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Bibliographies - Philosophy

Online: The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP) - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) - Immanuel Kant - "Warda" online

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP)

Founded in 1995 as a non-profit database to provide open access to detailed, scholarly information on the key topics and philosophiers in all areas of philosophy.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP)

One of the best online dictionaries: A Wiki for philosophy from A to Z. The editorial board consists of scholar from all major universities in the world. The articles about philosophers, philosophical theories and the history of philosophy are of a high scientific standard.

Immanuel Kant - "Warda" online

Arthur Warda’s bibliography „Die Druckschriften Immanuel Kants (bis zum Jahre 1838)“ is available online, on the website of the University of Marburg.