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Heimito von Doderer - The Austrian National Library buys important autographs

The Austrian National Library has bought 44 letters by the poet Heimito von Doderer which were written to Dietrich Weber, a famous scholar in German literature and a life-long specialist of Doderer's works. These letters were the beginning of a close friendship between the scholar and the novelist.

„Der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek ist es gelungen, durch den Ankauf von 44 Briefen von Heimito von Doderer an den Germanisten Dietrich Weber den bereits reichhaltigen Nachlass-Bestand des großen Dichters um bedeutende Autografen zu erweitern. Äußerst bemerkenswert und auffällig ist die Gestaltung der Briefe, sie wurden in mehreren Farben geschrieben.“

Dr. Johanna Rachinger, Director of the Austrian National Library

The Austrian National Library has bought 44 letters by the poet Heimito von Doderer which were written to Dietrich Weber, a famous scholar in German literature and a life-long specialist of Doderer’s works. These letters were the beginning of a close friendship between the scholar and the novelist. Weber and Doderer discuss a bibliography of the author’s works and some of his novels like „Die Merowinger oder die totale Familie“ (1962) or „Die Wasserfälle von Slunj“ (1963). The letters are extraordinary. They were written between 1959 and 1966 in several colours, and are therefore pieces of art in themselves.

Heimito von Doderer’s works and letters are available online at the National Austrian Library.

>>> The Austrian National Library