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Verband der Antiquare Österreichs

ILAB Pop UP Book Fairs - A Message from ILAB President Norbert Donhofer

ear organizers and visitors of the ILAB Pop Up Book Fairs, dear colleagues and friends, It is now less than 36 hours before the ILAB Pop Up Book Fairs will start in Australia, and some thirty Pop Up fairs will follow around the globe before this event ends on the west coast of the United States. I take this opportunity to thank you very much indeed for joining us on April 23, 2015. You have created some unbelievable and impressive ideas to celebrate this day: from a woolshed in Dunkeld to a boat, shipping along the "Grachten" of Amsterdam, a whole street in Groningen, and a Brew-Pub in Portland, Oregon, and so many more brilliant ideas! There are two main reasons why ILAB had invented this series of Pop Up Fairs on UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day: one reason is that we have the feeling that we have to show our profession to the public, to make antiquarian bookselling more visible! I would therefore ask you to talk to as many people as possible, distribute catalogues, and tell the public about rare, valuable, and second-hand books, maps and prints.
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Dear organizers and visitors of the ILAB Pop Up Book Fairs, dear colleagues and friends,

It is now less than 36 hours before the ILAB Pop Up Book Fairs will start in Australia, and some thirty Pop Up fairs will follow around the globe before this event ends on the west coast of the United States.

I take this opportunity to thank you very much indeed for joining us on April 23, 2015. You have created some unbelievable and impressive ideas to celebrate this day: from a woolshed in Dunkeld to a boat, shipping along the “Grachten” of Amsterdam, a whole street in Groningen, and a Brew-Pub in Portland, Oregon, and so many more brilliant ideas!

There are two main reasons why ILAB had invented this series of Pop Up Fairs on UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day: one reason is that we have the feeling that we have to show our profession to the public, to make antiquarian bookselling more visible! I would therefore ask you to talk to as many people as possible, distribute catalogues, and tell the public about rare, valuable, and second-hand books, maps and prints.

The second reason is to collect some money for schoolbooks for pupils in South Sudan! Ask your customers to make a donation – we will hand these donations over to UNESCO afterwards. The Committee of ILAB has already made a donation of some 500 €, the colleagues from Japan have given 77.000 Japanese Yen, and we have also received 2000 $ from AbeBooks. This is only the beginning. Help us to fill empty book cases to support the UNESCO literacy projects!

I thank you very much for all the hard work and time you had invested, and I wish you a joyful day with as many interesting discussions about our profession as possible!

Kind regards,

Norbert Donhofer, President of ILAB




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(Pictures: ILAB, UNESCO)