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Calling for submissions of the 2022 ILAB Breslauer Prize endowed with US$ 10,000 - "Landmark work!"

Submissions for the ILAB Breslauer Prize, the world’s leading prize to honour outstanding work in the field of bibliography and book history, are well underway. Fabrizio Govi, acting ILAB Prize Secretary, has received nearly 80 publications to date and more books are expected, according to recent communication with authors and publishers.
"Fabrizio Govi and the ILAB-Breslauer Prize jury are a team of scholarly 'book people' to be reckoned with! Together Fabrizio and the prize jury have promoted the prize to such an extent that we already have more entries than in the history of the prize to date - and every week new entries continue to arrive! Additionally the new prize website offers an ever growing resource for anyone interested in bibliography. The ILAB-Breslauer Prize was already a very important part of ILAB's activities, and thank to Fabrizio's work, it becomes ever more significant each year.", commented Sally Burdon, ILAB President.
Submissions can still be sent for the prize which will be awarded in Oxford in September 2022, for new bibliographical publications printed between 2018 and 2021 inclusive. The winner will receive US$10,000 and there will be second and third prizes of US$5,000 and US$3,000.
Publishers, academics, scholars and members of the rare book trade are asked to submit publications by 31 December 2021.
ILAB is incredibly honoured to announce that the prize ceremony will take place at the Bodleian Library's Weston Library as part of the ILAB Congress, linked to the ILAB Symposium on 14th September 2022.
Sneak Peek: As the London book fair, FIRSTS LONDON, takes place straight after the Breslauer ceremony and the ILAB congress in September next year, ILAB is currently in conversation with the fair organisers to arrange an exhibition or display of the submitted books during the fair to make the wider public and world of collectors and the trade more aware of these outstanding publications and the work of the bibliographers involved.
These books are a showcase of the very active world of bibliography and ILAB is committed to promoting these publications widely, no matter if they will win the prize; they all deserve recognition. Not few of the submitted publications are the result of a lifetime of research and academic work.
Please have a look at the submissions ILAB has received to date, a truly impressive selection of publications and real showcase of the field of international bibliography: SEE SUBMISSIONS 2022 HERE
If you wish to submit a publication, please send one or two copies of the publication to:
Fabrizio Govi – ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography Chair
at Libreria Govi, via Bononcini 24
I-41124 Modena
The ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography is sponsored by the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers with the generous support of the Breslauer Foundation.
Any aspect of bibliography (e.g. enumerative, textual, history of the book, design, binding, book trade, etc.) is admitted. Entries are not restricted to English language publications: all languages and places of publication are considered by an international jury.
For more information,
please visit:
or contact the ILAB Secretariat: