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Bibliographies - Rare Medical Books and Manuscripts

Looking for a cure against the flu? Try bloodletting instead of antibiotics. These are some bibliographies and recommendations from ILAB dealers that might help. The Wellcome Collection is the specialist collection for the history of medicine. It covers books, manuscripts, archives, films and pictures from the earliest times to the present day. While medicine provides the unifying theme, hardly a subject relating to the history of European science is not represented: alchemy and chemistry, astrology and astronomy, physics, botany, zoology, cookery and pharmacy, exploration and travel, geography and geology, horology, mathematics, magic, mesmerism, phrenology, patent medicine, quackery, psychoanalysis, psychology and sexology ...
Articles 369 image1 bloodletting

Looking for a cure against the flu? Try bloodletting instead of antibiotics. These are some bibliographies and recommendations from ILAB dealers that might help.

>>> ILAB Book Search

Wellcome Library

The Wellcome Collection is the specialist collection for the history of medicine. It covers books, manuscripts, archives, films and pictures from the earliest times to the present day. While medicine provides the unifying theme, hardly a subject relating to the history of European science is not represented: alchemy and chemistry, astrology and astronomy, physics, botany, zoology, cookery and pharmacy, exploration and travel, geography and geology, horology, mathematics, magic, mesmerism, phrenology, patent medicine, quackery, psychoanalysis, psychology and sexology. The website provides online access to the rich material, a guideline for research, a blog and articles about the famous collections of:

- manuscripts in 25 different languages dating from antiquity to the 20th century
- 60 000 pre- 1851 rare books including 600 incunabula and 5000 early printed books from the 16th century and representing all aspects of medical science and practice
- books, journals and other print materials dealing with the history of medicine
- an Asian collection with 12 000 manuscripts and 4000 printed books in 43 different languages
- paintings, prints, drawings, photographs, films, videos and sound recordings

>>> Wellcome Library

Medical Heritage Library (MHL)

The Medical Heritage Library is a digital curation collaborative among some of the world’s leading medical libraries. The collection resides at the Internet Archive.The MHL promotes free and open access to quality historical resources in medicine. Goal is to provide the means by which readers and scholars across a multitude of disciplines can examine the interrelated nature of medicine and society, both to inform contemporary medicine and strengthen understanding of the world in which we live.

>>> Medical Heritage Library

Choulant’s bibliography of anatomic illustration

Ludwig Choulant, History and bibliography of anatomic illustration in its relation to anatomic science and the graphic arts. Translated and edited with notes and a biography by Mortimer Frank. Chicago 1920.

>>> Choulant

Kleinert’s History of homoeopathy

Kleinert, Bibliotheca homoeopathica: Verzeichniss der im In- und Auslande erschienenen auf die Homöopathie Bezug habenden Schriften. Dritte bis zum Jahre 1861 fortgeführte Auflage. Leipzig 1862

>>> Bibliotheca homoeopathica

Engelmann’s history of surgery

Wilhelm Engelmann, Bibliotheca medico-chirurgica et anatomico-physiologica. Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der medizinischen, chirurgischen, geburtshülflichen, anatomischen und physiologischen Bücher, welche vom Jahre 1750 bis zu Ende des Jahres 1837 in Deutschland erschienen sind. Zuerst herausgegeben von T. C. F. Enslin. Von neuem gänzlich umgearbeitet von Wilhelm Engelmann ... 1838

>>> Bibliotheca medico-chirurgica

>>> Supplement