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Book Thefts: Beltrame Collection

Some precious books (Kepler, Descartes, Newton...) have been stolen from the private collection of Beltrame family of Vicenza (Italy). Roberto Cena (Libreria Antiquaria Il Cartiglio of Turin), advisor of Beltrame family of Vicenza, and Filippo Rotundo (Libreria Antiquaria Philobiblon of Milan -Rome), communicate as follows:

“Some media broke the news about the theft of precious antique volumes from Beltrame's family private collection. The list of volumes appeared on the newspapers does not correspond to any of the books stolen. Therefore, we communicate right now the list of volumes in reality stolen. Please send possible reports and any informations directly to me or the ALAI Secretary who will consequently alert us:”

Roberto Cena
Libreria Antiquaria Il Cartiglio
(Italy) 10123 Torino, Via Po 32/d


List of stolen books:

1) KEPLER, Johann (1571-1630)

Narratio de observatis a se quatuor Iovis satellitibus erronibus, quos Galilaeus Galilaeus mathematicus Florentinus iure inventionis Medicaea sidera nuncupavit. Cum adiuncta dissertatione de nuncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso.
Florentiae, Apud Cosmum Iunctam, 1611.
Bound with: KEPLER, Johann, Dissertatio cum nuncio sidereo…,Florentiae, 1610; WODDERBONIUS, Ioannes, Quatuor problematum… Confutatio…, Patavii, 1610.

In-4° Limp vellum binding with case
Provenance: Ex libris "Biblioteca Bardi Serzelli"

2) LAMBERT, Johann Heinrich (1728-1777)

Photometria sive de mensura et gradibus luminis colorum et umbrae. Augustae Vindelicorum, Sumptibus
Viduae Eberhardi Klett Typis Christophori Detleffsen, 1760.

In 8° Contemporary cartonnage
[16], 547, [13]; 8 tav. inc.

3) ENGEL, Johann (1463-1512)

Astrolabium planum in tabulis ascendens continens qualibet hora atque minuto. Equationes domorum celi. Horam nati in utero matris cum quodam tractatu nativitatum utili ac oranto. Nec non horas inequales per quolibet climate mundi.

[Colophon:]... Erhardi Ratdolt Augustensis... qua nuper Venecijs nunc Augusta Vindelicorum excellet nominatissimus vigesimo septimo Kalendas Novembris 1488.

In 4° Blue morocco binding signed "J. Faulkner"
c. [174, 1 b.], (4; a-e8; f-s4; t-y8; z12; A-C8; D11 [missing one of the two last white leaves] ); 40 ll.
This copy with colored drop caps and capital letters in the text rubricated.

Provenance: Unreadable stamp with the word "Vend".

4) ASELLI, Gaspare (1581-1625)

De lactibus sive lacteis venis, quarto vasorum mesaraicorum genere...

Mediolani, apud Io. Baptam [sic!] Bidellium, 1627.

In 4° Bound in nut-brown calf, covers framed by gilt border.
p. [14], 79, [9]; ritr dell'A. inc., 4 colored folded woodcut

5) VICO, Giambattista (1668-1744)

Principj di una scienza nuova intorno alla natura delle Nazioni per la quale si ritrovano i principj di un altro sistema del diritto naturale delle genti.

Napoli, Felice Mosca, 1725.

In 8° Full vellum with original bookmarks laces
p. 270, [12].


Discours de la methode pour bien conduire sa raison, & chercher la veritè dans les sciences. Plus la dioptrique. Les meteores et la geometrie.

Leida, Ian Mairie, 1637

In-4° Original bound in brown calf, covers framed by border
78, (2), 413, (34) woodcuts in the text

7) NEWTON Isaac (autograph letter)

One leaf document

Front A: printed document, containing added handwritten names and numerical sum, in english.

Front B: handwritten text signed by Isaac Newton and Hopton Hayn, in english.
december 24th, 1718.
