Anthony Rota
Anthony Rota died on 13th December, 2009
We are very sorry to report the death of Anthony Rota, peacefully on Sunday 13th December. There will be a private family cremation. Details of a memorial service will be announced in the new year. Anthony Rota was President of the ABA from 1971 to 1972, a long-serving ILAB Committee Member, Treasurer and Vice-President, President of the ILAB from 1988 to 1991, and subsequently an ILAB President of Honour.
Anthony Rota was an antiquarian bookseller, “whose style and charm were valued by writers and collectors alike". He was “the grandee of London modern first edition bookselling. Other booksellers might have made more noise and attracted more newspaper headlines, but Rota got on quietly with the business."
James Fergusson honours the life of Anthony Rota in The Independent.
Obituary in The Times, December 22, 2009