Sokol Books Ltd
- Contact
Christopher Sokol
Sara Trevisan - Address
239a Fulham Road
London, SW3 6HY
United Kingdom - Opening Hours
- Tuesday to Saturday: from 11 AM to 7 PM; Mondays by appointment.
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- +44 (0)20 7351 5119 (shop) / 7499 5571 (office)
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Antiquarian and rare booksellers based in central London. We have been established for forty years and are specialists in English STC books (printed before 1640), Continental printed books before and up to the mid 1600s and medieval and renaissance manuscripts, both decorative and textual. In all these fields we carry an extensive stock and aim to cover the widest possible range of subjects, languages and prices. We are known for the accuracy and depth of our descriptions and for the quality of our copies, usually in contemporary or fine bindings.
We are always happy to add new names to our extensive mailing list and produce one or two catalogues a year as well as frequently offering any items which might be of interest. We also regularly search for items to satisfy customers’ particular wants or assist more generally in building their collections. Many of our customers are leading institutions and collectors throughout the world, but many are more modest bibliophiles who share our particular passion. All are equally valued and most are long-standing. You, like them, can purchase from us in complete confidence that you can rely on our experience and expertise.
- Bindings
- Early printing
- Illustrated books
- Incunabula
- Linguistics
- Manuscripts
Other Specialities
English STC books (printed before 1640), Continental Printed Books before and up to the early 1600s, Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts both decorative and textual

Sokol Books Ltd’s Catalogues
Sales Information
1) Postage (at cost) and insurance (at 1% of catalogue price) are charged on all parcels unless otherwise specified 2) Where payment is not made in sterling please add $25 or 25 to the total to cover bank charges. 3) Any book may be returned within 14 days for any reason. 4) Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date. 5) All books remain our property until paid for in full. 6) We reserve the right to charge interest on outstanding invoices at our discretion.VAT Number: GB 390 0083 77