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In the Press - Rare Book Crime Capers: Forgery, Theft, Murder and the Holy Grail of American Printing

Travis McDade, author of an article on The Professionalization of Library Theft, published on the ILAB website, and of a recently published book titled "Thieves of Book Row" tells another amazing story about book theft and forgery in The Million. Read the whole article:

By Travis McDade

“It has been a busy winter for talking about rare book crime, mostly thanks to one man: Massimo De Caro. The dismantling of his short-lived theft empire has been fodder for news outlets the world over, while the story of his excellent forgery of a Galileo book was just the subject of a long New Yorker piece. Separately, the United States was recently treated to its own rare book news-making event, though not of the illicit sort: the crown jewel of American printing, the Bay Psalm Book, earned some $14 million at a November auction. This all put me in the mind of an earlier tale that combined forgery, theft, and the earliest American imprint in one stranger-than-fiction saga.”

Travis McDade, author of an article on The Professionalization of Library Theft, published on the ILAB website, and of a recently published book titled “Thieves of Book Row” tells another amazing story about book theft and forgery in The Million. Read the whole article:

>>> Rare Book Crime Capers: Forgery, Theft, Murder and the Holy Grail of American Printing