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La Bibliophilie in France - Part 3 of 3 & The ILAB Breslauer Prize For Bibliography

Bibliographie critique des ouvrages et traductions de Gabriel Chappuys.
Preface by Jean Balsamo
by Jean-Marc Dechaud
Published by Librairie Droz, in Geneva, 2014
Gabriel Chappuys was the most prolific French translator of the last quarter of the 16th century and the start of the 17th century. A man of letters living by his pen, he authored some hundred works. His editorial choices, which focused especially on freshly published Spanish and Italian works, are representative of an era of change. His contribution to the literary and intellectual history of his time is important, both because of the quantity of his output and because of its innovative quality and his choice of texts, some of which would inspire major works by Molière, Le Sage, and Shakespeare. He made available to the French public the greatest elements of Italian culture (Ariosto, Boccaccio, Botero, Castiglione, etc.) and Spanish culture (Alemán, Contreras, Louis de Grenade, Thérèse d’Avila, etc.). The study of this forgotten author and his production helps understand the mechanisms of the transmission of knowledge in Europe toward the end of the Renaissance. This book gives a complete bibliographic description of the first editions of Chappuys’ works, a listing of their reprints, pertinent information taken from dedications and privileges, and a synthesis which clarifies the context and the determining elements of his career.
The publication can be purchased from the publishers here: >> Librairie Droz

Canadian publication in French language:
Catalogue des imprimés des XVe et XVIe siècles dans les collections de l'Université du Québec à Montréal
(ed.) Brenda Dunn-Lardeau
Published by Presses de l’Université du Québec in 2013
This detailed catalogue reveals a hitherto little known, yet precious collection of witnesses of the early history of the book while the colour illustrations bring these artefacts alive.
This volume contains copy-specific descriptions of the 66 printed books from the XVth and XVIth c. held in the Collections of the Université du Québec à Montréal. The majority of these (most of which came from a Jesuit college) are in Latin, many by major European printers, including the Gryphe, Estienne and Plantin dynasties. These writings reflect the values of humanist education, with works by Greek and Latin authors, along with some by Erasmus. The Renaissance’s quest for beauty and harmonious proportions shines forth in the illustrations adorning several contemporary works, including de Bry’s series on America.
The publication can be purchased from the publishers here: >> Presses de l’Université du Québec
The ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography is sponsored by the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers with the generous support of the B.H. Breslauer Foundation.
This prestigious prize in the field of bibliographical studies is awarded every fourth year to the most significant reference work within a selection of scholarly books on bibliography, published in the previous years and submitted to the Prize jury.