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ILAB Past Presidents

Presidents Sample Paris

MuirChairman Preliminary Conference 1947

Percy H. Muir

ILAB Past Presidents

1948 - 1950

William S. Kundig

(Vice-President: Percy H. Muir)

Muir1950 - 1951

Percy H. Muir

(Vice-President: André Poursin)

Blaizot1952 - 1954

Georges Blaizot

(Vice-President: J. E. Stanley Sawyer)

Sawyer1955 - 1957

J. E. Stanley Sawyer

(Vice-President: F. Tulkens)

Wormser1958 - 1960

Richard S. Wormser

(Vice-President: Dr. Ernst Hauswedell)

Georges A. Deny1961 - 1965

Georges A. Deny

(Vice-Presidents: Fernand de Nobele and Dudley Massey)

Massey1966 - 1967

Dudley Massey

(Vice-President: Max Elte)

Fernand de Nobele1968 - 1972

Fernand de Nobele

(Vice-Presidents: Max Elte and Dr. Frieder Kocher-Benzing)

Benzing1973 - 1975

Dr. Frieder Kocher-Benzing

(Vice-President: Stanley Crowe)

Stanley Crowe1976 - 1978

Stanley Crowe

(Vice-President: Bob de Graaf)

Graaf1979 - 1981

Bob de Graaf

(Vice-President: John Lawson)

John Lawson1982 - 1984

John Lawson

(Vice-President: Hans Bagger)

Bagger1985 - 1987

Hans Bagger

(Vice-President: Jörg Schäfer)

Rota1988 - 1990

Anthony Rota

(Vice-President: Anton Gerits)

Gerits1991 - 1995

Anton Gerits

(Vice-President: Godebert M. Reiss)

Nicolas1996 - 1999

Alain Nicolas

(Vice-Presidents: Walter Alicke and Georg Schreyer)

Craddock2000 - 2001

Kay Craddock

(Vice-President: Bob Fleck)

Fleck2002 - 2005

Bob Fleck

(Vice-Presidents: Keith Fletcher and Michael Steinbach)

Steinbach2006 - 2007

Michael Steinbach

(Vice-President: Adrian Harrington)

harrington2008 - 2009

Adrian Harrington

(Vice-President: Arnoud Gerits)

Arnoud Gerits2010 - 2012

Arnoud Gerits

(Vice-President: Tom Congalton)

congalton2012 - 2014

Tom Congalton

(Vice-President: Norbert Donhofer)

donhofer2014 - 2016

Norbert Donhofer

(Vice-President: Gonzalo Fernández Pontes)

Pontes2016 - 2018

Gonzalo F. Pontes

(Vice-President Sally Burdon)

2018 - 2022

Sally Burdon

(Vice-President Fabrizio Govi / Mario Giupponi)

2022 - 2024

Mario Giupponi
(Vice-President Angus O'Neill)