonfiglioli e altri episodi di storia del collezionismo italiano del Novecento. Presentazione di Dennis E. Rhodes.

Florence, Olschki, 2016.

Cm. 17x24, XXVIII, 454 pp. with 42 ill. Language: Italian. “Biblioteca di Bibliografia”, vol. 202.

In 1963 Renzo Bonfiglioli, the refined Ferrarese bibliophile and President of the Comunità Israelitiche Italiane and of the Federazione Sionistica Italiana, died at the early age of 59. His extraordinary library remained on the main floor of the family’s sixteenth-century palace in Ferrara. Largely consisting of fifteenth and sixteenth-century printed editions selected with great care, it had been put together over a period of twenty years by Bonfiglioli with unwavering enthusiasm and exquisite taste. But, after a short while the contents of the library were dispersed with some unpublicized antiquarian sales and amid the profound indifference of national institutions, leaving only memories of its existence and regret for its loss behind.

Bonfiglioli’s library centered above all on Ariosto, on whom it was the finest collection ever assembled. A still substantial part of Bonfiglioli’s original collection can be found today in the Beinecke Library, which houses over 400 extremely rare fifteenth and sixteenth-century editions of chivalric literature, which help to reconstruct, retrospectively, one of most fascinating private collections the twentieth century.

Petrella’s book tries to reconstruct with great care the content of Bonfiglioli’s extraordinary library, following the traces left in the trade and library catalogues by the its books.

Smith, David.

Bibliographie des oeuvres de Mme de Graffigny 1745-1855.

Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2016.

Size cm. 26,5x18,5. xlv, 553 pp., ill. Illustrated hardcover. Language: French.

The author provides complete bibliographical descriptions of all the editions of Mme de Graffigny’s works published up to 1855. This bibliography is the result of thirty years of research in the major libraries of Cambridge, Harvard, London, Munich, Oxford, Paris, St. Petersburg, Vienna, Washington and Yale; in cities as scattered as Edinburgh, Halifax (N.S.), Montreal, New Orleans, New York, Oslo, Leipzig, Lisbon, Melbourne, Naples and Victoria (BC); and in three large private collections, those of Christophe Cebal de Lazo, the late Robert L. Dawson and Pierre Mouriau of Meulenacker. Despite the oblivion on Graffigny’s works occurred between 1855 and 1964, Smith shows that between 1745 and 1855 her works had a phenomenal success. Graffigny’s only novel, the Lettres d’une Péruvienne (1747), appeared in 133 editions over the next 108 years. It was translated into nine languages, including Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Swedish.

Articles smith
Articles banos


Repertorio bibliográfico de las Introductiones Latinae de Antonio de Nebrija (1481-1599). Hilo de Ariadna para el Teseo perdido en el laberinto de la gramática latina nebrisense.

Vigo, Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2014.

Size: 305x235 mm. 552 pp. Ill. in b/w. Hardcover. Language: Spanish.

The present volume is a guide to the intricate editorial history of Antonio de Nebrija’s Introductiones Latinae. It describes 203 entries (many of them unknown so far), from the publication of the editio princeps in 1481 up until the end of the 16th century, when the grammar was reformed by other authors and ceased to be a genuine work by Nebrija. The bibliographical repertoire is preceded by a study that orders and groups by families the different editions, describing at the same time the intellectual and commercial background behind them. The book concludes then with a series of appendices that make available to the reader useful material related to the editorial history of the Introductiones, like contents, textual variants, prologues, dedications, preliminary texts, privileges, etc.

Bringhurst, Robert.

Palatino. The Natural History of a Typeface.

Boston, David R. Godine, 2016.

Size: 23,5x14,5 cm. 292 pp. With five-color offset lithographs and letterpress pages showing specimens of foundry types. Language: English. Press run: 1000 copies.

Bringhurst devotes this book to the genius of Hermann Zapf, a book and type designer who died in 2015 at the age of 96. Bringhurst takes as his theme Palatino, the most widely known and used of all Zapf’s faces, and traces its development over six decades. But this book is also the story of an artist and an artform as well as the story of the biological roots of letterforms, reasserting themselves through the hands and mind of an artists, even within the highly industrial landscape of modern printing and publishing. The volume was designed and set in type by Bringhurst himself.

Articles bringhurst
Articles cervini copy

Cervini, Michela.

La prima BUR. Nascita e formazione della Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli (1949-1972). Con il Catalogo completo della collana.

Milan, Edizioni Unicopli, 2015.

Size: 22x14 cm. 268 pp. Softcover. Language: Italian.

This monograph is devoted to a very popular Italian book series, Rizzoli’s Universal Library which, with its typical grey softcover, spread for the first time in Italy the literary classics in cheap editions. The first part of the book describes the history of the editorial project, its development and influence over the years, giving insights into the Italian culture and reading habits of the first decades after WWII. At the end is the complete catalogue of the series, which between 1949 and 1972 issued 2487 volumes.

De Hamel, Christopher.

Meetings with remarkable manuscripts.

Allen Lane, 2016.

Size: 23,5x15 cm. 632 pp. Fully illustrated throughout. Language: English.

The idea of this book is to invite the reader into intimate conversations with twelve of the most famous manuscripts in existence. The author introduces us to kings, queens, saints, scribes, artists, librarians, thieves, dealers, collectors and the international community of manuscript scholars. He traces the elaborate journeys which these exceptionally precious artifacts have made through time and space, shows us how they have been copied, who has owned them, how they have been embroiled in politics and scholarly disputes, how they have been regarded as objects of supreme beauty and luxury. Part travel book, part detective story, part conversation with the reader.

Articles de hamel
Articles balsamo

Balsamo, Jean.

“L’amorevolezza verso le cose Italiche”. Le livre italien à Paris au XVIe siècle.

Genève, Droz, 2015.

250x175 mm. 282 pp. Softcover. Language: French.

Between 1535 and 1610, the Parisian typographers-booksellers published about 100 books in the Italian language. These works were mainly the production of Italians living at the royal court or of Italianizing French authors. Since Francis I, the French court gave much importance to the Italian literature and tongue. Balsamo for the first time has surveyed and described in details this production, identifying 109 editions. Very rich and useful the final indexes.

Barker, Nicolas.

Visible Voices. Translating Verse into Script & Print 3000 BC-AD 2000.

Manchester, Carcanet, 2016.

245x165 mm. xii, 179 pp. Ill. Softcover. Language; English.

Barker traces the development of poetry from its ancient origins as an oral medium to its modern incarnation as primarily written or printed artform. The book moves from the pictograms through the alphabetic scripts, the Medieval manuscripts, the shift from script to print, all the way to the innovations of the modernist period. Illustrated throughout with pictures of the discussed texts.

Articles barker
Articles camarda

Camarda, Chiara.

I libri del Ghetto. Catalogo dei libri ebraici della Cominità Ebraica di Venezia (secc. XVI-XX).

Saonara (PD), Il Prato Casa Editrice, 2016.

280x210 mm. 684 pp. Ill. Softcover. Language: Italian.

The volume describes the 1056 Hebrew-language books of the Hebrew Community of Venice, preserved in the Archive Library “Renato Maestro”. The books range from the 16th to the 20th century. Each entry contains details information on the edition and the copy, including the transcription of marginalia and ownership’s inscriptions. Very useful and rich the final indexes.

Cross, Anthony.

In the Lands of the Romanovs. An Annotated Bibliography of First-hand English-language Accounts of the The Russian Empire (1613-1917).

Open Book Publishers, 2014.

235x155 mm. xv, 419 pp. With b/w ill. Softcover. Language: English.

The present study, the most comprehensive ever published on this subject, takes into consideration and examines over 1200 English-language accounts of the Russian Empire, arranged chronologically from the accession of Mikhail Fedorovich in 1613 to the abdication of Nicholas II in 1917. The author provides full bibliographical details and concise information for each entry.

Articles cross
Articles gura

Gura, David T.

A descriptive catalogue of the medieval and Renaissance manuscripts of the Univeristy of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College.

Notre Dame (IN), University of Notre Dame Press, 2016.

255x 175 mm. xxxiv, 716 pp. Hardcover. Language: English.

David T. Gura is the curator of ancient and medieval manuscripts in the Hesburgh Library. In this catalogue he describes the 288 medieval and Renaissance manuscripts held by the University of Notre Dame (Hesburgh Library and Snite Museum of Art) and Saint Mary’s College. For each manuscript, Gura gives a detailed codicological and paleographical analyses: material, collation, illumination, layout, script types, ownership history, book bindings and bibliographical references.

Ikonomopoulos, A.

Θησαυρός της Ελληνικής Γραμματείας (Thesuarus of the Greek Literature).

Athens, Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, 2017

Two volumes, 400x285 mm. XLV, 1231 pp. Ill. Hardcover. Language: Greek (Introduction also in English).

The aim of the book is to give classical scholars, book collectors and dealers a canon of Greek authors, and a through inventory of their works, in Greek as well as in their Latin version, with regards to their editions, including not only the published works, but also the existing fragments and the references to lost works. The book includes the biography of 3200 authors who lived from Homer era to the Fall of Constantinople; the descriptions of about 4000 editions from the beginning of printing up to the 20th century; the biography of about 350 editors and scholars involved in those editions. The volume contains the reproduction of the title-page of about 3500 books.

Articles ikonomopoulos
Articles jacono

Jacono, Domenico, ed.

Bulgarian Modernism. Books and Magazines 1919-1934. Edited by Domenico Jacono in collaboration with Irena Stoimenov-Hütter and Edo Zierotin. (Collectors’ Series, no. 1).

Wien, 2013.

310x240 mm. 64 pp. on brizzato paper. 78 multicolour illustrations. Hardcover with dust wrappers made of rice paper. Language: English.

Artists and poets from Central and Eastern Europe, like Tristan Tzara and El Lissitzky to mention but two of them, were a driving force behind the booming modernist arts and literature movement during the first decades of the 20th century. Correspondingly strong avant-garde movements with a fervent publishing activity were able to become established in their homelands of Russia and Romania, as well as in their neighbouring countries, e.g. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia. This eastern modernist orbit is well explored by scholars and markets alike.

But what about Bulgaria? Who was Geo Milev? And what was „Plamak“? For the first time a comprehensive catalogue explores the surprisingly rich fields of the short-lived modernist book and magazine production in Bulgaria. The protagonists were persecuted and killed, their works of art banned, pulped and destroyed. What survived is rare and sought after. 49 unique items are presented in this volume, extensively described and profusely illustrated throughout. Furthermore, this indispensable reference work contains introductions by two experts in Bulgarian modern art and literary history, a chronology of events, bio-bibliographical accounts, a list of reference works and an index of names.

Nominee for the award of „The Most Beautiful Austrian Book of the year 2014“

Kelly, Jerry & Beletsky, Misha.

The Noblest Roman. A History of the Centaur Types by Bruce Rogers.

Boston, David R. Godine publisher, 2016.

250x175 mm. 120 pp. with illustrations and monotype Centaur samples used for display. Hardcover with dust jacket. Printed on Mohawk laid paper by offset lithography. Language: English.

Bruce Rogers is one of the most important American book designers of the 20th century. His most widespread accomplishment is the Centaur type, which he created in the late 19th century as a modern revival of Jenson’s roman type of 1470. Kelly and Beletsky follows the development of the Centaur in the history of modern design and aesthetics. The book is set in Kelly’s digital version of Roger’s original foundry Centaur.

Articles kelly
Articles lepape

Lepape, Séverine.

Gravures de la Rue Montorgueil.

Paris, BnF Éditions, 2016.

300x210 mm. 368 pp. With b/w ill. Softcover. Language: French.

From the 1550s, families of print publishers settled in Paris in Rue Montorgueil, near the Les Halles market, offering to the public a various and vast production of prints. The present catalogue shed a new light on the activity of these publishers, almost unknown so far, which lasted until the 1640s. The catalogue examines over 650 prints, arranged by alphabetical order of publishers, mainly coming from the collections ofthe Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

Malais, Nicolas.

Bibliophilie & création littéraire (1830-1920).

Cabinet Chaptal, 2017.

210x145 mm. 443 pp. Ill. Softcover. Language: French.

This book wants to shed a new light on the importance of bibliophilia in the French literature between 1830 and 1920. It is divided into three parts: the first deals with what meant exactly bibliophilia in 19th-century France and focuses on key figures such as Charles Nodier; the second part discusses bibliophilia as a literary source; the third analyses the book as an object as it was produced and used in the period between 1870 and 1920 with particular regard to the link between the poetic experiences of poets such Mallarmé and Apollinaire and book design.

Articles malais
Articles mellot

Mellot, Jean-Dominique, Felton, Marie-Claude & Queval Élisabeth.

La Police des métiers du livre à Paris au siècle des Lumières. “Historique des libraires et imprimeurs de Paris existans en 1752” de l’inspecteur Joseph d’Hémery. Édition critique. Préface de Robert Darnton.

Paris, BnF Éditions, 2017.

240x165 mm. 560 pp. Ill. Softcover. Language: French.

This volume represents the critical edition of an extremely interesting document for the history of book printing and trading in mid 18th-century Paris, i.e. the Historique des libraries, a police report written over a period of many years by inspector Joseph d’Hémery (1722-1806), who was responsible for the control and censorship of the Paris bookshops and printing houses between 1748 and 1773. This extraordinary document is here published with the notes by J.-D. Mellot, curator of the BnF, M.-C. Felton, historian, and É. Queval of the University of Montréal.

Mordek, Erika.

The Secret Life of Watermarks.

Canberra, Impress Printers, 2017.

300x210 mm. XXX, 333 pp. Ill. in colors. Softcover. Language: Enlgish.

This book, number two of the series “Booksleuth Series”, was issued in 40 copies only. Its aim is to guide the beginner and to help the researcher in the fascinating field of watermarks. It describes 500 watermarks, some common, some unusual, others, enigmatic.

Articles mordek watermark
Articles rudy

Rudy, Kathryn M.

Piety in Progress. How Medieval Readers Customized their Manuscripts.

Open Book Publishers, 2016.

235x155 mm. xvii, 392 pp. With ill. in colors. Softcover. Language: English.

During the Middle Ages owners purchased manuscripts made for an open market and then personalized them. The present is a study on the different ways in which manuscript owners adjusted the contents of their volumes from the simplest (add marginal notes) to the most complex (take the book apart, embellish the components with painted decorations, add more quire of parchment, etc.). By making sometimes extreme adjustments, book owners kept their books fashionable and emotionally relevant. This study explores the intersection of codicology and human desire.

Wilding, Nick.

Faussaire de Lune. Autopsie d’une imposture, Galilée et ses contrefacteurs.

Paris, BnF Éditions, 2016.

240x165 mm. 72 pp. Ill. Softcover. Language: French.

The book is based on the conference held by N. Wilding at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France on the case of a very special copy of Sidereus Nuncius first edition, which has raised a lot of concern in the academic and antiquarian book trade world. Wilding explains how he came to realize that the book was an entire fake and demonstrates beyond any doubt how the book was recently forged. Moreover the book deals with all the implications that this exemplar case study has brought to light among historians, bibliographers and antiquarian book dealers.

Articles wilding
Articles zorzi

Zorzi, Marino.

Essor et déclin du livre imprimé vénitien.

Paris, BnF Éditions, 2016.

240x165 mm. 80 pp. Ill. Softcover. Language: French.

The books outlines the history of book printing in Venice, since the beginning in 1469 up to the end of the republic in 1767, through the splendors of the Renaissance period, in which Venice was the printing capital of the Western world, the deep crisis of the 17th century and the new golden age in the 18th century. Zorzi is the director of the Marciana Library.

Broomfield, Michael.

His Place for Story: Robinson Jeffers: A Descriptive Bibliography.

New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2015.

280x210 mm. 272 pp. of text plus 72 pp. of b/w images (repeated in color on CD). Hardcover with dust jacket. Language: English.

From the mid-1920s through the early 1930s, Robinson Jeffers was ranked by many critics as one of Americas most important living poets. By the end of the 1930s, however, he was widely thought to have little new to say, and his reputation and readership declined. In recent decades, Jeffers has been rediscovered as an early critic of the 20 th -century’s offenses against the natural world, and academics and critics again recognize the depth and complexity of his work. In light of this resurgence, it has long frustrated scholars and collectors that no one had carried forward S.S. Alberts’s 1933 A Bibliography of the Works of Robinson Jeffers. The present new study, His Place for Story, both revisits the years covered by Alberts (correcting errors) and adds full descriptive entries for all known separate Jeffers publications and for selected other publications with Jeffers contributions. Extensive appendices supply additional information on appearances of Jeffer's poetry and prose. Illustrating the text are over 400 images of book covers, jackets, broadsides, and other items, in greyscale in the printed volume and in color on an accompanying CD.

Articles broomfield
Articles lindseth

Lindseth, Jon A (general editor) & Alan Tannenbaum (technical editor).

Alice in a World of Wonderlands: The Translations of Lewis Carroll’s Masterpiece.

New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2015.

280x215 mm. 3 volumes. 2656 pp. Hardcover. Language: English.

Alice in a World of Wonderlands is the most extensive analysis ever done of the translations of one English language novel in so many languages. That novel is Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, one of the most quoted books in the world. On October 4, 1866 Lewis Carroll wrote his publisher Macmillan stating “Friends here [in Oxford] seem to think that the book is untranslatable.” But his friends were wrong, as this book shows with translations in 174 languages. The translations into nine different dialects of Scots language are, we believe, the most of any novel in any language. The book was published in China (463 editions), Mongolia, Lao, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan. Editions exist in Maori of New Zealand and Pitjantjatjara, an Aboriginal language of Australia. Five Pacific Island languages are represented. There is even one in Brazilian Sign Language. The first translations were German and French in 1869, just a few years after the first English edition in 1865. Translations into virtually every European language followed including all six Celtic languages and six languages of Spain. The Indian sub-continent is represented by twelve languages and Africa by eight including Zulu, Seychelles Creole, and Swahili. There are translations in three Jewish languages and a number from the Middle East. The book is in three volumes, the first with general essays and an essay about each language. In volume two, the same eight pages from Chapter VII, "A Mad Tea-Party" are translated back into English so one can read and compare how translators went about dealing with Lewis Carroll's nonsense, homophones, and twists of meaning. Volume three is the checklist of 174 languages and over 9,000 editions and reprints of Alice and the sequel Through the Looking-Glass. Compiled in celebration of the 150th anniversary of Alice’s publication.

Thake, Robert.

A Publishing History of a Prohibited Best-seller: The Abbé de Vertot and his Histoire de Malte.

New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2016.

245x170 mm. 408 pp. with color and b/w ill. Cloth with dust jacket. Language: English.

This study examines one of the most notorious examples of a book whose enormous popular success was due almost entirely to its being banned by the Vatican. The Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, affectionately referred to as Histoire de Malte, was written by the Abbé de Vertot and printed in Paris in four quarto volumes in 1726. The author, a provincial clergyman who attained a certain fame in the capital of the monde philosophe, was commissioned by the Order of St. John to be its chronicler and compose a history of the Order from its origins in Jerusalem until the year of publication. Vertot spent thirteen years composing the work but the product was far from what his patrons expected. What was meant to be a chronicle of the Catholic Order ended up attracting the ire of the inquisition due to the numerous anti-papist statements which the author included and, shortly after it saw the light, the publication was put in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. This study is based on hitherto unpublished sources from nineteen archives and libraries around the world.

Articles thake
Articles sordet

Barbier, Frédéric, Dubois, Thierry & Sordet, Yann.

De l’argile au nuage: une archélogie des catalogues (IIe millénaire av. J.-C. – XXIe siècle)

Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, Bibliothèque de Genève, Éditions des Cendres

265x205 mm. 429 pp. with illustrations in colors. Hardcover. Language: French

Published on the occasion of an exhibition held at the Mazarine Library, Paris, and at the Library of Geneva in 2015, this lavishly printed and illustrated book, which gathers the contributions of 40 different scholars, investigates the history of the “catalogue” in its broader meaning (printed and manuscript catalogues, inventories, lists, labeling, etc.), from the clay tablets to the modern “cloud” systems, from the Carolingian inventories to the Renaissance bibliographical encyclopedias, from the sale catalogues to the catalogues of the great libraries. Moreover the volume deals with the ancient and still current issue of collecting and organizing data, studying its evolution also on the basis of the material supports used throughout human history, such as the clay tablet, the volume, the codex, the printed book, the card, and, more recently, the screen.