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Stolen Books of Unknown Ownership

The Art and Antiques Squad at New Scotland Yard have asked the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association (ABA) to put out the following message and list.

In 2008 a number of books were stolen from a British library. This year a number of the books were recovered in Barcelona. The following list are books that were recovered along with the identified stolen books, but ownership is unknown and suspected stolen. Does anyone recognise them? Sorry, but author names have not been given.

1. Antiquitates italicae medii aevi, sive dissertationes … Numquan antea editis. Auctore Ludovico antonio muratorio. Editionem curantibus. Mediolani, MDCCXXXVIII (Obra en 6 Volumenes)

2. Deutsche Groke ein unvollendetes gedicht schillers 1801…Im Uufrage des Dorftandes der Goethe Gefellichaft…von Bernhard Suphan. Weimar 1902.

3. Goethe Gallerie. (Coleccion de laminas de Gothe)

4. Observations upon the handwriting of Philip Melanchthon … By S Leigh Sotheby…London MDCCCXXXIX

5. Concilia rotomagensis provinciae accedunt diecesanae synodi pontificum epistolae … Guillelmi Bessin … ROTOMAGI apud Franciscum Vaultier. MDCCXVII

6. Erlaeuterungen der umrisse von moritz retzsch zu shakespeare’s dramatischen werken, von C.A. Boettiger Zu Hamlet und Machbeth von Carl Borromaeus von Miltitz Zu Romeo und Julia, Und Konig Lear, Von Prof. Dr. Hermann Ulrici Zu Dem Sturm, othello…Leipzig Ernst Fleischer 1847

7. The Keramic Gallery … by William Chaffers … Volume I, London 1872

8. Geografia universale … Del P Buffier della compagnia di gesu …. nuova edizione …. In Venezia, MDCCLXVIII. Presso Francesco Pitteri.

9. Scala Natvrale overo fantasia dolcissima … Gio Camillo Maffei, da Solofra. 1563

10. 122 “Tarjetas” del S XVIII. (Alemanas?) Mejor ver.

11. Brieffe die reuefte litteratur betreffend …. Berlin und Gtettin, 1767, Ben Friedrich Ricolai. (5 volumenes)

12. La vie du chancelier Francois Bacon … A Amsterdam MDCCLV

13. Historie genealogiqve de la maison de harcovrt. Enrichie dvn grand nombre d’armories … Ivstifiee par plvsiervrs charte s… par Mwfsire Gilles Andre de la Roque … A Paris MDCLXII (Obra en 4 Volúmenes)

14. Nuveau traite de diplomatique…par deux religieux benedictins de la congregation de S Maur. A Paris, Guillaume Desprez, Pierre Guillaume Cavelier. MDCCL (Obra en 7 Volumenes)

15. Voyage of his magesty’s ship alceste, along the coast of corea to the island of lewchew; with an account of her subsequent shipwreck. By john M Leod, Surgeon, of the alceste. Second Edition. London, John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1818

16 .Historie de bretagne, avec chroniqves des maisons de vitre et de laval. Par pierre le bayd, chantre et chanoine…a paris chez Gervais Alliot, au palai, pres la Chappelle Dainel Michel MDCXXXVIII

17. Historie genealogiqve des maisons de gvines d’ardres de gand, et de covcy … par Andre dv Chesne Tovrangeav … A Paris chez Sebastien Cramoisy … MDCXXXI

18. Historie genealogiqve de la maison de montmorency et de laval … A Paris chez Sebastien Cramoisy … MDCXXIIII

19. Historie de Bretagne … Par Dom Gui Alexis Lobineau, prestre, religieux benedictin de la congregation de S Maur … A Paris Chez la Veuve Francois Muguet, Premier Imprimeur du Roy, du clerge de France … MDCCVII (Obra en 2 Volumenes)

Please contact:

The Antiquarian Booksellers' Association
Sackville House, 40 Piccadilly
London W1J 0DR

phone: +44 (0)20 7439 3118
