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Vienna 1972

Articles 1972n 23cover



Stuttgart - February 2nd, 1972




Apologies for absence received from: Messrs. GLEN DAWSON, G.A. DENY, M. HERTZBERGER, D. MASSEY.

The meeting was opened at 6.05 p.m.

After the sympathy of the Committee was expressed to Mrs. Olschki-Witt, and some practical information given, the proceedings began:

1. Treasury

The cash in hand on December 31st, 1971, showed a deficit of $1467,44 compared with the cash in hand at the end of 1970; to this deficit must be added the refund of some secretarial expenses still to be made concerning this financial year.

The Committee would like to have the treasurer's suggestions as to how to avoid any further deficit, and, in particular recommended economising on expenses for the rental of premises for congresses. The expenses for the Congress in London were excessive, and lecture-rooms or assembly rooms of academic associations would be adequate.

The Treasurer was asked to pass on these recommendations to the Japanese Association in order to reduce the expenses of the Congress in Tokyo.

The German Association increased their subscription by 10 %. (Statement made by Dr. Kocher-Benzing.)

2. Proposals from Stanley Crowe (for full text, see agenda of the meeting)

a) Creation of the post of a 4th ordinary member of the Committee. The President was hesitant because of the further expenses which would result, but would like to see the post of a general secretary created (not to be confused with the administrative secretary). This proposal was adopted by 4 votes (one abstention) and will be put forward in Vienna.

b) That General Assemblies be reduced to two sessions at each congress. Comments: Criticisms have been made because we debated about nothing during General Assemblies (San Francisco), then because they were too long and too many (London). It is difficult to interest the delegates in discussions which have already been settled during the preliminary Presidents meetings. This wish will be taken into account and General Assemblies will be reducedas far as possible to one or two sessions at the most. It was suggested that lectures should be introduced to replace the usual points on the agenda.

However, examples in the past were not successful. (Conference by Mr. Cesare Olschki on Brunet at Scheveningen, when a large number of·delegates left the room.)

c) Minutes of meetings - Newsletters.

A report will be made in Vienna on:

- Statutory obligations to publish the minutes;

- advantages of the publication of minutes;

- disadvantages.

3. Proposals from Mr. Nebehay

a) Mr. Nebehay requested that the discussions during meetings be recorded in full on a tape recorder.

b) That an instantaneous report of the proceedings be drawn up by a member of the Committee.

Concerning the first point: experiences in the past have had disastrous results as they could not be used.

As for the second point: if a member of the committee took on this responsability, he could not possible take part in the discussions. (Mrs. Olschki-Witt.)

c) Additions to the Rules:

- The President would inform all the members of the Committee in due time of any event concerning the League which has taken place between two meetings.

Vote: 3 against, 1 in favour, 1 blank vote.

- The President to also send to the same people in due time a complete photocopy of all correspondence received or sent out.

Vote: 4 against, 1 in favour.

- A unanimous vote of the Committee would be required for any decision: failing this, a second vote by secret ballot would take the decision by a simple majority.

Vote: 4 against, 1 in favour.

4. Mr. Bagger's candidature, put forward by the Danish Association. And supported by the German and American Associations to fill the post of advising member which will become vacant in September 1972. The Committee supported this candidature, but would nevertheless appeal for other candidates. The Committee also backed Mr. Glen Dawson's candidature as Treasurer (second term of office).

5. Analysis of the criticisms of the Congress in London published by "Anzeiger" (official paper of the Verband der Antiquare Oesterreichs) and by the "De Antiquaar" (N.L.)

The President read a translation of the articles published in the "Anzeiger", challenged a false statement, and concluded that the best thing was not to discuss these articles in detail, but to take inspiration from any valid criticisms which they contain for the future, and above all, remember this sentence "It will be necessary to think over the Rules of the League, to simplify the programme of congresses and to turn towards subjects which are of real interest to the booktrade".

6. The Austrian President, Mr. Krieg invited us to hold the Presidents' meeting in Vienna on September 3rd, 1972, and following days.

All the associations would be informed as soon as possible.

7. New Directory

The preparation is proceeding actively. (Do not forget to add the international and town telephone code numbers and postal district numbers.)

A pocket edition requested: copies on Bible paper, soft binding.

8. a), d) Exhibition at the Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne 1973

The decision must be taken by the Swiss association, but, in any case, the League will not take part officially.

b) Newsletter No. 22

The second proof with page-setting was presented. Mr. Crowe was asked to correct the proof of the English text.

c) The Committee agreed to patronize the Fair which the Dutch Association intends to organise on the occasion of the 22nd International Congress of the League and the 40th Anniversary of the Vereiniging van Antiquaren (N.L.).

9. Bibliographical Prize

Mr. Stanley Crowe was appointed to replace Mr. Christian Nebehay as member of the Jury of the Bibliographical Prize.

The meeting was closed at 22 h. 44.


Vienna, September 3rd-5th 1972


1. Nomination of scrutineers.

2. Approval of the official report of the General Assembly held in London published in Letter No. 22.

3. The Committee's report on the League's activities since September 1971.

4. Treasurer's report.

5. Directory-new issue.

6. A. Committee meeting propositions:

1° Invitation to observers, members of organizations dealing in rare books in China, Russia, Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary, etc. at our meetings.

2° Nomination of a fourth member of the Committee.

3° Modification of the procedure for the election of Committee members.

4° Comments on propositions submitted by Mr. Stanley Crowe during the meeting of the Committee at Stuttgart:

a) limiting General Assemblies to two sessions;

b) restricted issue of reports on the sessions and adoption of News Bulletins, newspaper articles on bibliography, book lovers and the book sellers.

6. B. Association propositions!

1° The S.L.A.M. is greatly surprised that the I.L.A.B. has not organized or patronized an exhibition within the scope of the International Book Year: and asks if it is not possible to organize radio, television and publicity programs in each of the countries involved?

2° The publishing of a multi-language brochure devoted to rare books and their story and which could be distributed by all the booksellers members of the I.L.A.B. and more especially oriented towards the young and new amateurs.

3° The organization and subsidizing of an International Book Show.

4° Updating of the I.L.A.B. confidential information cards by coded cards.

7. Tokyo Congress.

8. Meeting of the Chairmen in 1974 - 1975 Congress - 1977 Congress.

9. Bibliography prize.

10. Exhibitions, Fairs, the Chairmen of Great Britain, the Unites States, Germany and

others will be asked to supply a report on the recent exhibitions.

Program of future exhibitions.

11. Confidential list.

12. Taxes on the sale of books and the V.A.T.

13. Congress of French auctionners at Luxembourg.

14. The relations between publishers of reprints and the antiquarian bookseller.

15. Election and re-election of two members of the Committee:

1° Replacement of Mr. Christian Nebehay at the end of his second term of office. Candidat Mr. Bagger (Denmark). Candidature seconded by the Committee and by a number of associations.

2° Treasurer: Mr. Glen Dawson at the end of his first term of office presents himself for re-election as treasurer. Candidature also seconded by the Committee and by a number of Associations.

Additional: Proposition of Austria:

Meeting of the Chairmen on Monday September 4, 1972 at 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon and at 3.30 p.m. at the Headquarters of the Austrian Association, Grunangergasse 4, Vienna and, if necessary on Tuesday the 5th.

Meeting of the Committee on Sunday September 3 at 3 p.m. at the same address.

Agenda: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting at Stuttgart. Discussion of items on the agenda for the meeting of the Chairmen.

Owing to the fact that the following proposals have been sent too late to be inserted in the Agenda prepared by the Committee, the Austrian Association would like to present and discuss the following points:

I. - Would the "League" be willing and able to do something about the book classification in the catalogue of goods established by the import-tax Commission at Brussels or if there ever has been any activity already on behalf of the "League" to get old books out of the "Antiquite" category (99.06) in this tariff? The Brussels List of definitions is now a cornerstone not only for the import taxes but also for the whole tax-laws of the various countries.

II. - Has the "League" any representative at the International Postal Conference, who is looking after the interests of the antiquarian booktrade? The Austrian post officials now do not accept printed catalogues published by antiquarian booksellers at the half-tax for printed matter (imprime a taxe reduite) pointing out that at the last international postal conference they have been withdrawn from the list of exceptions of the normal tariff.

Ill. - During the past years some new associations became Members to the "League". We therefore thought it desirable to enlarge also the Committee of the "League" by two more members.

IV. - Concerning the "Prix de Bibliographie" we propose that the "League" should address some of the well known and old established reprint publishers who partly are successfully printing old bibliographical works, which have no authors fees on them any more. Part of the money they would otherwise have had to pay to the author, they should pass to the "League" for the sole purpose to finance the "bibliographical prize" and modern bibliographical studies with it.

V. - We suggest a discussion about Paragraph VI/16 of the "League-Rules". We point out that in the rules of the Austrian Booksellers and Publishers Association (and in many similar associations and societies) the General Assembly elects only the members of the committee; the elected committee members are elect from their circle the president, vice-president, treasurer, etc.

Propositions from the Italian Association

1. The problem of the disorganization of the postal services in all countries, especially with regard to the catalogue service of booksellers and organisers of public sales, is very serious for our trade. The League should try to approach the Post Officeauthorities and the competent Ministeries in order to change the situation and request that a special postal category be set up for catalogues so that they be regarded as ordinary post (letters).

2. The Italian Committee has suggested that the business information be communicated to all members of the Association instead of being kept by the President at their disposal.


Sunday September 3rd 1972 at 3 p.m.



Apologies for absence received from: Messrs. G. DENY, M. HERTZBERGER.

Resigned: Mr. C. NEBEHAY.

Mr. W. Krieg, President of the Austrian Association, welcomed the members of the Committee and then the meeting was opened.

Apologies were offered on behalf of Messrs. Deny and Hertzberger, and a letter of resignation from Mr. Christian Nebehay was read, which although it had been sent to everyone, some people had not received.

Mr. Dawson specified that it was a resignation anticipated by only a few hours and that it did not matter whether it was accepted or not.

Mr. Tulkens proposed that a reprimand be sent to Mr. Nebehay on account of the agressive nature of his letter.

The President, the only person accused, asked the Committee if they would renew the vote of confidence they had given him in London. This vote was confirmed; the resignation of Christian Nebehay was therefore accepted. His letter will be acknowledged with thanks for his collaboration with the work of the I.L.A.B.

The minutes of the Committee meeting in Stuttgart were adopted unanimously.

The agenda of the Presidents' Meeting was then taken up and discussed point by point.

The report of the Committee drawn up by the President was read and altered taking into consideration remarks made by different people. The reference to criticisms which were sometimes incorrect published in the "Anzeiger' will be retained because this paper is also circulated to people who are not members of the booksellers' associations belonging to the League.

The Newsletter was discussed and the advisability of its publication; the costs are not reduced by a limited circulation. According to the rules, the minutes of all the meetings must be published and distributed. If they were sent only to the Presidents of associations, the costs would be reduced but not the work entailed in editing (nor the verbatim report). It is the only link between booksellers and the League, apart from the assemblies held in congress.

Treasury. Mr. Dawson gave a report of the situation and stated that we spend more than we receive. He suggested that subscriptions be increased and even doubled (unacceptable), or that a very tight budget be established.

It was pointed out that the costs of the Triennial Prize and the costs of a congress should be divided, the former spread over three years and the latter over two years and not carried over to one single year. Also, Committee members who are entitled to repayment of their travelling expenses, do not make use of this advantage and travel at their own expense (a debatable precedent). Finally, the Directory and its advertisements should bring in a substantial amount of money which will be estimated as soon as possible.

There was further discussion on establishing a system of subscriptions per head. This system has been discussed very often in the past and scares some associations.The President refused to consider it.

Mr. Dawson asked for a fixed, clear and final budget. Dr. Kocher-Benzing would help him in establishing this.

Directory. The President reported on the situation as at September 3rd, 1972.

Discussion on the propositions

1. Invitation to representatives of socialist countries:

This problem was not a new one and had already appeared on the agenda of a congress and had then been rejected. Opinions for and against were exchanged. The assembly will give its opinion.

2. Nomination of a fourth member of the Committee:

This proposition from the Austrian association arrived late and will be discussed.The President feared that a fourth member would increase the expenses of the League; it was confirmed that nobody had asked for their travelling expenses to be refunded in 1971 and 1972. However, he would agree if this new member of the Committee (or an existing one) could fill the post of general secretary (and not administrative), because it should not be the job of the President to draw up the annual report of the Committee and also various other tasks which should be carried out by somebody else than him.

If the general assembly decides to create an additional post on the Committee, the rules will have to be changed in Tokyo.

3. Modification of the procedure for the election of Committee members:

It was recalled that the rules specify that the Committee presents its candidates and that the associations are invited to present their candidates.

It was hoped that in the future, the presidency and the vice-presidency should be filled by people already members of the Committee.

The Committee studied the rest of the questions on the agenda of the Presidents' meeting. See minutes of this meeting hereafter.

The meeting was closed at 6.30 p.m.


September 4th and 5th, 1972


Monday, September 4th, 1972

Thanks to the Austrian Association for their hospitality.

Apologies from the Norwegian, Swedish and Brasilian associations and also from Messrs. Deny and Hertzberger, for not attending the meeting.

Resignation of Mr. Christian Nebehay from his office as member of the Committee.

After a moment of silence in memory of our colleagues who have passed away the meeting was opened.

Countries represented: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States.

Mr. Bagger was proxy for Norway and Sweden.

1. Scrutineers appointed: Messrs. Gronholt-Pedersen and Massey

2. The minutes of the General Assembly held in London, published in Newsletter No. 22, were approved without any discussion

3. Committee's report on the League's activities

"We last met in London on September 24th, 1971. The report of this Committee meeting was published in Newsletter No. 22 and approved in Stuttgart on February 2nd, 1972.

Since then, the first task was to prepare the publication of this Newsletter. Apart from the editing and translating of the texts, and then correcting them, which is of course a routine job, but a long one, an appeal was made for publicity to reduce the costs - our permanent preoccupation - of printing and publishing this Newsletter. The publicity is collected by the associations and I have a feeling that the maximum effort has not been made in this respect. Whatever the costs of its publication may be, we must first recall article 21 of the Rules which obliges the Committee to publish bilingual minutes of the discussions of the General Assembly. This Newsletter also publishes various information; but its infrequent publication does not enable it to contain day-to-day information; it is the only link between the League and the booksellers belonging to the various national associations belonging to it, and I am surprised that the French Association complains that they are not kept in touch with the doings of the League. Certain members of the SLAM have reproached me for this. I am at their disposal, but specify that they are mistaken when they consider that I represent France on the Committee. I would remind you once again - and I have already said this in London -that any member elected to the Committee, thus loses his own nationality and does not represent his association, which implies total neutrality.

We have thought that, as the number of associations affiliated to the League has increased since its creation, it would be a good idea to increase the number of Committee members. This item is on the Agenda and will be discussed later on, but does not alter the principle of neutrality.

Our main work has consisted in preparing the next edition of the Directory : estimates have been requested in France, Holland, Germany and in Switzerland. We will discuss this later.

Max Elte, who was responsible for publishing the last directory in 1968, has been consulted on many occasions and we thank him for his kind advice acquired by experience. We do not hope to do better than he, which would be rash and too difficult, but to try and do as well as he, which is not at all certain.

The secretariat functions as well as possible. But a secretary living 250 km from the administrative office cannot give all the help one would wish for, especially in case of emergency.

The minutes of the meeting in Stuttgart where we met in February will be published in the next Newsletter.. In particular the question of the treasury was discussed. An important point was made and forms the subject of a resolution ; recommendation to economise on the expenses of congresses and in particular on the hiring of rooms. The expenses in this respect in London were excessive. Justified by the luxury and the comfort of the room, they were not by a number of people attending, nor for the needs of the League. An unpretentious lecture-room of some old scholarly society is quite sufficient, provided that one or two-loud-speakers in good working order are available ; never mind the dust, we are used to it. These recommendations will be passed on to those associations responsible for organizing a congress, for - it is perhaps as well to remind you - that the cost of hiring room sis at the expense of the League.

The Committee is acquainted with the criticisms which have been expressed. Our Austrian friends, who have been so kind as to entertain us today, are particulary good at this.

Cutting down the general assemblies to two sessions because, either nothing worthwhile was discussed during the general assembly (San Francisco), or they lasted too long (London), or there were too many. It is difficult to interest the delegates in problems which have already been discussed during the preliminary presidents’ meetings. It would be worthwhile considering the suggestion to introduce conferences instead of the usual points of the agenda if past experience had not proved that most of the delegates in Scheveningen left the room during the conference of our regretted colleague, Cesare Olschki, on Brunet.

With regards to the Newsletters, I have already mentioned our obligation to publish the minutes of the meetings. The Newsletter is the simplest form in which to conform to this rule. To go below this form of presentation would be to use the meagre stencil. The international book trade which we represent should be able, in order to maintain its honour an dits dignity, to print a publication at least as good as the present ones, or else we are only petty second-hand booksellers such as the stalls on the embankment in Paris ; this is said without any offense to this honorable and picturesque corporation.

The members of the jury for the 1973 bibliographical prize held a meeting last March. A list of the works submitted (33) has been printed and sent to all the associations requesting them to publish it in their professional publications, in order to inform our colleagues of new bibliographical works which could be useful to them in their work. This list will be included in the next Newsletter of the League.

It is perhaps as well to recall also that the League patronized the very successful bookfair held in London last September; if the English Association must take the main credit for its success, the support of continental and American booksellers and even Asian booksellers certainly contributed.

We hereby thank the A.B.A. for opening its doors to booksellers from all over the world on this occasion, which does honour to the booktrade, as did the following fair which was just as successful.

The last fair in Stuttgart was held in February, at the same time as the Committee meeting in that town.

This proves that the prestige of the League exists and this was confirmed during a public sale in Stockholm. The organisers of this sale and the Swedish newspapers both used the motto AMOR LIBRORUM NOS UNIT, and welcomed foreign booksellers as members of one big family.

Our treasurer has been busy during the last twelve months. He will explain to you himself his worries: reduce the expenses or increase the subscriptions; and will certainly tell you of the help which Max Elte, our former vice-president, has given him in managing our funds.

Mr. Georges Deny, for his part, secretary of the bibliographical prize which we award every three years, continues his job conscientiously.

Before going on with the agenda, I would like to thank personally my colleagues on the Committee for the help and confidence which they have given me, even if I have not been able to satisfy everyone, this same confidence which they confirmed in London by an unanimous vote."

4. Treasurer 's Report

Mr. Glen Dawson explained his problems (see Committee meeting above) and said that the next financial year would be particularly difficult, to which Mr. Tulkens replied that the Directory would provide a substantial amount of money to increase the funds of the League.

Various solutions were envisaged as to how to collect the payment of advertisements and of the Directory. These will be discussed with the Swiss printer.

It was noticed, following a remark made by Mr. Wormser, that the interest on investments did not appear on the balance-sheet, and then the associations were asked to chose between three solutions for the 1973 subscriptions:

- maintain the present subscription,

- to increase it by 10 %,

- to double it.

The following associations agreed to an increase of 10 %: Austria, Denmark, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, U.S.A.

The other associations either maintained the same subscription as last year or were absent (Germany and the Netherlands had already increased their subscription last year). The absent associations will be asked to increase their subscriptions by 10 %.

5. Directory

The Presses Centrales de Lausanne were chosen because:

- their estimate was the lowest;

- no travelling expenses are incurred, for Mr. De Nobele has other jobs in hand with this same printer for which he has to go to Lausanne;

- language facility for corrections and correspondence.

The presidents were asked to reply to various practical questions and each president was then asked to give a rough estimate of how many copies they will require of this 1973 edition.

The result of this enquiry is as follows:

- approximatively 1440 ordinary copies,

- and 380 copies on thin paper.

6.A.1° Invitation to observers, members of organisations dealing in rare books in China, Russia, Czecho-slovakia, Hungary, etc ... at our meetings

Different opinions were voiced: therefore, an enquiry will be made with each association, in the form of a referendum.

The meeting was closed at 12.10 noon.

Monday, September 4th, 1972 at 3 p.m.

6.A.2° Nomination of a fourth member of the Committee

The Committee agreed to include the propositions of the Austrian Association on the agenda, although they arrived too late.

One of these propositions resembled that of the Committee except that Austria proposed to add two new members and the Committee only one.

The treasurer has pointed out that his budget does not provide for refunding Committee members for their travelling expenses; they have made no requests - and it would be right to thank them for this - however, there is still a democratic rule, and if some day a member of the Committee cannot afford to pay for his expenses, according to the rules, they will be refunded.

On the other hand, it stands to reason that as the League has more members than when it was created, it would be a good idea to have an extra Committee member, especially as that would bring the number of Committee members to 7 and this odd number would be useful in case of a difficult vote.

Mr. Krieg (Austria), although he believed that the addition of two new members would fit in better with the growth of the League, agreed to be satisfied with only one new member of the Committee.

The following motion was then put to the vote and adopted unanimously:

"The Committee will propose an amendment to the Rules at the next General Assembly in order to elect an additional member to the Committee. The post to be filled by this member will be considered at a later date."

The President confirmed his opinion, i.e. that he would like to create the post of general secretary (not to be confused with administrative secretary, which is the post occupied by Mrs. Lotthe at the present time).

6.A.3° Modification of the procedure for the election of Committee members

Mr. Crowe stated that the proposition appearing on the agenda did not conform with his idea. This proposition was linked with the preceding one to enlarge the Committee, which would make it possible to chose the President, Vice-President and the treasurer amongst its members; this was in order to establish a principle rather than a rule. (Comment: Mr. Dawson did not belong to the Committee before he was elected treasurer!)

Austria: One of the Austrian propositions (No. V) suggests that the chief officers be elected by the Committee and not by the General Assembly.

A change in the methods of election would call for an amendment in the Rules. The President asked if anyone had suffered previously from the method of electing the various members of the Committee and if anyone else would also like to change the present system of elections?

Mr. Krieg replied that this was the opinion of his association and that it complied with Mr. Crowe's opinion, i.e. that the chief officers of the Committee should be experienced in the work of the League.

The President - guessing who was the author of this shaft - replied that Dr. Kocher-Benzing had been put forward by his association and he considered that he was capable of fulfilling his function of Vice-President as he had already been treasurer, vice-president and president of the German Association.

A vote was requested: for an amendment of the system of in favour of keeping the present procedure.

In favour of a status-quo: 16 votes, 1 against.

6.A.4°a) Limiting General Assemblies to two sessions

Everyone agreed to this, but it can only be a wish as in the case of difficulties or if the agenda were too full, this rule could not be respected.

6.A.4°b) Restricted issue of reports on the sessions

The report of the Committee has already discussed this question. The objections come mainly from the treasurer. If the Presidents could collect more advertisements, this financial problem would be solved.

Mrs. Rostenberg (D.S.A.) declared that very few of the members of the A.B.A.A. were interested in the activities of the League, and Mr. Crowe suggested that the minutes only be sent to the Presidents, even if they have to be circulated amongst those people who ask to see them. Other suggestions were made for a summary (notwithstanding article 22 of the Rules).

Mr. Pregliasco (Italy) considered - like the President - that this is the only link which ties the booksellers to the League and that nothing should be changed.

The President considered that it should be possible to make a summary of the minutes in which, as Mr. Dawson pointed out, there are often repetitions, without losing the sense of the discussions. An attempt would be made in this respect.

Adoption of News bulletins, newspaper articles on bibliography, book lovers and the booksellers. This proposition cannot be carried out without an appointed team of journalists. The experiences of the "Bulletin of the S.L.A.M." and of the "Bulletin de Bibliophilie" prove the difficulties of such an undertaking. Mr. Crowe agreed.

6.B. Propositions from France

1. The League could not patronize and even less organise an exhibition without being invited to do so by an association. The League received no information whatsoever on the "International Book Year", except that it only concerned new books.

The League has not got the financial means to organise radio and television broadcasts; it is up to the associations to broadcast in their own country, but the cost of advertising broadcasts is not compatible with the budgets of our associations.

2. The publishing of a multi-language brochure: the idea is interesting, but bibliophilism already offers such a wide range of publications and the interest of the bibliophile varies so much according to his curiosity and his nationality, that it seems almost impossible to condense every form of book collecting into one single brochure.

Mr. Petitot was asked to draw up a plan for this point.

3. The League cannot either organise or subsidize an exhibition; it can only be invited to patronize such an exhibition, and France is not the country to put forward such a proposition, as two invitations to hold exhibitions in France have been cancelled.

4. In view of the small amount of confidential information received each year, the associations are asked to keep their index card system up-to-date themselves when they receive any new information.

6.C. Austrian Propositions

I.. Would the League be willing and able to do something about the book classification in the catalogue of goods established by the import tax commission at Brussels or if there ever has been any activity already on behalf of the League to get old books out of the "Antiquite" category (99.06) in this tariff? The Brussels list of definitions is now a cornerstone not only for the import taxes but also for the whole tax-laws of the various countries.

The President gave an account of the tax system invented and applied to books in France. This system which seems to be the best, (apart from those lucky countries who have no taxes at all) will be summarized and sent to the Austrian association for information (and to anyone else who requires it).

II. Has the League any representative at the International Postal conference who is looking after the interests of the Antiquarian booktrade?

Mr. Krieg was informed that Austria was the only country which accepted printed catalogues at half-rate for printed matter and that it did not seem possible to intervene on an international basis.

IV. Concerning the Bibliographical Prize, we propose that the League should address some of the well known and old established reprint publishers who are successfully printing old bibliographical works, which have no authors fees on them any more. Part of the money they would otherwise have had to pay to the author, they should pass to the League for the sole purpose of financing the bibliographical prize and modern bibliographical studies with it.

Mr. Krieg was asked to find himself the generous publisher capable of financing the Bibliographical Prize.

7. Congress in Tokyo

The delegates of the Japanese association seemed to take very much to heart the organisation of the first congress of the ILAB to be held in Asia and Mr. Matsumura read the provisional programme for this meeting.

Mr. Nitta asked what was the budget established by the League? (Reply: U.S.$I,OOO and perhaps more if the financial situation would allow it, but not $2,200 as was spent in London in 1971.)

How many visitors can they expect? Reply: the same number as in San Francisco, probably 80 booksellers and about fifty wives or children of booksellers.

Various travel agents have offered their services; Mr. Grandmaison (France) is dealing with this question and will put these agencies in competition with each other. The programme which he has received will be circulated to all presidents.

Bookfair in Tokyo.

Mr. Nita declared that there must be at least 15 exhibitors to enable them to organise a bookfair (3 days). Some of the delegates do not want to stay more than a certain number of days in Japan and are afraid that a week for the congress, plus the bookfair, plus a trip in Japan would oblige them to stay away from home for too long.

A few practical details:

- A package by sea takes 50 to 60 days to go from Europe to Japan; less via Transsiberian.

- There is no import or export tax on books in Japan.

Mr. Nitta suggested that prices be increased by about 20%to cover costs, and that even then these prices would be acceptable in Japan.

The success of the bookfair depends on the publicity which is made for it.

8. Presidents' Meeting

1974: Presidents' Meeting: Mr. Pregliasco suggested that it be held in Italy.

1975: Congress in Holland, with bookfair and celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Dutch association.

1977: Congress in Germany; Switzerland postponed their invitation until 1979. The inviting associations were thanked for their kind propositions.

9. Bibliographical Prize

33 candidates have entered. The decision of the jury will be taken next spring and the result will be declared in Tokyo, but the prize-winner will not be invited to come to Japan as it is too far away.

10. Report on recent exhibitions

Bookfair in London 1972; Mr. Hamlyn declared that, although this fair was not held under the auspices of the League, it was nevertheless an international fair that was held in Spring 1972; 89 exhibitors as compared to 87 in Autumn 1971; 56 English and 24 foreigners. Total sales £200,000 as compared to £230,000 in the previous year. Slight decrease in the total entrance fees £95 as compared to £125 previously.

New York Fair, Spring 1972: Mrs. Rostenberg did not quote any figures, but stated that although the result was satisfactory, it was not as good as the previous year, which only follows the general trend of the American market.

Fair in Stuttgart, February 1972. Mr. Koerner declared that this fair was very successful, and that the next one-always reserved for members of the German association-would be held from February 1st to 4th 1973 in new premises. An international fair would be held in 1977 at the same time as the LL.A.B. congress.

Fair in Copenhagen: the 3rd fair was held in October. The 4th bookfair will be held next year.

Calendar of exhibitions in 1973

STUTTGART February 1st to 4th

EDINBURG March 26th and 27th

NEW YORK April 4th to 7th

LONDON June 19th to 21st

TOKYO October 2nd to 4th


Calendar for 1974




Calendar for 1975

International Bookfair with a congress in Holland.

The meeting was closed at 18 hours.

Tuesday, September 5th, 1972

11. Confidential List

See reply to the proposition from France No. 6/B.4°.

12. Taxes on the sale of books and V.A.T.

See Austrian Proposition No. I above.

N.B. In Sweden the rate in force is 17,65% on imports as well as on sales.

13. Congress of French auctioneers in Luxembourg

A congress of French auctioneers (government officers in charge of managing public sales) was held in Luxembourg. Certain resolutions were passed at this assembly, which are the same as ours, but there is no point in our associating with them, since our aims are quite different. Amongst these resolutions: free distribution of works of art (and therefore old books), abolition of the follow-up law on copyright, precise limitation of the pre-emption law; etc.

14. Relations between publishers of reprints and the antiquarian bookseller

Established facts:

The antiquarian bookseller is about the only person capable of selling reprints of old, rare or out-of-print works because he knows whether they exist, what is the demand, etc.

Unfortunately, the publishers of reprints organise their sales by offering to libraries, public institutions, etc. 15 to 20% discounts, plus credit facilities and only give booksellers the same 20% discount.

Something even more scandalous has been noticed: the announcement by prospectus that the benefit of 30%to 50% discounts on catalogue prices was extended to booksellers.

Steps to be taken: to inform the publishers that no publicity whatsoever will be made for their publications as long as they refuse to conform with the usages of modern publishing; ask for a further discount for insertions in our catalogues.

15. Elections

As no-one asked for the vote to be taken by secret ballot, Mr. Bagger was elected to replace Mr. Christian Nebehay by a unanimous vote (i.e. 17 votes).

Mr. Glen Dawson was re-elected as treasurer in the same way. Thanks and congratulations were extended to both members of the Committee.

16. Sundry Matters

Italy: difficulties with the post office.

Unfortunately, there is nothing much to be done: catalogues are considered as publicity and cannot therefore be included in the category of printed matter; which would mean a lower tariff which the postal authorities would not accept.

(See Proposition 11 from Austria.)

Mr. De Graaf pointed out that Mr. Hertzberger would be 75 years old this year, on October 1st. Congratulations and long life to the Father of the League.

Mr. De Graaf requested that the agenda of the general assembly be distributed earlier so that it could be discussed with his colleagues on the Committee of the Dutch association.

The President replied that he had to wait until the last minute to receive propositions from the associations. The 60 days provided for by the rules are sufficient, although this delay generally falls during the holiday period.

Mr. Hamlyn informed the presidents of book thefts in London and asked them to guard against this. He asked that the A.B.A. be informed of all thefts of books with a detailed description of the volumes. Mr. Bagger (Denmark) made the same request.

In order to save time, the associations were requested to send this information directly to the other associations without passing through the secretariat of the League.

Before the meeting was closed, Mr. Matsumura reminded the presidents that we will have the pleasure of meeting again on September 23rd, 1973 at the Prince Hotel in Tokyo at 8.30 a.m.

The meeting was closed at 11.08 a.m.


Tuesday, September 5th, 1972 at 11.20 a.m.

The President thought that we should proceed with a distribution of the work to be done, but first the minutes must be analysed.

1. Fix an approximative date for the next committee meeting and where it will be held. Generally at the end of February

Mr. Dawson suggested that it should be held in the country of our new member of the Committee.

Mr. Bagger thought that this would be possible but must first discuss this with his Committee (later on this was accepted: February 13th/14th 1973 in Copenhagen).

2. Congress in Tokyo

Various comments and suggestions were made concerning the date, the length, etc.; of the Congress, the bookfair, the invitations to observers from Russia, Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore.

Conclusion: Some instructions must be given to Mr. Nitta regarding our wishes, we must remain in permanent contact with the Japanese association and ask the associations for their opinion on the advisability of inviting observers.

3. Treasury: Questions asked by Mr. Dawson.

a) Mr. Dawson insisted on establishing a fixed budget. Dr. Kocher-Benzing recalled that the expenses of a congress and those of the triennial prize must be spread over two and three years (a congress is held every two years and the prize every three years).

b) That the $750 for the triennial prize be paid by a generous donator: no, because the prize would no longer be awarded by the League.

c) He expressed surprise that the League, being a non profit-making association, should have to pay income tax in Switzerland, and asked for an enquiry to be made. (This will be done by Mrs. Reymond.)

d) He requested that a brief summary of our meetings in Vienna be sent in the form of a communique to various publications as soon as possible. (Dr. Kocher-Benzing established a "digest" the same evening, which was forwarded a few days later to the editors of these publications and to the presidents concerned.)

4. Thefts of books

Mr. Bagger pointed out that books are stolen more and more frequently in Denmark. Details of any titles stolen will be distributed to all presidents for circulation. The President suggested that this be done directly to the secretariats of associations. The secretariat of the League would also distribute any information received.

The meeting was closed at 12.23 noon.

N.B. According to the wish expressed at the Presidents' meeting, the above minutes have been abridged; for economical reasons only a summary of the discussions appears, a summary which is perhaps rather dry and lacking in the detailed and pertinent remarks which took place. This is an attempt; and if anyone would like an addition to these summarized minutes, we can complete them or precise details of the discussions with the help of notes taken down during the meetings.

The Committee.




Nouveau bureau - New Committee:

President: Louis MOORTHAMERs.

Vice-president: G. A. DENY.

Tresorier - Treasurer: R. WASTIAU.

Secretaire - Secretary: J . VAN DER HEYDE.

Apres 25 annees de presidence du syndicat beIge, M. Tulkens a pris sa retraite (présidentielle seulement). Quant à M, A. Leclercq, il se retire à la fois de la vie syndicale et des affaires. M. Tulkens a été nommé president d'honneur du S.B.L.A.M. et M. Leclercq, membre d'honneur.

Les membres de l'association belge ont offert a cette occasion un grand dîner a leur ancien president ainsi qu'a son adjoint.

After 25 years as President of the Belgian Association, Mr. Tulkens has decided to retire (only from the chairmanship). As for Mr. A. Leclercq, he is to retire both from the Association and from his activities in the booktrade. Mr. Tulkens has been nominated as President of Honour of the S.B.L.A.M. and Mr. Leclercq as Member of Honour.

The members of the Belgian Association gave an official dinner for their past President and his assistant on this occasion.

Italie - ITALY

Régime des taxes sur les exportations de livres:

Livres antérieurs a 1551

jusqu'a une valeur de 20.000 Lires taxe de 8 %

de 21.000 a 100.000 Lires taxe de 15%

de 101.000 a200.000 Lires taxe de 20 %

de 201.000 a500.000 Lires taxe de 25%

au-dessus de 500.000 Lires taxe de 30 %

Pas de taxe pour les exportations de livres posterieurs à 1550; seulement une autorisation de la Direction des Beaux-Arts dans certains cas.

Tax regulations for the export of books:

Books printed before 1551

up to a value of 20.000 Lires 8 %tax

from 21.000 to 100.000 Lires 15%tax

from 101.000 to 200.000 Lires 20%tax

from 201.000 to 500.000 Lires 25 %tax

above 500.000 Lires 30 %tax

There is no tax on the export of books printed after 1550; only a permit from the Management of the Fine Arts is required in certain cases.

Grande-Bretagne - GREAT BRITAIN

La section ecossaise de l'A.B.A. organise les 26 et 27 mars prochain à Edimbourg, au Roxburghe Hotel, une Foire du livre ancien. Une trentaine de libraires membres de l'association britannique y participeront.

The Scottish section of the A.B.A. is organizing an Antiquarian Bookfair in Edinburgh at the Roxburghe Hotel on March 26th and 27th, 1973. About 30 booksellers who are members of the British association will take part.



La Chambre syndicale des salles de ventes, experts d' art et marchands mobiliers de Belgique a pris l'initiative d'organiser une reunion les 24 et 25 fevrier 1973 à Bruxelles groupant les représentants des professions suivantes exerçant dans les pays membres du Marche commun europeen (C.E.E.):

- Antiquaires et négociants en objets d'art et de curiosité.

- Experts professionnels dans les mêmes specialités.

- Galeries d'art (ancien, moderne et contemporain).

- Commissaires-priseurs et directeurs de ventes publiques.

- Libraires (librairie ancienne et moderne).

- Artisans d'art.

Ordre du jour: Etude des problèmes communs a ces professions pour une application uniforme des règles et usages, notamment sur les points suivants:

1. Libre circulation des oeuvres d'art et objets de collection.

2. Uniformisation de la T.V.A.

3. Problème du droit de suite.

4. Les vols d'oeuvres d'art et le commerce clandestin qui en découle.

5. Les objets « Art nouveau » et « Art deco » considérés comme antiquités.

6. La production de l'artisanant d'art peut-elle être considerée comme ceuvre d'art


Nota: En ce qui concerne la librairie, les representants des associations de la L.LL.A. appartenant aux pays membres de la C.E.E. sont invités à participer à ces debats. Le president de la L.LL.A. sera egalement present a titre d’observateur et pour information.

The Chambre Syndicale des salles de ventes, experts d'art et marchands mobiliers de Belgique has taken the initiative of organising a meeting on February 24th and 25th, 1973, in Brussels, grouping representatives of the following professions who practise in countries who are members of the Common Market (E.E.C.):

- Antique dealers and traders of objets d'art and curiosities.

- Professional experts in the same specialities.

- Art Galleries (old, modern and contemporary).

- Auctioneers and organisers of public sales.

- Booksellers (antiquarian and modern).

- Art craftsmen.

Agenda: Examination of the problems shared by these professions in order to obtain the same application of regulations and usages, in particular on the following points:

1. Free circulation of works of art and collectors' pieces.

2. Standardization of the V.A.T.

3. Problem of «droit de suite ».

4. Thefts of works of art and the clandestine trade which follows.

5. "Art nouveau" and "Art deco" objects considered as antiques.

6. Can the products made by craftsmen be considered as original works of art?

N.B. With regard to the booktrade, representatives of the associations of the League belonging to the member countries of the E.E.C. are invited to attend these discussions. The President of the I.L.A.B. will also be present as an observer and to gather information.



Cette association dont font partie un certain nombre de nos collègues tiendra son prochain congrès biennal du 22 au 29 juillet 1973 en Pologne (Cracovie et Varsovie) sur invitation du professeur Witkiewicz. Cette date a été spécialement choisie pour permettre aux libraires d'assister à la fois à ce congres et au congrès de Tokyo.

Pour renseignements, s'adresser aM. GUIGNARD, secrétaire de l'association, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, 1 rue de Sully, 75004 PARIS.

This association which includes a certain number of our colleagues will hold its next two-yearly congress in Poland (Cracow and Warsaw) from July 22nd to 29th 1973 by invitation of the professor Witkiewicz. This date has been chosen specially in order to enable booksellers to attend both this congress and the congress in Tokyo.

For all information, please apply to M. GUIGNARD, Secretary of the Association, Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal, 1, rue de Sully, 75004 PARIS.



Cette manifestation devenue annuelle avait ouvert antérieurement ses portes au livre ancien et de bibliophilie. La vente sur place s'etant revélée quasi impossible en raison des tracasseries de l'Administration française des douanes, la participation de la Librairie ancienne est exclue sinon sous forme d'exposition avec importation temporaire sans vente.

Pour ces mêmes raisons, nous n'avons pas demandé aux organisateurs du 3e S.LL.A.R (Salon international du livre d'art et de bibliophilie) d'organiser une section de participer a ce salon comme cela fut à Lausanne, fevrier 1971 (3e S.LL.A.R, Paris, 1973).

This event which has become annual previously opened its doors to the old book and to bibliophilism. It was almost impossible to sell anything on the spot because of the difficulties with the French Customs Authorities, and so the participation of the antiquarian booktrade is excluded, except in the form of an exhibition with temporary importation without sales.

For these same reasons, we have not asked the organisers of the 3rd S.I.L.A.R (Salon International du Line dart et de Bibliophilie) to organise a section for the I.L.A.B. and to take part in this event as in Lausanne, February 1971 (3rd S.I.L.A.R, Paris 1973).


Voici le dernier projet de programme qui nous a été adressé; celui-ci peut subir quelques modifications de detail.

Samedi 22 sept.: Reunion de Comité - Réception des délégués

Dimanche 23 sept.: Reunion des présidents - Ouverture officielle

Assemblee génerale - Lunch pour les présidents et Comité

Le soir: «Tokyo by night»

Lundi 24 sept. : Reunions Comité et assemblée générale - Tour de ville

Exposé sur le commerce du livre ancien en URSS ou en Chine

Soir: Cocktail et dîner dans la tradition japonaise

Mardi 25 sept.: Programme spécial pour les dames

Visite de bibliothèques

Soir libre

Mercredi 26 sept.: Excursion à Nikko et environs

Lunch à l’Hôtel Kanaya

Jeudi 27 sept.: Journée libre (voir ci-apres)

Soir: Dîner d'adieu (On dansera; smoking suggéré)


Pour ceux qui prolongeront leur séjour au Japon, un tour de 3 jours dans le nord est prévu: les details précis de ce voyage ne sont pas encore fixés.

Pour tous renseignements sur l'organisation du congrès ou de la foire, veuillez vous adresser au president de votre association.

Pour l'organisation du voyage Europe-Japon en charter, veuillez vous adresser également à votre président ou à M. Antoine Grandmaison, president d'honneur du S.L.A.M., 8, rue de Castiglione a 75001-Paris qui a deja pris contact avec des agences de voyages et qui recherche le plus grand nombre possible de participants a son groupe, ce qui permettra d'obtenir des conditions avantageuses.

MM. Dawson de Los Angeles organisent égalernent un tour en charter avec départ de la Californie, via Honolulu. S'adresser à Glen Dawson, trésorier de la L.LL.A., 535 North Larchmont Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif.-90004.

Precisons que ce sont deux initiatives personnelles et que la Ligue ne présente aucun plan de voyage, laissant la liberté à chacun de s'organiser comme il le veut. Enfin, le Comité d'organisation japonais se tient à la disposition de tous pour toutes informations, Ecrire à :

LL.A.B. 22nd Congress, Tokyo 1973

Organizing Committee c/o Antiquarian Booksellers Association of Japan

29 San-ei-cho, Shinjuku-ku, TOKYO 160, Japon

(Tel. 03-359-5519)


Here is the latest draft programme which has been sent to us; it may be slightly altered at a later date.

Saturday, September 22nd: Presidents' Meeting - Official opening

General Assembly - Lunch for Presidents and members of the Committee

In the evening: "Tokyo by night"

Monday, September 24th : Committee meeting and General Assembly - Bus tour of the town - Conference on the antiquarian booktrade in Russia or in China

Evening: Cocktail and dinner in Japanese style

Tuesday, September 25th: Special programme for the ladies

Visit to libraries

Evening free

Wednesday, September 26th: Excursion to Nikko and surroundings

Lunch at the Kanaya Hotel

Thursday, September 27th: Free day (see below)

Evening: Farewell dinner (dancing; black tie suggested)


At the Hotel Grand Palace, Diamond Room. About 800 01 2 with approx. 45 booths (2,5 m x 2,5 m) and U.S.$350 each, including Joint Catalogue 60 pages 5000 copies. September 28 (4.00 p.m.) to September 30 (closed at 2.00 p.m.)


For those who want to prolong their stay in Japan, a three day tour is planned in the north: the final details of this trip have not yet been decided. For all information concerning the organisation of the congress or of the fair, please apply to the President of your association.

For the organisation of a charter trip Europe-Japan, please apply either to your President or to Mr. Antoine Grandmaison, President of Honour of the S.L.AM., 8, rue Castiglione, 75001 Paris who has already been in touch with several travel agencies and who is trying to find the largest number of participants in his group, in order to obtain the best possible conditions.

Messrs. G. & M. Dawson from Los Angeles are also organising a charter trip from California, via Honolulu. Apply to Mr. Glen Dawson, Treasurer of the I.L.A.B., 535 North Larchmont Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif.-90004.

Please note that both these charters are personal initiatives and that the League has not suggested any travel plans, leaving its members free to make their own plans.

Finally, the Japanese Organising Committee is at your disposal for all information. Write to:

I.L.AB. 22nd Congress Tokyo 1973,

Organising Committee, clo Antiquarian Booksellers of Japan.

29, San-ei-cho, Shinjuku-ku, TOKYO 160, Japan.

(Tel. 03-359-5519)



Nouveaux membres - New members:

Black Sun Books, P: Harvey Tucker, PO Box 459, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11202

Telephone (212) 858-1445

Modern First Editions, Rare Books

John Gach Bookshop. Inc. P: John Gach: 3322 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore,


Telephone: (301) 467-6024 and 467-4344

Marylandia, Menckeniana, Humanities and Sciences, Black Studies

Ottenberg Books P: Nora J. Ottenberg, 724 Pike Street, Seattle, Washington 98101

Telephone: (206) MC 2-5363

Anthropology, Africa below the Sudan, Humanities, Poetry

Fred White, Jr. Bookseller P: Fred White, Jr. PO Box 3698, 305 Laurel St. Bryan,

Texas, 77801

Telephone: (713) 846-4462

Texas, Range Cattle Industry, Western Fine Presses, Northern Mexico