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Martin Luther - Landmark exhibitions in Germany and the US / Part 2 of 2: German Exhibitions

It has been 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, condemning the corrupt practice of indulgences. This single act marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, a worldwide movement whose legacy can still be felt today, especially in Germany.
Articles 1955 image1 stuttgart biblia

Luther logoThe Reformation had a profound effect not only on theology and the church but also on culture, science, business, politics, language and education.
In a previous article, we have highlighted exhibitions in the US. This article will show a number of exhibitions throughout the course of 2017 in Germany, related to Luther and early printing.

Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart - Stuttgart Library

The library of Stuttgart houses one of the largest bible collections in the world after its founder, Herzog Karl Eugen von Württemberg, purchased during his travels to Copenhagen in 1784 more than 5000 bibles and similar works. Through further acquistions in the following years, the collection grew significantly.
The most precious collection was bought from the Nurnberg priest and bibliographer, Georg Wolfgang Panzer and holds a Nurnberg Luther bible by Peypus (1524).
Highlights of the Stuttgart collection include a Gutenberg Bible. The Bible collection of the Württemberg State Library is highly regarded, both in Germany and abroad. The library provides information about printed Bible editions: text layout, translation features, text criticism, accompanying texts (so-called paratexts), such as commentaries, glosses and summaries, but particularly also illustrations, as well their historic and denominational background.

Guided Tours can be booked here.

Luther 1Bavarian State Library Munich

Buchmalerei zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit
14 Nov 2016 - 24 Feb 2017
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Badische Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe

Die Macht des Wortes – Reformation und Medienwandel
23 Nov 2016 - 25 Feb 2017
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Hamburg - Alstertaler Einkaufszentrum

Bibelausstellung zum Lutherjahr
Bibelschätze aus zwei Jahrtausenden
1 - 11 March 2017
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
BIBEL - THESEN - PROPAGANDA - Die Reformation erzählt in 95 Objekten
Die einzige Luther-Ausstellung mit allen drei Thesen-Drucken von 1517
3 Feb - 2 April 2017
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Grafisches Kabinett Augsburg

Ausstellung der Ensikat-Original-Illustrationen zum Kinderbuch: "Von Martin Luthers Thesen"
2 Jan - 2 April 2017
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Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar

Präsentation der Lutherbibel von 1534:
2015 wurde eine der größten Kostbarkeiten der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek von der UNESCO in das Verzeichnis "Memory of the World" aufgenommen: Die erste Gesamtübersetzung des Alten und Neuen Testaments von Martin Luther (Wittenberg 1534). Das Weimarer Exemplar zeichnet sich vor allem durch die prachtvolle Ausmalung der 128 Holzschnitte und Bildinitialen aus.

25 - 28 May 2017
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Heiliggeistkirche Heidelberg

Ein kleines Buch mit grosser Wirkung
29 April - 28 May 2017
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Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig

Luther und der Buchdruck
1 May - 30 September 2017
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Luther 2

Franckesche Stiftungen, Historische Bibliothek

Alte Bibeln in 100 Sprachen
13 April - 31 October 2017
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Bachhaus Eisenach

Bachs theologische Bibliothek
21 March - 31 October 2017
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Bücherei für Stadt und Kreis Uelzen

Buchaustellung zum Reformationsjubiläum
27 Sept - 4 Nov 2017
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Text: Angelika Elstner