Yamada Shoten Ltd.
- Contact
Yasushi Yamada
Koichi Yamada - Address
Yamada bldg.,2nd Floor, 1-8 Kanda-Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, 101-0051
Japan - Opening Hours
- From Monday to Saturday: From 10:00 am to 18:30 pm
- Phone
- +81 3 3295 0252
- Fax
- +81 3 3295 0061
- info@yamada-shoten.com
- Website
- http://www.yamada-shoten.com
- Art
- Autographs
- Bibliophilia
- Illustrated books
- Modern first editions
- Photography
- Prints and drawings
Other Specialities
Japanese illustrated books - Japanese prints (Ukiyo-e, Hanga, Nishikie) - Limited editions - First editions - Art - Autographs - Photography