Asociación Ibérica de Librerias Anticuarias (AILA)
- Adresse
Plaza de San Martín 3
Madrid 28013
Espagne - info@ailaasociacion.com
- Site web
- http://www.ailaasociacion.com
- Président / Présidente
- Ms Alicia Bardon
- Téléphone
- +34 91 5215514
- alicia@libreriabardon.com
- Addresse
- Libreria Bardon
Plaza de San Martín 3
Madrid, E-28013
The Asociación Ibéria de Librerias Anticuarias (AILA) was founded in Barcelona in 1990. Three years later the membership of the Association was celebrated during the Meeting in Los Angeles on 5 February 1993. Today the AILA has 56 booksellers, current President is Gonzalo Fernandez Pontes.
In 2008 the Spanish Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association organized the 38th ILAB Congress and the 22nd International Antiquarian Book Fair in Madrid. The ILAB affiliates enjoyed a fascinating cultural programme and a lively Antiquarian Book Fair at the Palacio de Congresos de Madrid. They admired the treasures of the Royal Palace, Prado and Escorial, the Thyssen Foundation, the Queen Sofia Centre and the Lazaro Galdiano Foundation that owns one of the most important art collections and libraries in Spain.
Annual meeting
Gonzalo Fernandez Pontes
Term of office
4 years
Committee Members
Gonzalo Fernandez Pontes, President
Albert Obrador Casals, Vice-President
Susana Bardón, Secretary
Albert Roque, Treasurer
Julien Comellas
Javier Boulandier
Ignacio Asín
More information
Madrid 2008 - 38th International Congress and 21th International Antiquarian Book Fair