2012 - Pictures

Yoko Ono, Chelsea Clinton, Steve Martin, Lucy Liu, Bill O'Reilly and other Very Important Persons were to be seen at the New York Antiquarian Book Fair which took place at The Park Avenue Armory from 12th to 14th April. With record sales and over 200 exhibitors from the US and abroad the 52th fair once again proved to be “Best Book fair in the World”.
In a ceremony during the ABAA's annual meeting on April 14, 2012, Sid Lapidus and Jay and Jean Kislak have been awarded the ABAA and ILAB Patron of Honor. The ABAA feels these individuals demonstrate how the printed word materially affects history, scholarship, and cultural intelligence and the importance of collections to institutions and the public. ILAB Vice President Tom Congalton congratulated and handed over the ILAB medals.
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