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ILAB Presidents & Members of Honour

ILAB Presidents and Members of Honour

HertzbergerFather of the League

Menno Hertzberger

MuirLife President of Honour

Percy H. Muir

ILAB Members of Honour

Edgar Franco

NittaMitsuo Nitta

1973-1975: ILAB Committee
1977-1979: ILAB Committee
Chair of the ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography

FletcherKeith Fletcher

1996-2004: ILAB Committee
2002-2006: ILAB Vice-President

ILAB Treasurer of Honour

PoulsonPoul Jan Poulson

1991 - 2012 ILAB Committee Member and ILAB Treasurer

ILAB Presidents of Honour 1948 - to date

KundigWilliam S. Kundig

1948-1950 First ILAB President

PoursinAndré Poursin

1948-1950 ILAB Committee, Treasurer and Vice-President

PedersenEinar Grønholt-Pedersen

1948-1958 ILAB Committee
1957 Treasurer

TulkensF. L. Tulkens

1950-1954 Treasurer
1955-1957 Vice-President

SawyerJ. E. Stanley Sawyer

1953-1954 Vice-President
1955-1957 ILAB President

WormserRichard S. Wormser

1957-1958 ILAB Committee
1958-1960 ILAB President

Fernand de NobeleFernand de Nobele

1957-1960 ILAB Committee
1961-1963 Vice-President

Georges DenyGeorges A. Deny

1958-1960 Treasurer
1961-1965 ILAB President

First Secretary of the ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography

Dudley MasseyDudley Massey

1958-1960 ILAB Committee
1961-1963 Treasurer
1964-1965 Vice President
1966-1967 ILAB President

Kocher BenzingDr. Frieder Kocher-Benzing

1966-1970 ILAB Committee
1970-1972 Vice-President
1972-1975 ILAB President

1975-1990 Secretary of the ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography

GraafBob de Graaf

1972-1975 ILAB Committee
1975-1978 Vice-President
1978-1981 ILAB President

John LawsonJohn Lawson

1979-1985 ILAB President and Vice-President

BaggerHans Bagger

1978-1984 Treasurer
1982-1984 Vice-President
1985-1988 ILAB President

Anton GeritsAnton Gerits

1985-1991 General Secretary
1988-1991 Vice-President
1991-1996 ILAB President
1985-1996 Editor of the ILAB Newsletter

RotaAnthony Rota

1988-1991 ILAB President
Long-time Committee Member, Treasurer, and Vice-President

NicolasAlain Nicolas

1990-1992 ILAB Committee
1992-1996 Vice-President
1996-2000 ILAB President

CraddockKay Craddock

1996-2000 ILAB Committee
2000-2002 ILAB President

FleckRobert D. Fleck

2000-2002 Vice President
2002-2006 ILAB President

SteinbachMichael Steinbach

2006-2008 ILAB President

Adrian HarringtonAdrian Harrington

2006-2008 Vice President
2008-2010 ILAB President

GeritsArnoud Gerits

2008-2010 Vice President
2010-2012 ILAB President

CongaltonTom Congalton

2010 - 2012 Vice President
2012 - 2014 ILAB President

DonhoferNorbert Donhofer

2012- 2014 Vice President
2014 - 2016 President

PontesGonzalo F. Pontes

2014 - 2016 President
2016 - 2018 Vice President

Sally Burdon

2016 - 2018 Vice President
2018 - 2022 ILAB President

Mario Giupponi

2020 - 2022 Vice President
2022 - 2024 President