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ILAB News 4


We, as an organization and as individual booksellers, do all we can to combat theft of books. As the world's leading Antiquarian Booksellers we have always worked successfully with law enforcement organizations, librarians and other interested persons to reclaim stolen property and bring thieves to justice. With the new ILAB Stolen Book Database we have lifted our technology into the 21st century. Details ...

ILAB launches a new website for one of the most prestiguous prizes: The website of the ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography introduces the winners 2010 Lotte Hellinga, Jan Storm van Leeuwen and Friedrich C. Heller. It describes the history of the Prize since the early 1960s, and its future with a list of books which have already been submitted to the upcoming 16th Award in 2014. Details ...

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Collectors Corner

The Italian Printing and the Mind of Man

Fabrizio Govi's "I classici che hanno fatto l'Italia" is a magnificent book for bibliophiles and booksellers and for everyone who is curious to see the world through the eyes of a book and its history. Details ...

John Updike, Harper Lee, F. Scott Fitzgerald ...

Collecting tips on ...

The Wonders of the Shore in Color

Long before Darwin's Origin was published in 1859 there was in Victorian society a strong popular interest in natural history. Not only did the microscope reveal previously hidden wonders, exposing for the first time the sexual life of plants, but advances in printing technology made it possible to reproduce and disseminate such images - in color - among the new and rapidly growing middle and working class populations. By Ken Giese ...

Catalogues of the Month

Between the Covers (USA)

Dogalog: Books about Dogs

Librairie Benoît Forgeot (France)

Cinquante livres anciens et modernes

Sabine Keune (Germany)

Katalog 44 - Mit einer Galerie künstlerischer Bilderbücher, ausgesucht und vorgestellt von Friedrich C. Heller

L'Arengario (Italy)

Il gusto del moderno - The Taste of Modern

Patrik Andersson Antikvariat (Sweden)

The Poet as Photographer: The Collection of Lütfi Özkök

Nicolas Pounder (Australia)

New Series Catalogue Two

Classic Bindings (UK)

Catalogue | 2010 More catalogues ...

Meet the ILAB Booksellers

"Only one word is needed - integrity"

Who wins the FIFA World Cup 2010? We have talked with a South African dealer about the most important thing besides football: Paul Mills of Clarke's Africana and Rare Books (Cape Town). Details ...

Rare Books in Hungary

The antiquarian book trade in Hungary is emerging. The young generation opens up to the international market and shows that Budapest - like Vienna - is a European city full of cultural highlights. An interview with Zoltán Földvári (Budapest) and Norbert Donhofer (Vienna). Details ...

John Marrin - 18 Ford Village, Northumberland

"This is a report from what has been a little bit like Ice Station Zebra since 23rd December." Katriina Marrin about a "far-flung" bookseller. Details ...

A Bibliophile's Paradise

"Dreaming of a store devoted to books about books? Wake up to reality; Oak Knoll Books makes this fantasy come true" (Pradeep Sebastian in The Hindu). Details ...

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