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Join us online for the first "ILAB Online Mentoring Networking Session"

How does the ILAB Mentoring Programme work? Who can apply? What can I take from it?
Zoom Mentoring Meeting

Join us online:
"Online Mentoring Networking Session Part 1"
10 May 2023 - 1 pm London time

Sample times for other time zones:
8am New York / Toronto
1pm London
2pm Berlin / Amsterdam / Paris / Rome / Stockholm / Copenhagen
9pm Tokyo / Seoul
10pm Sydney

Please register with THIS LINK
(Registration is required)

Philipp Penka, ILAB Mentoring Programme Coordinator, will be in conversation with
Simon Beattie (Simon Beattie Ltd, Chesham, UK) and Sally Burdon (Asia Bookroom, Canberra, Australia), who have been active mentors for many years and can share their experience in the programme.

In 2016, ILAB launched its International Mentoring Programme. The programme aims to help young or recently launched booksellers worldwide by offering support and counsel on a one-to-one basis. Since then, many booksellers who initially joined the programme, have become members of the international ILAB community.
ILAB holds a list of mentors, ILAB booksellers, who have offered their free time and expertise to help a new bookseller.
Mentoring can be done across borders and time zones and meetings set up easily with video calls.
If you know a bookseller who is starting out and might benefit from the programme, please share the news! The programme is not only aimed at ILAB booksellers, it is open to anyone pursuing a serious, full-time career in the book trade and who would benefit from guidance and a wider network.