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Committee Meeting - October 1950


The Executive Committee of the League met in London on October 27th.


The printing of the proceedings was considered, and it was decided that, while no attempt should be made at a resume, nevertheless every effort at economising should be pursued. Repetitions and inapposite remarks should be expunged and a cheaper quality of paper should be used with a view to reducing costs to a minimum.


It was agreed that the proposal of the Dutch Association, to prepare a travelling exhibition of books, was too complicated and difficult to realise; but the idea was too valuable to be lost altogether, and the Dutch Association was asked to co-opt Mr. Tulkens on to a small committee with the object of preparing a skeleton plan for an exhibition of an international nature. This plan could then be considered by the committee and eventually circulated to the national associations urging each of them to prepare such an exhibition in its own country. Neighbouring countries might collaborate in such exhibitions.


The Danish proposal to establish a chronicle of the League’s activities for circulation to national newspapers, was adapted for trade journals, and the present record is the first of these to be issued.


The proposal of the ABA that national sub-committees be formed to study special questions of interest to the League was approved in principle. The ABA is to be asked to develop the idea further for the committee’s consideration.


It was reported that, on the Danish proposal for a short film on rare books, that an English firm had been asked to report on the possibility. It was found that a sum approaching £2,500 would have to be guaranteed before such a film could be made and that the probable returns would be considerably below that figure. It was agreed to refer the matter back to the Danes for further exploration of the possibilities.


It was agreed that the text of the rules be further considered by the members of the committee with a view to improvements in phraseology. No alterations of meaning could be entertained. The text would then be printed and circulated.


The cliché of the League’s emblem was presented and approved together with the text of a circular letter to presidents, asking them to urge their members to purchase it for use on their stationery and catalogues.


It was reported that the publication of the Directory will be delayed owing to the fact that some associations had not returned the proofs promptly. It was unlikely to be ready before March 1951. This is doubly unfortunate, as there is to be a considerable rise in printers’ wages before then, which may have to be reflected in the published price of the Directory.


Progress on the International Dictionary was reported. The slips are soon to be circulated to the countries whose languages are included in it, with a view to final polishing. The scheme and layout of its presentation were discussed.


Subscriptions for 1951 and the arrears for 1950 were discussed; also the need for transposing the amounts into Belgian francs. It was also agreed that a resolution of the committee to delegate to the Hon. Treasurer power to sign cheques on behalf of the League should be made.


The opinion of the associations is to be sought on the advisability of inviting an observer to the Brussels Conference from the booksellers in the Western Zone of Germany.


Names for inclusion on a Black List had been prepared by M. Kundig for presentation to the Conference, but had not been circulated. It was agreed that the list should be immediately circulated to the associations for their comments and additions, and that, on receipt of these a final list should be prepared for circulation.

This list has now been received and is being studied by the ABA Committee.


More intensive organisation of the Children’s Holiday Scheme was agreed upon and steps for securing the co-operation of members and announcements in trade journals were approved. They are printed below.


Arrangements for the Brussels Conference were discussed, and it was agreed that our Belgian hosts be asked to temper friendship with mercy and to allow more free time for delegates than has been possible in the past.



Holidays abroad for our children in a family atmosphere and on a mutual basis – this was first mooted at Amsterdam by Mrs. Jean Clark of the English firm of Myers & Co. It was greeted with enthusiasm by the delegates, and, since the League has been formed, your Committee has always regarded the scheme with affection. But members are not taking advantage of it; and there may be more than one reason for it.

We have therefore made plans to put the whole scheme on a properly organised basis. The first thing we have done is to devise a simple form to be filled by members desirous either of sending their children abroad for holidays or willing to receive children from other countries. It will, of course, be easier to arrange for a child to go abroad if its parents are also willing to accept a child for a holiday. Indeed, one of the most satisfactory methods of exchange is for the children exchanged to spend a double holiday together. Thus if a French girl comes to England for a holiday, a child from the English family with whom she stays might spend a holiday at her home in France after she returns.

Supplies of this form are already in the hands of the organiser, who has voluntarily undertaken to supervise the scheme: - Mr. Charles Ganz, 4 Boulevard St. Cloud, Garches, France, to whom all correspondence and requests for forms should be addressed. Mr. Ganz is prepared to correspond in English, French or German. No exchange will be considered before Mr. Ganz has satisfied himself, through the two Presidents of the relevant associations, of the bona fides and suitability of the households in which members’ children will be entertained. The form which applicants will be expected to complete asks only for details of the sex and age of the children, the country they desire to visit and the period chosen.

It is by no means to early to start. In fact, our President of Honour, M. W. S. Kundig, has already promised to arrange holidays for children during the Winter Sports period in Switzerland. But we also wish to get on with the arrangements for next summer.

We hope this sincere and attractive idea will not be allowed to go by default; and that those who have children of an age suitable for such holidays will take full advantage of the scheme. The broadening influence of travel cannot be acquired too early; and perfection of a foreign language is possible only in the country in which it is native – and it is astonishing what progress children make in a very short time.

Finally the scheme is very typical of that international brotherhood which is so fundamental to the ultimate success of our League.

We wish to emphasise very strongly that application under this scheme cannot be considered where any question of providing employment arises.