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ILAB News 1

ILAB News (March 2010)

Ten Reasons to Buy from an ILAB Dealer

With the advent of the Internet anyone with a computer and a few books can set up as a rare bookseller, and it's occasionally difficult to tell who is an expert, who is a casual hobbyist, and who is an Internet scammer. Here are a few simple reasons to buy from an ILAB bookseller ...

Amsterdam 1947 - Bologna 2010

"Was there a possibility to do something about interhuman relationship, to bring nations more together? This was my dream; but how could it be realized? Only on common ground, on mutual interests, and therefore, for an antiquarian bookseller, by his love, THE BOOK!" (Menno Hertzberger) Look back into the history of the League ...

ILAB Book Fairs - Spring 2010

Tokyo International Antiquarian Book Fair 2010

March 11-13, 2010, Izumi Garden Gallery, Tokyo (ABAJ)

New York Antiquarian Book Fair

April, 8-11, 2010, Park Avenue Armory, New York (ABAA)

Salon International du Livres Ancien de Paris

April 16-18, 2010, Grand Palais, Paris (SLAM)

Calendar ...

Catalogues of the Month

Librairie Camille Sourget (Paris)

Livres rares

Günter Linke (Berlin)

Illustrierte Bücher - Dada - Osteuropäische Avantgarde - Literatur

Marilyn Braiterman (New York)

Catalogue 31

Details ...

Collectors Corner

Virtual "Kultur" in a Kit!

Alain Marchiset explores the future of book culture on a visit to the Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair ...

The Oxford Companion to the Book

"This magnificent reference work is a tribute to - and celebration of - a revolutionary invention ... a paradise for book-lovers " (Noel Malcolm, Sunday Telegraph). ...

Facing the Late Victorians

Portraits of Writers and Artists from the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection. Henry B. Plant Museum, March 5 – June 5, 2010 ...

Collecting tips

Chocolate and other Baedeker travel guides ...

European Australiana ...

Authors' First Books ...

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