- Contact
Mats Petersson
- Address
Österlånggatan 53 (Norra Bankohuset)
Stockholm, SE-111 31
Sweden - Opening Hours
- From Wednesday to Friday: From 13:00 pm to 18:00 pm
- Phone
- +46 (0)8 411 91 36
- Fax
- +46 (0)8 20 93 08
- Website
- http://www.centralantikvariatet.se/
- https://www.facebook.com/Centralantikvariatet
- https://www.twitter.com/Centralant
- https://www.instagram.com/centralantikvariatet
- Archeology
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- Travel
- Antiquity
- Genealogy

Centralantikvariatet’s Catalogues
Sales Information
All prices are net in Swedish Crowns and without deductable VAT. Postage is extra. Orders will be shipped to foreign addresses by Postal Service air mail, unless otherwise instructed. New clients are requested to pay by pro forma invoice. Mastercard, Visa & American Express are welcome: Please quote card number, expiry date and name by mail or fax. Bankgiro 585-2389. Bank is Svenska Handelsbanken, account 6114-814 520 448, Swift: HANDSESS. IBAN: SE03 6000 0000 0008 1452 0448. The term of payment is 30 days. Returns acceptable for any reasons within 14 days of receipt.VAT Number: SE 556971632601