Kyoto 1981
London, June 10, 1981
Present: the whole Committee, apologies Mr. W. Salloch; Mr. De Nobele, President of Honour; temporarily: Mr. R. H. Baynton-Williams and Mr. Stanley Crowe.
The President opened the Meeting at 9 a.m., welcoming those present, above all the attending President of Honour, Mr. De Nobele, and distributed the Agenda.
(1) Minutes of the Committee-Meeting, Stuttgart, January 28, 1981 were passed and signed by the President.
(2) President's interim Report. Regarding the question where to house the copies of the books received for the Bibliographical Prize and also the Files of the League, the President reported, that the Files could be housed as previously at the Library of the Booksellers' Association at Amsterdam. Only one copy of the Bibliographies will now be placed there, the second one to be returned to the publisher (as the Library has formerly regarded both copies as a gift).
As to the investigations into lower Postal Rates for books and book-catalogues, there has been no progress. Mr. Davis, by now having retired as President of the International Book Federation has only responded one day before the meeting to give his meagre correspondence pertaining to this question to Mr. Lawson. The President will begin again to write to the new President of the International Federation.
Mr. Nitta had sent a preliminary programme for the Presidents' Meeting at Kyoto:
Friday, September 25, 1981:
9:00 - 12:00 Committee Meeting
1:00 - 5:00 afternoon Presidents' Meeting
evening Cocktail Party
Saturday, September 26, 1981:
9:30 - 1130 Presidents and Committee: informal discussion on matters pertaining to the trade
afternoon: visit to a Library, a Japanese Paper-Factory and Japanese Gardens
evening: Dinner invitation by the Kyoto Antiquarian Booksellers
Sunday, September 27, 1981:
9:30 - 1030 Committee Meeting
10:30 - 11:20 Presidents' Meeting
afternoon: optional bus-tours
Up to now Mr. Nitta had not given any information as to a cheaper group-travel possibility.
The President will ask him again.
The President had congratulated the ABA on its 75th anniversary.
Mr. Hertzberger had written again claiming the copyright of the Dictionary for the Antiquarian Booktrade. Mr. De Nobele confirmed that the Dictionary, though being undisputedly initiated by Mr. Hertzberger, had been a cooperative work by Mr. Scheler, Mr. Blaizot and Mr. Hertzberger himself and so no copyright could be claimed.
The French Association had informed the Committee that 13 of their members had left their Association. The new President of the SLAM is M. Pierre Beres.
Since item 23 of the Rules does not allow Committee members to serve more than two terms of three years, Mr. Salloch's term has now come to an end. The President had corresponded with the American President and lately got the information that Dr. Leona Rostenberg will be nominated a candidate for the League's Committee by the ABAA.
Mr. Baynton-Williams and Mr. Crowe having come one after the other, their respective items on the Agenda were dealt with accordingly.
(8) Security. Mr. Bayntun-Williams reported on the British system and advised that the ABA is on the point of joining a computer-system offered by the publishers of the American Book Prices Current. He himself is prepared to offer his services to the League to arrange on these terms an International Security System. This system will be very quick and inexpensive and evidently could help efficiently to recover stolen books. The League will propose that the National Associations foster this project which will be described in a letter to be sent with the Kyoto-Agenda to the Presidents. It will be discussed at the Presidents' Meeting.
(9) Guide Lines for International Book Fairs. Mr. Crowe presented the final version of these as fixed by the discussions and votes of the Congress at New York. It will be distributed together with the Agenda for the coming Presidents' Meeting, where it will be only a matter of adoption to be voted on.
(3) The Secretary reported on the offer of the ABAJ to reprint the Dictionary in an edition of 300 copies, half of these to be sold to the League. These 150 copies are now on their way to Europe. Printing and binding are said to be of better quality and the price has been fixed at $ 36.- less 25 % to members
(4) The Treasurer reported that the finances of the League are in good condition. There are some National Associations who have not yet paid their subscription.
(5) The Editor of the Newsletter reported on his difficulties with the printer and the translations, that postponed the date of publication. It will be ready at the end of June.
(6) International Directory. This publication is not selling as well as it could. Associations and members are asked to try to sell more copies. As Mr. Pummer, having done the main work of the two last editions, leaves Copenhagen, a new editor is sought for the coming editions.
(7) Bibliographical Prize. Dr. E. Dal of Copenhagen has accepted to be member of the Jury. The first meeting of the Jury will take place on July 3rd 1981 at Stuttgart.
(10) The Agenda for the Presidents' Meeting was prepared. Mr. De Nobele gave his advice for the formulation of the French version, which was gratefully accepted.
The President closed the Meeting at 1 p.m.
Kyoto 1981
Committee Meeting
September 25th, 9 -12 A.M.
Present: the whole Committee, excused Mr. J. Schafer.
Apologies: Mr. F. De Nobele, Mr. M. Herzberger, Mr. F. Tulkens, Presidents of Honour.
The Committee considered the AGENDA in preparation for the Presidents' Meeting.
Unanimously the Committee decided to propose, that Mr. Stanley Crowe should be made President of Honour at the Congress at Paris in 1982, according to item IV,16,c of the Rules, three years having passed since the end of his Presidency.
September 25th, 1 - 4.30 P.M.
Present: the Committee as in the morning.
The National Associations were represented:
AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND: apologies from Mr. Hince (though the nearest meeting-place possible for this Association). Proxy held by Mr. Baynton-Coward
AUSTRIA: the President Mr. W. Taeuber
BELGIUM: represented by Mr. van der Heyde
BRAZIL: apologies from the President, proxy held by Japan
DENMARK: apologies from Mr. M. Girsel, proxy held by Mr. Bagger
FRANCE: apologies by Mr. P. Beres, represented by Mr. Chamonal
GERMANY: apologies from the President Mr. Reiss for the designated Committee-member Mrs. Koppel, Proxy held by Mrs. Conradt
GREAT-BRITAIN: Mr. Bayntun-Coward, President
ITALY: apologies from Mr. R. Rizzi, proxy held by Mr. de Graaf
JAPAN: represented by their President Mr. U. Sakai
NETHERLANDS: the President, Mr. A. Gerits
SWEDEN: the President, Mrs. K. Wachtmeister
SWITZERLAND: the President, Mr. M. Krebser
USA: the Vice-President, Mrs. E. Woodburn
Interpreter: Mrs. Patricia Té-omi
The President opened the meeting with words of gratitude to the hosts of this Presidents’ Meeting, the Japanese Association. He welcomed all those representatives who had travelled so far to meet and to work for the benefit of the LEAGUE. Then he asked for a minute's silence in memory of those members who had passed away since the last meeting in New York.
After some words regarding the INFORMAL DISCUSSION ON TOPICS REGARDING THE TRADE, scheduled for the following day and having overcome the intended abstention of the French speaking countries from this discussion by the most generous provision of the interpreter by the Japanese Association for this session as well, the President took up the AGENDA.
Mr. Krebser and Mr. van der Heyde were appointed scrutineers.
CANADA, FINLAND and NORWAY having given no proxies, there were 18 votes represented.
(2) With the apologies of the whole Committee to Mr. Salloch, the President corrected the Minutes of the Committee-Meeting in London in June 1981, they having been unfortunately formulated regarding the most valued member of the Committee: Mr. Salloch had apologised for not being present at one of the meetings, and, a second point, his terms had come to an end, since the item 23 of our Rules does not allow a Committee-member to serve more than two terms of three years. The same formulation should have be used for item 12 of the Kyoto-Agenda.
Regarding the Minutes of the last Congress at New York, Mr. van der Heyde brought forward the point that the Security-terms of the Belgium Association consists of a telephone-chain and a distribution of the British lists of "Recently reported losses" to all their members, whereas the minutes had simply stated "a very simple system". Then it was unanimously agreed that the President signs the Minutes.
(3) The President reported the events of the past year: the death of Mr. Dudley Massey, a past-President of the League, and of the long-time Swedish President Mr. Ronnell, who both passed away at the end of 1980, and of the sudden death of the former German President, Mr. Eggert, in September this year. Pleasant events were the diamond-jubilee of the Danish Association and the celebrations of the oldest one in the League, the British Association having been founded 75 years ago. The President had written letters and the League had been represented. In France Mr. P. Beres took over the Presidency. Internal difference of opinion in that Association led to the regrettable fact, that 14 French colleagues are no longer members of the League. The League Committee had been officially informed by the President Mr. Loeb-Laroque.
Regarding Postal Rates, the contacts with the other organisations handling books had brought no success yet. Whereas Mr. Gerits had been successful, in cooperation with the representatives of the Publishers' and the Booksellers' Associations in the Netherlands, where printed matter was excepted from the general sharp increase and that higher tariffs for books would be introduced gradually in the Netherlands, stretched out over a period of three years..
The President thanked the members of the Committee for their continuous cooperation and at the same time regretted the lack of response from the National Associations, that would be necessary if the League should function in a satisfactory way.
During the short discussion it was suggested that, though the main meetings of the LEAGUE and the SOCIETEE INTERNATIONALE DES BIBLIOPHILES alternate from one year to another, the dates of the Presidents' Meetings should not, if possible, coincide with those of the Congress of the Bibliophiles.
(4) The Secretary reported on the new printing of the Dictionary done by the Japanese Association. It is suggested that more advertisements for this publication of the LEAGUE as well as for the Directory should be placed by the National Associations, as the German one did this year in the "Gemeinschaftskatalog".
(5) The Treasurer presented the Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements from January to end August of 1981. The travel-expenses cover the meetings at Stuttgart and London, the expenses for the Bibliographical Prize those of the meeting of the Jury in June at Stuttgart.
Up to the end of August, France, Canada and Norway had not paid their subscriptions.
As discussed in former meetings the Treasurer had bought Danish Bonds for a "Bibliographical Prize Foundation" out of the profit of the Directory. This Foundation shall be included into the Statutes of the LEAGUE and will figure as an item on the Agenda for the Paris-Congress next year. An interest of dkr 15 000.- p.a. is expected, a special statement of cash receipts and disbursements will have to be produced every year.
(6) The Subscriptions will have to be increased by 10 % (as already advised at the New York-Congress) to catch up with the inflation every year. 14 votes were for, 3 against the increase, the vote of Brazil, held by the Japanese, blank.
The discussion had brought up the question, whether an Association having voted against will be obliged by the vote of the majority to pay the said increase. This question, new in the annals of the LEAGUE, will be considered by the Committee.
(7) The President read the report of the excused editor of the Newsletter, Mr. J. Schafer. The last issue, calculated by pages, did not show an increase of price compared with its predecessor.
The next issue will be published in Spring 1982, covering the events of 1981. As the new Directory will only appear in 1984, it should contain the names and addresses of new members as well as changes of addresses. The National Presidents are asked for their cooperation to have these lists written. The editor would welcome any comments or contributions that would enliven and improve our Newsletter.
(8) The Editor of the Directory, Mr. Hans Bagger reported, that still about 150 copies of the Directory are unsold and he asked all members to push the sale. A new edition is planned for 1984, four years seeming to be the appropriate interval between two editions. In the meantime new members and changes of addresses should be made known by the National Associations in the Newsletter.
Mr. H. Pumrner is prepared to work again on the next edition of the Directory.
(9) Mr. John Lawson, member of the Jury of the Bibliographical Prize, reported on the first meeting for the 7th Triennial Prize. 18 Books, whose titles have been published in the last Newsletter, have been presented, out of which 8 are selected for further inspection.
As stated in the Treasurers report, the Foundation for the Prize will be on the Paris Agenda for inclusion in the Statuts of the LEAGUE.
(10) The newly proposed Security-System was one of the main points on the Agenda. Several National Associations, having circulated the President's letter regarding the System proposed by the American and English Associations (who are already establishing it) received negative answers from their members.
The reasons were mainly the lack of a secretary. During the discussion several aspects were regarded. The main help for smaller countries or those fearing legal problems would be co-operation with another Association. Mr. Baynton-Coward agreed on behalf of the British Association to cooperate. As some Associations will have their meetings only at the beginning of next year, the Committee fixed the dead-line for the urgently-asked-for decisions of the
National Associations to be the end of February 1982.
(11) The Guide-Lines for International Book fairs were presented in the final form to be voted on. There were 15 votes for and 3 votes against their adoption.
(12) Mr. William Salloch had come to the end of his second and final term. The President expressed on behalf of the Committee and the League his sincere thanks for the work and very good advice he gave all the time to the Meetings. He himself expressed his wish, that the Committee in the future might have more influence in determining the programme of the Congresses of the LEAGUE, especially with regard to the number of working-sessions.
The Treasurer Hans Bagger, acclaimed by the President as our "financial wizzard" was re-elected by acclamation.
Dr. Leona Rostenberg, being proposed by the American Association to be a new Committee-Member, was elected unanimously.
(13) No propositions were received from the National Associations.
(14) Mr. Chamonal, the representative of the French Association, reported that the next Congress will begin on Thursday October 7th 1982. There will be a Fair from October 4th to 6th preceding the Congress, but only participants to the Congress will be allowed to exhibit. More information will follow next year.
Mrs. Wachtmeister confirmed the invitation of her Association to hold the Presidents' Meeting 1983 at Stockholm, probably at the end of September. As there is no room available to house an International Fair, there will possibly be an exhibition in the town hall. Some days later the Scandinavian Fair will take place at Kopenhagen.
In 1984 there will be, by invitation of the British Association, a Congress and International Fair in London, probably at the end of September.
(15) As decided during the Committee-Meeting, the President informed the Assembly that the Committee will propose to the General Assembly during the Congress at Paris to make Mr. Stanley Crowe a President of Honour of the LEAGUE. This aroused a discussion on the terms of "Member of Honour" and "President of Honour". That will be on the Agenda for the Paris Meetings.
The President closed the Meeting at 1645 o'clock, after thanking all those who contributed to the discussions.
Committee Meeting
September 27th, 9 - 10.15 AM.
During this final meeting the Committee considered the work to be done before and at the next meeting and distributed it themselves. There was a discussion on the price for the Directory that should be sold to all sorts of booksellers with a discount to give it a quicker sale. This point will be considered when publishing the next edition. The Dictionary is distributed to booksellers with a discount of 25 %.
To guarantee the publication of names and addresses of new members in the Newsletter, Mr. Pummer will be asked to write to the National Presidents for their lists and he will forward it to the editor of the Newsletter.
The Committee will meet again at Stuttgart on January 26th 1982.
Stuttgart, January 26th 1982
Present: the whole Committee, with the exception of Dr. Leona Rostenberg who, owing to illness, sent apologies. Apologies also from Mr. Menno Hertzberger, President of Honour.
The President opened the Meeting at 10 a.m. by welcoming those present.
(1) The Minutes of the Meetings in Kyoto were passed, and signed by the President.
Matters Arising:
(5) France, Canada and Norway had now paid their subscriptions.
(6) The Committee had been asked to consider whether an Association having voted against, will be obliged by the vote of the majority to pay the increase in subscription. The Committee were unanimous in their decision that in any vote, the minority should abide by the majority decision.
(8) National Associations had been asked to provide the names of new members and those no longer members, and also changes of addresses for insertion in the Newsletter. So far only one had done so.
(11) The Guide-Lines for International Book Fairs were being printed and are already in proof form. It was decided to advertise it in the Newsletter, and that 10 copies should be sent to the larger Associations and 5 to the smaller Associations.
(2) President's Intermediate Report.
The President had written a letter of thanks to the Japanese President Mr. Sakai, thanking him, his Committee and general membership for all their kindness and hospitality. He had also written to Mr. Nitta thanking him for all his good offices. He had received a letter from the Japanese Association commenting on the cementing of friendships.
The President had written to Dr. Rostenberg congratulating her on her nomination and election to the Committee and asking her to accept the post of General Secretary. He had received a reply from her accepting the post.
The President had sent a letter to Stanley Crowe advising him that the Guide Lines for Book Fairs had been passed at the President's Meeting in Kyoto. He advised him also of the Committee's proposition that he be elected a President of Honour at the next Congress. It would have liked to have proposed him earlier but felt it had to keep to the three-year rule. Mr. Crowe had replied with thanks, and sent also a copy of a letter he had sent to the British Association correcting a comment in their Newsletter. He had pointed out to them that the Guide-Lines had not been compiled by the A.B.A., although they had helped, but compiled on behalf of many Associations and collated and presented by Standley Crowe. It was a co-operative effort, not that of one country.
The President had received a letter from Mr. Menno Hertzberger resisting the re-printing of the Dictionary, as he claims the author's rights belong to him. The President pointed out that the Dictionary is a publication of the League and that consequently, the rights belong to the League. However the matter is only of theoretical interest as no new edition is envisaged. The President would have discussions with Mr. Hertzberger on the matter.
The International Book Fair at Maastricht would be held from April 21-24.
The President had received a letter from the Australian and New Zaeland Association advising the League of some amendments to their Constitution.
He had received also a letter from the German Association, who were meeting this same week, stating that the Security question is on their Agenda. They also pointed out the advantages of a computer mailing list and the possibility of using one in compiling the new Directory. Members of the committee had had only limited success with such a venture and felt they should be cautious in the matter. It was suggested that Mr. Pummer might consider working with a computer man to investigate the possibilities.
(3) Secretary's Intermediate Report.
The Secretary's comments were mostly confined to various correspondence concerning security matters and it was decided to minute them under item 7.
(4) Treasurer's Intermediate Report.
Mr. Bagger presented a detailed report for the period 1st September - 31st December 1981. It was in a healthy state considering all the expenses of the Congress in Japan, and the interest on the Bibliographical Prize fund was most pleasing. He asked that the Committee push the sale of Directories, as over 700 copies are left. Mr. Schafer suggested that a standard hand-out be available to all individual members to encourage them to advertise the Directory in their catalogues. It was decided to discuss the sale price of the Directory at the next Presidents' Meeting. Mr. Bagger said that the Bibliographical Prize will now be self-supporting, and was going to investigate the possibility of Dutch Bonds for even better interest.
The President thanked the Treasurer for all his hard work, which thanks were endorsed by the rest of the Committee.
(5) NEWSLETTER. Editor's Intermediate Report.
The Editor stated that he was still gathering text for the next issue which he hoped would be published about the end of Mayor beginning of June. In Answer to the Swedish President's point at Kyoto concerning envelope size, Mr. Schafer said he would enclose the right-size envelopes with copies of the Newsletter for Sweden. Directory amendments, additions and deletions would be bound in the centre of the Newsletter so that they may be easily detached
and placed in the Directory.
(6) Bibliographical Prize.
Dr. Kocher-Benzing sent his regards to the meeting. There was little to report at this stage. The next meeting would be in early July and the presentation of the Prize will be made at the Congress.
(7) Security.
Austria was prepared to collaborate with another country but would like further information from Mr. Baynton-Williams. The Swiss Association needed the same. France, who voted against in Kyoto, will now reconsider at the beginning of March. Mr. Magis has written to Mr. Baynton-Williams. Mr. Rizzi sent details of the Italian system. The German Association will try to support the Security System and the Danish and Dutch Associations will reply before March 1st.
(8) CONGRESS, Paris 1982.
It is proposed to hold a Book Fair from Sunday October 3rd to Wednesday October 6th (setting up on Saturday October 2nd). At the same time there will be an Exhibition confined solely to French exhibitors to run from October 3rd-16th.
The date of the Congress would be October 7th - 9th. Mr. Chamonal gave the above information. He had talked with the French President who had informed him that the Committee will be told the detailed programme in April. The President and Committee felt that this was rather late. The President stated he would write to the French President requesting urgent attention to publication of the programme, and requesting most strongly that the dates of the Fair be changed so as not to coincide with the Frankfort Fair.
There being no other business, the President dosed the meeting with thanks to all those present.
1. Nomination of scrutineers - Apologies - Voting rights of Countries present
and Proxies.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the 1981 Kyoto Meetings.
3. President's Report.
4. Secretary's Report.
5. Treasurer's Report.
6. Annual Subscriptions.
7. Directory. Editor's Report.
8. Newsletter. Editor's Report.
9. Bibliographical Prize.
10. Security.
11. a: Proposal from The Committee:
The Committee of the ILAB, whilst respecting the National Associations' absolute autonomy as per article 7 of the Rules - which includes setting their own criteria in organizing any given congress-proposes the following recommendation for adoption: «Since it is in the obvious interest of the democratic functioning of the ILAB that as many members as possible should attend the League's congresses, it is essential to set participation fees as low as possible. This could be achieved, if necessary, by limiting the number of social functions, or by other suitable
b: Proposals from National Associations.
12. Elections
a: The Committee wishes to propose that the late Mr. Stanley Crowe be elected posthumously a President of Honour of the League.
b: The President, Mr. Bob de Graaf, does not wish to stand for re-election.
The Committee nominates for President the Vice-President, Mr. John Lawson.
c: The Committee nominates for Vice-President Mr. Hans Bagger who will continue in his office as Treasurer for the time being.
d: Since Mrs. Maria Conradt and Messrs. Francois Chamonal and Jorg Schafer are eligible for re-election, the Committee wishes to nominate them.
e: There is one vacancy. According to article 30 of the Rules the National Associations can nominate one or more candidates, taking into account the requirements of article 22.
13. Future Congresses and Presidents' Meetings
1983: Sweden
1984: Great Britain
Invitations for 1985 and 1986 would be appreciated.
14. Any other business.