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Arkadia International Bookshop

Ian Bourgeot
Liisa Bourgeot
Nervanderinkatu 11
Helsinki, FI-00100
Opening Hours
12-19 (10-18)
+358 40 532 7296
+358 40 532 7296
When Arkadia International Bookshop first opened its doors in Helsinki and began trading in second hand books March 14th 2008, it would have been difficult to imagine the tremendous vitality that would sweep through the shop, and the journey we were beginning.

We have sold books in numerous languages and every possible field of interest, and hosted over seven hundred events that reflect the intriguing variety on the bookshelves.

Arkadia is a large second-hand bookshop and a venue for a wide range of events. We offer space for tranquility, writing and thought. We also have a chapel, a piano, a pool table, a boa and much else that is appealing.

We take great pride in being a cheerful, combative and absolutely independent bookshop.

Map of Arkadia International Bookshop
Arkadia International Bookshop

VAT Number: FI 100 841 56