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Prize Jury

Articles jury at work collage

Prize Jury 2018 at Work

In October 2017, Prize Secretary Fabrizio Govi of Libreria Alberto Govi, invited the jury to his hometown Modena in Italy. The bookshop offered to be an appropriate venue for a jury meeting to assess the over 50 outstanding titles that had been submitted for the 2018 Prize.

The panel of judges (or jurors) consists of three professional scholars or librarians and three antiquarian booksellers. All are chosen for their expertise in the field of bibliographical scholarship as it is on their standing and judgment that the reputation of the Prize itself depends. The judges represent the widest possible range of nationalities so that the panel is qualified to adjudicate on books in various languages and on all aspects of the field.

Prize Secretary

Fabrizio Govi – Libreria Alberto Govi, Modena (Italy)

Jury Members

Bettina Wagner – State Library, Bamberg (Germany)

Daniel de Simone – Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC (United States)

Yann Sordet – Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris (France)

Winfried Kuhn - Antiquariat Winfried Kuhn (Germany)

Justin Croft – Justin Croft Antiquarian Books, Faversham (United Kingdom)