News & Updates Henry Sotheran Ltd
PODCAST by Slightly Foxed Magazine: Speaking to Chris Saunders of Henry Sotheran's on the joys of the antiquarian book world yesterday and today

"...From folios to quartos, half-binding to cockling, foxing to forgery, they tackle trade terminology and share tales of rarities and curiosities. The conversation ranges far and wide in the typical Slightly Foxed manner – from Parisian romances and the libraries of English country houses to outsized ornithological specimens and books of unusual provenance. ... Nigel Anthony recounts the tale of a bookseller’s quest for bibliophilic bliss in a sleepy corner of the Cotswolds, and there’s the usual round-up of recommended reading from off the beaten track."

The original article and podcast from 15 October 2019 can be found here.
Sotheran's Rare Books & Prints is the oldest antiquarian bookseller in the world. Originally founded in York in 1761 and then established in London in 1815, the shop has been selling books continuously for over 250 years. Its beautiful gallery and shop in London Mayfair's Sackville Street has been a destination for bibliophiles for generations.
The firm is a member of the Antiquarian Booksellers Association in the UK and an affiliate of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers.
To contact Mr Saunders and his team, please follow this link.