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Munich 1985


Meeting of the Committee of the ILAB

Munich, September 6, 1985

Present: The Complete Committee and Bob de Graaf, Honorary President.

1. The President states that he has received a letter from Mr. Ringström, the President of the Norwegian association, asking to be excused.

2. The Committee approves the Minutes of the meeting in London in September 1984.

3. Report of the President

John Lawson proposes to present his report at the Presidents’ Meeting

4. & 5. Report of the Treasurer

Hans Bagger presents his report covering the period from 1.2.1985 to 2.8.1985. The Treasurer expects a better financial balance for 1986. Indeed the delay in the publication and thus the selling of the Directory have caused a deficit in revenue for the Treasurer of the league. Moreover, the cost of the Bibliographical Prize delivered in 1985 has also contributed to the impoverishment of the cash account of the League.

The Committee approves of the balances presented by the Treasurer. Hans Bagger proposes asking the Presidents to agree to a rise of 5% in the subscriptions to be paid by the Associations. The Committee approves.

6. Directory of the ILAB

Hans Bagger apologizes for the delay in publishing the Directory. This delay is due to problems with the information system. The proofs have been sent out to all Associations. Hans Bagger expects the publication of the Directory at the beginning of 1986. He emphasizes the importance of its being completed.

7. Newsletter

After having been editor of the Newsletter for 6 years, Jörg Schäfer presents his last report to the Presidents. Anton Gerits will succeed him. Jörg Schäfer wishes him every success. He especially thanks Bob de Graaf and John Lawson for all the help they have given him. He expresses his hope, that the next Newsletter will contain the History of the French Association.

The President thanks Jörg Schäfer for all the work he has put into editing the Newsletter for the period of six years.

8. Bibliographical Prize

The eighth Bibliographical Prize has been awarded to Professor Gerhard Dünnhaupt for his book “Bibliographisches Handbuch der Barockliteratur (Stuttgart 1980-81). Each Association will soon receive nomination forms for the ninth Bibliographical Prize.

9. Security

Roger Bayntun-Williams will present his report concerning security on the occasion of the Presidents’ Meeting.

10. Propositions for Discussion

a) - The Committee wishes the bills between booksellers to be paid in the same currency in which the offers have been made.

- The Committee proposes (with the aid of a specialist in fiscal matters) to establish a sub-committee charged with taking up contact with the governments of those countries, which are members of the Common Market with the aim of adjusting and harmonising the rates of VAT.

b) The Committee decides to drop its proposition (revision of article IV, 16 of the Constitution of the ILAB). The Assembly of the President accepts. The composition of the Committee then remains same as in the past.

11. Elections

Composition of the new Committee to be proposed at the Presidents’ Meeting:

President Hans Bagger

Vice President Jörg Schäfer

Treasurer Anthony Rota

General Secretary Konrad Meuschel

Editor of the Newsletter Anton Gerits

Committee Members Elisabeth Woodburn

Jacques van der Heyde

Co-operative member Louis Loeb-Laroque

12. Congresses and future Presidents’ Meetings

1986: The congress will take place in Venice in September and will be followed by a book fair The Italian President, Dr. Vittorio Soave, will give the latest news in the course of the Presidents’ Meeting.

1987: Denmark would have liked to invite the Presidents but the AIB hold its Congress at Copenhagen in September that Year.

1988: France would like to invite the ILAB to hold its congress there. The President, Jeanne Laffitte, will talk about it in the course of the Presidents’ Meeting.

1989: Denmark invites the presidents.

13. Various Questions

Fernand De Nobele suggested completing the Dictionary by Menno Hertzberger with an appendix of abbreviations. The President offers to get in touch with our colleagues E. France, as well as Albi and Rosenthal, perfect polyglots, in order to request them to take up the task of a new edition.

Minutes of the Presidents’ Meeting

Munich, September 7, 1985

Present: The committee of the League, Presidents of Honour Bob de Graaf and Dr. Frieder Kocher-Benzing; the presidents or representatives of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA.

1. Designation of scrutineers

Mrs Wachmeister and Mr Zisska are nominated scrutineers

Apologies and authorizations

Brazil proxy held by Germany; Australia and New Zealand proxy held by John Lawson; Norway proxy held by Hans Bagger. The president is without information about Finland.

2. The Minutes of the Presidents' Meeting in London 1984 are approved.

3. President's Report

John Lawson expresses his delight at the congenial and friendly atmosphere which has reigned throughout the Congress in London and renews his thanks to the British Association. The recent Newsletter was very interesting. The president extends his thanks to the British Association for its collaboration. The history of the ABA should be followed up by that of the French association. The latter, having arrived too late, will be published along with the next Newsletter.

The president expresses his thanks to Jorg Shäfer for the excellent work he rendered as editor of the newsletter, a task he has been executing with great devotion for 6 years.

The president congratulates the Netherland's association, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary of existence, and expresses his best wishes for its future. Amsterdam was the cradle of the League and our Dutch friends have six times invited the ILAB to hold its meeting there.

The president also thanks Mrs Elisabeth Woodburn who has taken on the task of furnishing a calendar of all the different book fairs thanks to which it is hoped to avoid conflicting dates in the future.

At the moment of delivering the 8th Bibliographical Prize the president congratulates Dr Frieder Kocher-Benzing on the brilliance of his work.

For nine years, Hans Bagger has been occupied with the finances of the League. The president particularly wishes to express his thanks not only to the Treasurer but also to the very active Vice President.

Mrs Maria Conradt and François Chamonal are to leave the committee. The president thanks them for the devoted work they have intested in ILAB for 9 years and 6 years respectively.

Before leaving his office as president, John Lawson very much likes to thank the committee as a whole and especially Leona Rostenberg, Bill Salloch and Bob de Graaf. Their fruitful companionship has been a great help to him.

Before finishing, the President affirms the importance of the League in the years to come. Increasing problems in the field of customs, taxes, import and export restrictions, problems of VAT, higher and higher mailing costs, and increasing banking expenses will lead inevitably to a restriction in international cooperation of which latter, however, the ILAB will be both the motor and the privileged bond between all its members.

The president ends by expressing his thanks to the hosts, our German colleagues for the warmth of their hospitality.

4. & 5. Treasurer's Report

Hans Bagger presents his report covering the period from 1.2.1985 to 2.8.1985. The Treasurer expects a better financial balance for 1986. Indeed, the delay of the publication, and thus the selling of the directory, have caused a deficit for the Treasury of the League. Moreover, the cost of the Bibliographical Prize delivered in 1985 has also contributed to the impoverishment of the cash account of the League.

The presidents approve of the balances presented by the treasurer.

Hans Bagger proposes to the presidents that the subscriptions be raised by 5% in 1986. The proposition is accepted.

The presidents thank Hans Bagger for having taken such good care of the accounts of the ILAB.

Hans Bagger proposes leaving the Bibliographical Prize account in Danish Crowns. Considering the instability of the exchange markets, it is very much in the League's interest to spread its assets over different foreign currencies.

6. Directory of the ILAB

Hans Bagger apologizes for the delay in publishing the directory. This delay is due to problems with the information system. The proofs have been sent out to all associations. Hans Bagger expects the directory to be published in the beginning of 1986. He emphasizes the importance of its being completed.

7. Newsletter

After having been the editor of the Newsletter for 6 years, Jörg Schäfer presents his last report to the Presidents. Anton Gerits will succeed him. Jörg Schäfer wishes him every success. He especially thanks Bob de Graaf and John Lawson for all the help they have given him. He expresses his hope that the next Newsletter will contain the history of the French association.

The President thanks Jörg Schäfer for all the work he put into editing the Newsletter for 6 years.

8. Bibliographical Prize

The 8th Bibliographical Prize has been awarded to Professor Gerhard Dünnhaupt for his elaborate study: "Bibliographisches Handbuch deer Barockliteratur" (Stuttgart, 1980-81). Each association will receive nomination forms for the 9th Bibliographical Prize.

9. Security

Roger Baynton-Williams asks the presidents to send all possible information about stolen books as well as descriptions of thieves. He stresses the importance of national and international security chains. It is desirable for each association to appoint one person responsible for security matters. These then should contact R. Baynton-Williams immediately a theft has been reported to them.

The Italian president, Dr Vittorio Soave, is soon going to send a list of items stolen in Italy.

10. Propositions for Discussion

The committee has decided to drop its proposition (revision of article IV, 16 of the Constitution of the ILAB). The Assembly of Presidents accepts. The composition of the committee then remains as in the past.

The French president, Jeanne Laffitte, proposes to include into the various task of the committee a "Security Warden".

11. Elections

a) There are four vacancies among the members of the committee. The new committee proposed is:

President Hans Bagger

Vice President Jörg Schäfer

Treasurer Anthony Rota

General Secretary Konrad Meuschel

Editor of the Newsletter Anton Gerits

Committee Members Elisabeth Woodburn

Jacques Van der Heyde

Co-operative Member Louis Loeb-Laroque

The composition of the committee is ratified by the Assembly of the National Presidents.

b) John Lawson is delighted to confer the title of President of Honour on Bob de Graaf.

12. Congresses and Presidents' Meetings

1986: The congress will be held in Venice. The president of the Italian association is glad to announce that the preparation of the congress, and the book fair by which it will be followed, are proceeding well.

A program containing the events of the congress will be sent to each member of the League.

Elisabeth Woodburn wishes the Japanese proposition made at the Congress in London: "Organisation of a discussion concerning the preservation of books" to be put on the agenda of the Venice congress.

1987: Switzerland would like to invite the presidents. The invitation will be confirmed after the general meeting of the Swiss association which will be held soon.

1988: France invites the ILAB to hold its congress there.

1989: Denmark invites the presidents.

1990: Japan would like to invite the ILAB to hold its congress during the month of September 1990.

13. Various Questions

- The members of the Danish association are confronted with a very difficult fiscal problem in their country. VAT there is very high. The problems of VAT are concerning the European countries. Hans Bagger proposes to set up a sub-committee to deal with these matters and asks the European associations to propose delegates who will be willing to work on this problem.

- The American Association thinks it desirable to establish a permanent Central Secretariat, financed by the League. The same association proposes a revision of the brochure published by the League giving the various laws and regulations concerning importations and exportations.

- Jeanne Laffitte announces that the Secretariat of the French association is going to be equipped with information systems. The French President brings to the Meeting's attention that next June an exhibition will be held at Marseille, entitled: "Livre et ses métiers"; on this occasion there will also be a second exhibition, "The Mediterranean Book".

The President thanks the Assembly for its cooperation in all the task of the meeting and ends the session.

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at Pulitzer Hotel, Amsterdam,

on March 7th 1986, 2 p.m.

Present: Mr. Hans Bagger, President: Mr.Jörg Schäfcr, Vice-President; Mr. Anthony Rota, Treasurer; Mr. Konrad Meuschcl, General Secretary; Mr. Anton Gerits, Newsletter Editor; Mrs. Elisabeth Woodburn and Mr. Jacques van dcr Hcydc, Committee Members

Presidents of Honour: Mr. Bob de Graaf and Dr. Fricdcr Kochcr-Benzing.

Apologies for absence were received from Mr. Louis Locb-Laroque and Mr. Fl. T ulkens.

The Minutes of the meeting at Munich in September 1985 were not finished owing to Mr. van der Heyde's illness.

He presented the French version of the Minutes but due to the shortage of time a discussion was not possible. It was decided to approve the Minutes at the Congress in Venice.

2. President's intermediate Report

The President welcomes the new members of the Committee: Mr. Anton Gerits, Mr. Anthonv Rota and Mr. Konrad Meuschel.

He reports about the correspondence and about the proposition of A.B.A.A., to establish a permanent secretariat with the President. Mr. Weinstein had suggested that the members of the League should know more about the individual laws concerning the books and the prints in the members' countries.

Another suggestion was to up-date the 'Vademecum' (Compendium of Export & Import Regulations in the Countries united in the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers). Since the regulations change rather often, the President would prefer to publish them in the Newsletter rather than in a separate publication.

Mrs. Woodburn suggested that all mail from the League to the Presidents or to the Committee Members should be registered.

Furthermore the President reported on the Neidhardt-Sotheby-Case.

During the ensuing discussion the President was asked to send an inquiry to the Presidents of the National Associations about their opinion concerning the new edition of the 'Vadcmecum.

The forwarding of registered mail will be restricted only to very important letters because of the high costs .

As to the Neidhardt-Sotheby-Case it seems that Sotheby follows the opinion of the Committee.

3. Treasurer’s Report

Hans Bagger gives a statement of accounts. These were reviewed by the Committee and accepted with satisfaction. He then handed over to Anthony Rota.

It was suggested that those international fairs being formally sponsored by the League should pay a certain amount to the League for its efforts.

The Presidents of the National Associations will be asked for their opinion.

4. The International Directory

The printing of the Directory will be finished approximately on April 20, 1986; the edition will be 2000 copies. $ 25,-- will be the price for members and $ 35,-- the retail-price.

The Presidents of the National Associations will be asked to order the Directory quickly in order to recover the printing costs as soon as possible.

If each of the 1,500 members of the League will take one copy, the remaining 500 copies may be sold to libraries and private collectors.

Mrs. Woodburn suggests that members of the League may advertise the Directory in their catalogues as has been urged in the Newsletter for a long time.

Bob de Graaf suggests to send about 20 copies to those periodicals dealing with bibliophily and book sciences for a review. This was generally approved.

5. Report of the Editor of the Newsletter

Meanwhile the editor has received the history of the French Association. Anthony Rota has taken care of the English translation, which was done by Mr. Martin Hamlyn in spite of his illness. The Committee thanks Mr. Hamlyn very warmly for his work and wishes him all the best for his recovery.

The history of the French Association is rather extensive and its printing in French and English would require about 3 or 4 numbers of the Newsletter. So Anton Gerits proposes to publish only one version in the Newsletter and to add the other one as a supplement separately. There may be the possibility to publish the English version in another periodical, e.g. 'Antiquarian Bookman' and to ask for off-prints which may then be added to the Newsletter. Mr. Anton Gerits will ask the French President for her opinion how to solve this problem.

6. Bibliographical Prize

Dr. Frieder Kocher-Benzing has sent off the condition forms in January 1986 to the Presidents of the National Associations and is now waiting for proposals; the deadline is the end of this year.

7. Security

Since the last meeting, the situation has not changed. Bob de Graaf points out the importance of this subject and insists on its remaining on the agenda for further discussions.

8. Congress in Venice

Hans Bagger reports the letter of the Italian President Dr. Vittorio Soave dated January 23, 1986.The only remaining problem is the book fair because of the difficulties in the Italian laws and regulations and because of the limitations on importing and exporting money. Shortly the Italian Association will give exact details concerning all regulations for the Congress and the book fair.

9. Presidents’ Meetings and Congresses

1987: The Presidents' Meeting is expected to be held in Austria.

1988: The Congress and bookf air will be held in Paris.

1989: On the occasion of the 5oth anniversary, the Vereinigung der Buchantiquare und Kupferstichhandler in der Schweiz (the Swiss Association) will arrange a Presidents' Meeting.

1990: The League is invited to Japan to hold its Congress and book fair there.

1992: The German Association wishes to invite the League to hold its Congress and book fair in Germany.

10. VAT. Sub-Committee

The President refers to the matter of harmonizing the VAT in the different countries. Since the laws and the customs differ so much, the Committee does not think it useful to discuss this problem at the moment; the difficulties seem to be insuperable.

11. Book fair-Calenldar

Mrs. Woodburn reports on her activities and is thanked by Hans Bagger. He hopes that in future the crossing of dates will be better avoided than was the case when planning the book fair in Cologne and the Congress in Venice.

Before printing the calendar in the Newsletter Anton Gerits will check the dates with the individual Presidents to get the latest news.

12.International Dictionary

The International Dictionary is out of print and a reprint would be very desirable, but it needs to be revised first. In future the Dictionary will also contain the Japanese text and an appendix of abbreviations which are used when describing books and prints.

For this John Lawson, E. Franco as well as Felix and Bernard Rosenthal will be contacted for assistance.

13. Any other Business

On behalf of the Committee Anthony Rota thanks the President for presiding and Anton Gerits for his efforts when organizing this meeting.

The President ends the session at 4.30 p.m.