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ILAB News 10


Buy rare and beautiful books ...

An interview with ILAB President Arnoud Gerits

"... because you love them, you love a subject, a historical figure, a period. Build a collection and become the expert on the subject. It is the voyage that will give you incomparable pleasure, not the arrival at the destination. If you must invest, invest in yourself: enrich yourself." The Worth of Rare Books, worth reading ...

... from ILAB booksellers

Michael Ginsberg in conversation with Rusty Mott, John Windle, Natalie Bauman, Peter Stern, Jo Ann Reisler, Charles Goldsmid

"My father was one of the founders of the ABAA and knew almost everyone in the trade. I didn't care much about rare books as a kid, but I always liked booksellers. I remember selling my first book when I was five years old to Charlie O'Malley, an Irish American bookseller in New York. He used to buy quite regularly from me when I was a kid and always over-paid" (Rusty Mott). ILAB Booksellers on Video ...

Kay and Muriel Craddock - Rare. A Life Among Antiquarian Books

Stuart Kells' history of antiquarian bookselling through the lens of the personal and business lives of two remarkable women: Kay and Muriel Craddock. Brilliant! Read a chapter ...

Sotheran's: 250 Years of Bookselling

It's rare that an antiquarian bookshop should have a history as long and rich as the jewels of its stock. But with Sotheran's in London's Sackville Street celebrating its 250th anniversary this year, it can justifiably lay claim to the title 'oldest antiquarian bookshop in the world'. James Sprague tells Beatie Wolfe about an amazing history and the unique pressures of maintaining such an important name ...

Brockhaus/Antiquarium 1856-2011

Piracy, shipwrecks, cannibalism, discoverers, adventurers, around the world on ship or on horseback, by car, bike, airplane, or on foot: Rare books on travel and exploration since 1856 ...

"I have always depended on the kindness of strangers"

A very special event at The Bookshop in Old New Castle, organized by Between the Covers Rare Books: Tennessee Williams Centennial Exhibit of Rare Books and Memorabilia ...

Challenges Facing the Antiquarian Book Trade

Nigel Beale met Adrian Harrington at the Toronto Antiquarian Bookfair to talk about the challenges that face the antiquarian book trade. An audio interview ...

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Collect ...

... vintage shoes and the books about them, travel accounts from Tripoli and the French colonies, books on economics, politics, art, languages, theories on feminism or Baseball books, first editions by Truman Capote, Eudora Welty, Carl Sandburg, or calligraphic masterpieces written in Fraktur. Collecting tips ...

... and browse the ILAB catalogues

Charlotte du Rietz

Catalogue 36 - Interesting Books on Travel and Language

Between the Covers

Gay and Lesbian Interest

Gert Jan Bestebreurtje

Colonial & Maritime History

Hugues de Latude

Catalogue 39: Livres anciens

Hordern House

Australia in the 18th Century

Antiquària Llibreria Farré

Catalogue 97: Spiritualism, Erotica, Occult, History

Bookmark Australia

Ephemera Catalogue: March 2011

Pierre Coumans

Catalogues 3: Livres choisis

Henri Bonnefoi

Livres du XVIIe siècle

Bickerstaff's Books

American Maps, Charts & Views


Sciences anciennes, Sciences occultes

Rambaldi Studio Bibliografico

Catalogo 24

Charles Agvent

Miscellany 2010-2011

Librairie Faustroll

Catalogue 4 - Bibliothèque d'un amateur

View all catalogues ...

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